Say these words online and get watched by the gov

lol...been saying this since HIPPA/SOP(i think thats the name)

if they have the power/control to watch you from saying certain words online they have the power to watch you anytime they feel.....
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

A pork dinner lead to a case of food poisoning. I had a nuclear attack of toxic gas that was explosive in my pants as I drove down the interstate. There was a burst that dropped a dirty bomb that led to a complete brown out. The Red Cross couldn't even provide relief.
Originally Posted by Tego Calderon El Abayarde

You can beat the surveillance by adding "ambs" to every one of those words

Thanks for the tip. But it don't matter for you, with your screen name whatever you post you are totally screwed.
This is nothin new, the government has been doing this for years. The only thing that has changed is instead of spying landline phones they spy on the Internet. Might as well treat them like Joe Pesci treated the FBI in Casino.
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