Security Camera Footage of an Alien Abduction?

replaying it slow motion, it does look like a light is shining above him
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Why would aliens want to abduct humans?
I mean supposedly they can travel across galaxies but are fascinated by us idiots?

Wouldn't a few abductions quench their thirst? I don't see humans abducting sardines to examine them anymore.

we're just experiments man
Can be but if they can have thee ability to travel all the way to our planet wouldn't they have the ability to create human-like specimens?

Maybe they're idiot savants?
I heard some theories why...

I check out the alien stuff as well as the government stuff.

From generation to generation the human form evolves and aliens in an advanced form always abduct humans to keep tabs on our evolution and also to doexperiments. (apply commas and periods wherever needed)
They aren't real.
there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Anyone have a legitimate ufo or alien sighting?

Is heaven make belive or is hell real?
I'm ready.

Wouldn't mind shooting the fair one with an alien.

No advanced tech tho, just straight hands/tentacles.
They aren't real.

actually no bs

they are real.............i met a guy last summer who had top gov't clearance with the US 20 years in. Guy was in his 50s.

he couldn't go into exact detail but they are intact real, he wasn't a bs kinda guy at all, some of the current technology we have are because of ET he said and there are things many of us Americans/world do not know for certain reasons......

i know it might sound wild to you but i **** you not


this was me the whole time.........i wanted to know more and he got kinda pissed off it was like a small group convo 4-5 of us him included in that number
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I worked with a guy that worked with nasa. I asked him about area 51 and he supposedly had a friend that worked there. grew up together and when both retired, the guy I knew asked him about work and he replied with "if you knew what there was, you'd have nightmares forever."

I be leaf.
I worked with a guy that worked with nasa. I asked him about area 51 and he supposedly had a friend that worked there. grew up together and when both retired, the guy I knew asked him about work and he replied with "if you knew what there was, you'd have nightmares forever."
I be leaf.

exactly bro no bs......he talked a little about area 51 also the guy i know but he would not go into detail no matter what, this convo is like a year old now, i wanna say that there was something beyond area 51 or some **** that we the people don't even know about......its crazy man

i guess he is bound by law...........**** was legit kinda eery

Sergeant rank but i don't recall what level, this guy was def intelligent also

"If you guys knew what I know, there would be chaos in the world."

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the guy I know is some math genius and nasa had him try to figure out all these numbers out and they sent him to a location he couldn't tell me to figure it out. 
I knew a guy who was a janitor at oakland tech.

His grandpa's best friends cousin washed windows at nasa.

He overheard so many classified conversations about aliens and why they had to cover it up.

Thats damn near proof in my eyes.
Anyone been abducted?
  I may have but don't remember. The little bit I do recall was being awaken in the middle of the night and not being able to move a muscle. I could open and move my eyes but that was about it. I could see the ceiling and the open window as I began to levitate off my bed, the window was open with no screen either (it was a hot summer and no a.c.). I remember my body suspended in mid air and being moved 1 to 2 feet to the left and slowly exiting the window feet first. I tried to scream but no sound came out nor could I move my mouth, just total disbelief/shock that this was not a dream and happening to me. I remember trying to scream "oh my God! Nooo! Help me!". I could totally see the top half of the television on my left as I slid out slowly. Anyways, I lose total memory after my body was 3/4 of the way outside the window. It was terrifying 

  To this day I still refuse to leave a window without a sceen.
  I may have but don't remember. The little bit I do recall was being awaken in the middle of the night and not being able to move a muscle. I could open and move my eyes but that was about it. I could see the ceiling and the open window as I began to levitate off my bed, the window was open with no screen either (it was a hot summer and no a.c.). I remember my body suspended in mid air and being moved 1 to 2 feet to the left and slowly exiting the window feet first. I tried to scream but no sound came out nor could I move my mouth, just total disbelief/shock that this was not a dream and happening to me. I remember trying to scream "oh my God! Nooo! Help me!". I could totally see the top half of the television on my left as I slid out slowly. Anyways, I lose total memory after my body was 3/4 of the way outside the window. It was terrifying :smh:

  To this day I still refuse to leave a window without a sceen.

Bruh. That's astral projection, Not alien abduction.
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