Sasha Grey reads to an L.A. elementary class

What was the school thinking?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

I don't see the issue. Not like it was career day

Seems like NT has a serious problem with pronstars actually being people. And you know do normal things (ie have children, read books etc)
She wasn't performing in front of them.

No big deal.

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

whatever dude, being a pr0nstar is her job. I personally know Jenny Hendrix and she is cool and sweet as can be.

It's means to an end, similar to everything else.

Weren't you the guy making the vanishing thread about your potential opportunity to smash said prnstar?
^ Yes. She has not come to FL yet. She had adult con, modeling gigs, she got casted for a role in a flick (not of pr0n, how I do not know) and she had some t shirts come out.

She is doing her thing...but just on the other coast lol.
one day 
So what. When i was young i knew what porn was. What affect did it have on me? Nothing.

These kids wont even remember who she was or her name when they know how to google. They are not gonna think when they are in 6th grade to google a lady name that read to them when they were in K2.
the men of that school should have pushed to make that day a special Take Your Dad to School day as well
That's messed up. They INVITED her?!

I mean, I understand that she's still a human, but the only reason she was invited is because she's a well known porn star. You cant convince me otherwise. That shouldn't be mixed with elementary school children.
I actually laughed out loud when I saw the spoiler. Haven't done that on nt in a while
great thread op
i wouldnt mind, but that school is stupid for doing that. Like for real though, its not like this sasha could give some extraordinary insight to some 1st graders. They could have chosen some random woman instead of a porn star, these kids wouldnt have known either way. Only possible ending is a backlash by parents.
No way I am cool with it if I'm a parent. I entrust you to supervise & educate and you gon bring in a porn star (that's entirely what she's known for) to read to my baby? HELL IZ YOU THANKIN?

I don't even care about her profession. I want my child to be liberated on MY terms, not at the place where he/she is supposed to be shielded from all that crap. 
I've seen so many Sasha Grey videos that it blows my mind to see her doing normal things like reading to kids. This chick doesn't just do porn. The stuff she does is pretty hardcore.
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