Saw my grandma take her last and final breath (R.I.P. Grandma Mui 5/5/27 - 2/1/10)

RIP. Stay strong. Celebrate her Life.
I just lost my grandma Jan. 6th 2010 so I can really feel ya. Music helped me the most...
bringing up bad memories
damn...i'm goin to see my grandma tomorrow...she lives 2 min from my job here at school...

i don't stop by enough and i drive by EVERYDAY when i get off
Keep ur head up bro. Just know that she lived her life and served her purpose. If u wonderin how I know she did, look at this thread. She showed and gave u so much love that u made this thread in remembrance of her. As long as u have memories of her, she'll never truly be gone

My prayers and blessing to you and your family brother, stay strong, she will be forever in your heart and the hearts of many others.
She's in a better place now. God Bless
stay strong bruh, I just found out yesterday my grandmother has breast cancer
so I have an idea of how you feel
Srry to hear that man R.I.P. My grandma died the day after I left her after stayin alive for 3 months when docs said she had a few weeks.

Def a hard loss to swallow
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