Scarface Appreciation

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

word this movie is not VASTLY overrated its just not as classic as people have been making it seem the past few years

its still really enjoyable to watch, it works on repeat viewings, and will always be alot of fun

Noone stated that the movie wasn't good... But people for decades having been labeling this film to be IT and while its great, its far from IT which makes it VASTLY overrated.
This movie has quotables for days.

I love it, I wouldn't call it overrated. More like over-saturated
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Uptown Roamer

I've never seen so many people call this movie overrated. To each his own...

Personally, I love this move

They just want to stand out, knowing that this is a verrrry popular movie.. all good tho.

Great movie
--I will agree the movie is overrated.
--But its still much appreciated. A very epic movie for the time period it came out in.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Vastly overrated.

There was a period in the early 00s where this movie was beyond vastly overrated. Anyone and everyone who was affiliated with or a fan of hip-hop was talking about it and every celebrity on MTV Cribs was showing off their Scarface DVD and how they watched it on their home cinema, or a Scarface movie poster was visible somewhere.

But over the last 5 or so years the hype around this movie toned down, so I don't feel like it's vastly overrated. It's a great movie.. Just not as great as the hype it had 7-8 years ago.
its an appreciation post;

%$!% if you think its "vastly overrated"

def. appreciated in my book.
Scarface is a good movie .
its just tooooooo many  D- Ridaz  who claim 
"that's my favorite movie" or "yo Tony was dat Ninja".

and not to mention the countless number of rappers and parodies that have refrenced this movie.

Goodfellas,Bronx Tale and Casino >Scarface .IMO *Shrug*

Scarface is great but there are much better mob movies out. Carlito's Way, King of New York, and New Jack City (if you wanna call them mob movies) are much better.

Get Some! The motel scene is the truth though.
It's overrated by people who claim it to be the best film or greatest gangster movie of all-time.  It's actually a good movie despite all of that, it's just not a top tier gangster movie for me, and most of the people who claim it to be so terrific haven't really soon too many other good films.

It's basically the movie to quote and have on deck if you're interested at all in appearing to be hard.

So many fake dudes swear by this movie.
King Beef:
I even overrated this movie. It isn't that great. Mediocre at best.

i canunderstand overrated.


Yes.As in, it's an average movie at best. Meaning it has terrible qualities,average qualities, and a few bright spots. The acting and screenplayare both terrible, in my opinion.
I can honestly say I've never wanted to be a filthy rich drug lord sexing up a crackhead.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

word this movie is not VASTLY overrated its just not as classic as people have been making it seem the past few years

its still really enjoyable to watch, it works on repeat viewings, and will always be alot of fun

Noone stated that the movie wasn't good... But people for decades having been labeling this film to be IT and while its great, its far from IT which makes it VASTLY overrated.
as a movie it's aight.............

but a MOTIVATION... puh-lease... you can't say that movie don't give you street dreams
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