*Sending a message and not getting replied back*

Feb 28, 2008
Don't you hate it when they receive your e-mail//message, read it and don't reply back for a while or at all........

I know the majority of us has been in this before and let me tell you patience is a

It happens alot on ebay,myspace,facebook,yahoo,aol,msn,yuku,etc........

Originally Posted by CarmineJordan

It happens alot on ebay,myspace,facebook,yahoo,aol,msn,yuku you pansies
I love the word "pansy".. but yes, if its something important and they dont reply back in a timely fashion it gets annoying...
I hate when my sidekick doensn't send a text..
.."message not sent"

Don't know if that counts to the post or not..
Patience is a virtue....yeah right! I'm currently awaiting a response or some sort of recognition that he actually read the message I sent to him.
I was going to make an unappreciation post about this a few days ago. I be sitting lookin at my phone for hours waiting. Chicks don't know how bad thisaffects me.
Yeah man i sent this girl on myspace a comment she aint reply back. Just cuz i missed her birthday party i mean c'mon i highly doubt she wouldcare.
is it really THAT big of a deal ?(missing someones birthday partyi mean)
i was def. just having a convo and sent a text. if we been chatting this wholetime then i know u got your phone near you. reply.

had to tell one girl if you gone reply hella late then don't say nothing at all. not continuing a convo 4 hours later.
I sometimes take a long time to respond on purpose to people when theyirritate me. But I always respond
If you've been talking to me for this long, why not just say bye instead of deading the conversation without saying anything?
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