Second Semester Senior Year... How was yours?

Originally Posted by CWK

I took summer school two years in a row so I could relax before college.  My senior schedule was:

Attendance Office Aid - and my Mom was the Attendance Lady!

im still stacked with APs. trying to get those college credits out of the way. well, now im on winter break so one week of f***** around and goin out with the homies
Right now I have Culinary Arts II (2 pd. Class), PE, GEO

I'm dropping geometry Monday and picking up principle
s of business.

Because if I don't pass geometry I don't graduate so #+@% that. I do
n't need geo for my career path anyways.
you're in geo for senior year? jeesh dog.. you should be somewhere near pre-calc by now.
I thought you needed Pre Cal to graduate HS in california....or is that just to get into a UC?

Anywho, I took a completely different route my second semester of senior year.

I worked on a camp for the American Red Cross that helps high school youth with their leadership skills.

Took up my second semester and my summer, and it was well worth it. I also took some classes at a community college to get my GE's out of the way.

Other than that though, just went to the gym and hung out with friends, typical stuff. I must say though, my AP scores took a hit, but that's only cause I didn't really care. Already knew where I was going for school..haha.
it was one of the best times of my life. All i did was party and go to school baked.

now that im in a CC i feel the pressure to transfer to a 4 year so i had to get my priorites straight
senior in highschool, schedule goes as such:

Teachers assistant
English 4 honors
Tech ed (or NT)
pre-Calculus honors

i dont have much of a life outside of school, so besides and easy school day Senior year is meh
schedule was cake. I showed up to my AP classes whenever and still got A's. Passed 1 out of 2 AP test for college credit. I had Duel Enrollment with a young college professor so it was easy (college and high school credit), I also got home like a hour and 30 minutes early. I worked in the office (slept and walked the halls) since junior year. My trig teacher left in the middle of the semester too so we all got A's. I pretty much watched movies and chilled senior year, while still getting college work done. Definitely good times
Im only a freshman and i acted like I was a senior my first semester and messed up big time...........well not really just for my family standerd but oh well Ill finsh the year with a 2.7 or somthin but I love high school
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