September '09 Pick Up Post...vol R3 where you at? NO PIC QUOTING!!!!

I just love these, picked up for an amazing prce as usual
Justin - nice custom pickups (and great work, Daaz!)

I still need DMP Raptor 7s on the cheap. I should jumped on the pack the last 50%.

Crux - noice! So whats the good word on those new Pac Man AT1s? PI only or will the US get a whiff? Anyone?
Originally Posted by FLINTGREY

PI only or will the US get a whiff?

mayhem/daaz, those look great, especially those kr's with the added swoosh on the mudguard. excellent work/pickup.
wow, those lights out trainers are insane! how did you get a pair that's so limited, sold from one store in Philippines before the rd?

looking at some pics on pickup post will be the closest i'll ever get to them.
plz post more pics if any of you picked up a pair
thanks for the feedback guys, it is appreciated and i'm positive Daaz appreciates it too!

.....i want those pacman trainers and shirt too
last week's pick-ups:

love forces

love kit kat

love japan

some of the stuff in there includes a professional ear digger, seven stars cigs, doo doo characters, cuban cigars, whale jerky, shoyu kit kat, that's not aporno mag even though it's called happie nuts, and lots of usugrow love.
Got both of these today in the mail from a fellow niketalker... GREAT Price!!!!
Originally Posted by bigj505

Got both of these today in the mail from a fellow niketalker... GREAT Price!!!!
I Guess You Did SO SO With This One
......Probably Have Sole Seperation Issues If You Sell Those XII's To Anyone Else But Myself
...... And DMP VI's????.... Who Likes Those Anyway
Originally Posted by So Much Sole 23

Originally Posted by bigj505

Got both of these today in the mail from a fellow niketalker... GREAT Price!!!!
I Guess You Did SO SO With This One
...... Probably Have Sole Seperation Issues If You Sell Those XII's To Anyone Else But Myself
...... And DMP VI's????.... Who Likes Those Anyway
thanks sole... thats some high quality hate in there
is that a gloomy bear i see kevin???

and is that strawberry or apple kit kat? regardless, very nice, i've had em,the chocolate itself is a different texture

to everyone else, thanks for the kind words on mayhems customs, visit the sneaker art section to see what the shoes were before, and to see more pix!
Originally Posted by daaznfella

is that a gloomy bear i see kevin???

and is that strawberry or apple kit kat? regardless, very nice, i've had em,the chocolate itself is a different texture

there is apple/carrot, green tea and shoyu (!) flavors in the pic. gloomy bear? it looked more like pedobear to me lol. he's even on condoms.

Originally Posted by bigj505

So Much Sole 23 wrote:

bigj505 wrote:

Got both of these today in the mail from a fellow niketalker... GREAT Price!!!!
I Guess You Did SO SO With This One
...... Probably Have Sole Seperation Issues If You Sell Those XII's To Anyone Else But Myself
...... And DMP VI's????.... Who Likes Those Anyway

thanks sole... thats some high quality hate in there

nice pick ups j
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