School me on sports betting.

Originally Posted by TENnAHALF

westcoastgotti...thanks for the faith.

i hate watching games that i bet on. i normally just make my bets and check at night before i sleep.

anybody bet baseball?

i crunched some numbers. i was thinking about betting on one team every single game of the season. and as long as they finish with 90+ wins i have a winning season.
i did this by averaging ML values (which came out to be about -150, since the team is most likely to be a powerhouse)

any input?

Seems like it wouldn't be worth it however. Underdogs and value are HUGE in baseball. I'm so heated the D-backs just lost me a bet by blowing a 2run lead in the 9th

Covered on Atlanta -2 and Cleveland -3 though. Broke a little above even today overall
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Covered on Atlanta -2 and Cleveland -3 though. Broke a little above even today overall
Don't speak so soon; the Sox have the bases loaded here.

I'm talking about basketball homeboy chill, chill.
Hawks and Cavs.
^ that's basketball...

All baseball lines are -1.5 or +1.5

So Moneyline is the most common way to bet baseball, and is one of, probably the toughest to bet on
Originally Posted by allen3xis

^ that's basketball...

All baseball lines are -1.5 or +1.5

So Moneyline is the most common way to bet baseball, and is one of, probably the toughest to bet on

I've seen guys just rape in baseball though... they do a great job with some sort of systems in figuring out the best values every night and end up+100 units or more for the season... ridiculous if you're betting anything at all on the games... Takes such patience though, man i wish i had the abilityto lay off stuff.

I really need to gamble soon... poker, dice, whatever.. i've got the itch.
^ yeah, the patience part is a big if with baseball tho, lol...but there are those who do extremely well

And I hear ya, it's been since CFB I haven't bet, and I'm dyin to
For me personally I never bet on baseball just because I do not know enough about it.

For basketball and football just like a few others have said it's about odds that don't seem right and spreads that stand out to you.

But most importantly go with your instinct.
scratch that #%*$ Craftsy!

I only have one play a day normally... last night I hope some of you jumped on my Portland +14... they covered by a point

Dallas was your typical sucker bet... Who in their right mind wouldnt take Warriors +5... well sportsinsights had 70 percent on the Warriors. That should tellyou to either bet the Mavs, or if your not comfortable with that then dont bet it at all.

GSW +5 looked too good to be true, and in betting when it looks like that, it usually is. Ill update more later when I come with tonights pick
Originally Posted by WstCoastGotti

scratch that #%*$ Craftsy!

I only have one play a day normally... last night I hope some of you jumped on my Portland +14... they covered by a point

Dallas was your typical sucker bet... Who in their right mind wouldnt take Warriors +5... well sportsinsights had 70 percent on the Warriors. That should tell you to either bet the Mavs, or if your not comfortable with that then dont bet it at all.

GSW +5 looked too good to be true, and in betting when it looks like that, it usually is. Ill update more later when I come with tonights pick

One play a day? I definitely don't have the patience and/or the discipline for that
I usually am able to hit 60-65% so I am pretty consistent. But the publicfade play is always a good one. If you see 90% of the public on a team sometimes I'll just go the opposite no matter the game...btw where do u get yourpercentages? My boy had sports insights for a minute $%%$ was crazy with the info just create an account its free and then go to live updates and betting stats. it had how many people bet, where the line started at andwhere it is currently... it has the lines of Vegas, like Caesars Palace and other books. It also shows how many people bet on what, it definitely has helpedmy game.
Originally Posted by WstCoastGotti just create an account its free and then go to live updates and betting stats. it had how many people bet, where the line started at and where it is currently... it has the lines of Vegas, like Caesars Palace and other books. It also shows how many people bet on what, it definitely has helped my game.

Yeah thats what I was sayin my boy signed up for the free trial and it was ridiculous. I'm not trying to pay 150 bucks a month for that kind of infountil im putting thousands on games.
Originally Posted by dfresh244

Originally Posted by WstCoastGotti just create an account its free and then go to live updates and betting stats. it had how many people bet, where the line started at and where it is currently... it has the lines of Vegas, like Caesars Palace and other books. It also shows how many people bet on what, it definitely has helped my game.

Yeah thats what I was sayin my boy signed up for the free trial and it was ridiculous. I'm not trying to pay 150 bucks a month for that kind of info until im putting thousands on games. gives you a good idea of where the public stands - not as official as sportsinsight, but a good reference nonetheless.
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