**Seattle Mariners 2024 Season Thread ** | ELIMINATED |

The umps strike zone is whack and base umpires can't see for nothing.

Good win.
Three straight games with the same score

Didnt expect that from Millwood, kudos.

Smoak picked it up this series, keep it rollin bro
Ugly loss

At least Smoak is hitting, and Ack is picking it up too with a 10-game hitting streak
Watching these good offensive teams makes me so sad. It has been too long since we had a long ball threat and Richie Sexson does not count!

On the PI and Times forums, I'm reading a lot of good points about how Jack Z fails to develop bats and it's all pitching. Now, watch us trade Vargas and get little in return like we did Fister. I'm tired of the ownership though. It's extremely apparent they don't want anything to do with competing and spending money. The "process" won't work if this team has to keep resetting on the bats in the farm system.
PI forum, man I never thought I'd see a message board operate worse than Yuku

Maybe these kids (or the whole team for that matter) just need better coaching?

I'd hope they wouldnt get rid of Vargas, not this year...I'd wait until one of these kids come up and can show they can fill the spot before we shipped him off. I hope there's some serious buyers for League by deadline, another potential bat can't hurt at this point and won't set us any further back than we currently are anyways imo
The Ack-Saunders @ the top of the lineup worked out pretty well.

Too bad everything else went to !!%%
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

PI forum, man I never thought I'd see a message board operate worse than Yuku
You're telling me. Once they made that big change, everything went to &*$%
Originally Posted by dakid23

Got my tickets for the Dodgers game 

That'll be a good one.

I'm thinking about getting tickets in rightfield for a game when the Rangers come to town. I wanna throw a Josh Hamilton homer back onto the field!!!
By the time we get home from this trip we will be eliminated from the playoffs. Hope Brandon had fun and took a lot of pictures at last years all star game cuz he won't be back any time soon. If Ichiro is still hitting 3rd after this trip I'm not watching another game.
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