serious question about legal medical marijuana..mods delete if needed

Jun 4, 2007
hello. my dad has liver cancer. he will be starting chemo via tablet or injection directly into his liver in the coming weeks. medical mj is legal here inwashington and was recommended to him. apparently would help with pain and nausea associated with the cancer/chemo. problem is he smoked cigs for 40 years..3packs a day for 40 years. hes afraid smoking mj would trigger old habbits. i told him he could use my volcano but hes still hessatent. is there any merrit tohis fears? anyone here on medical mj or have any info? mods close if you feel this is innapropriate.
if i could smoke limb all day legally i would never touch another cigarette in my life.
i do crave a cig after i'm done burnin' though but i think that's just cause i'm used to it.
if he quit ciggs already then he should be good.
3 packs a day is a lot of cig.
that's three cigs per an hour, 20 hours a day.
if you watch "super high me" they goto a medical marijuana clinic and they sell different kinds of things that can deliver THC to your system. Irecall seeing snack foods with THC in them as well as THC in pill form. So there are many ways in receiving THC to your system without having to smokemarijuana.
Have him stick to the volcano. Vaping doesn't feel remotely close to smoking. I wish your father well. My dad had lymphoma and the chemo and radiation washorrible. I wish my dad had used marijuana during his treatment, I'm sure it would have eased his suffering immensely. Most cigarette smokers I know loveto smoke after getting high, but if your dad is an ex-smoker, then I think he shouldn't have any problems. Hopefully he'll be too baked to even thinkabout cigarettes.
yea he hasen't smoked weed since the vietnam war. will be interesting to see what he thinks about it.
Definitely recommend vaporizing. Tell him it's nothing like smoking because it's 99% healthy. It shouldn't really trigger a craving like a jointwould.
Its hard to say for sure whether smoking medical marijuana would trigger his old cigarette habit, but vaping would definitely be the better, healthieralternative. Smoking and vaping are the best ways to get thc into the system imo. For the treatment of something like cancer and chemotherapy, a combination ofedibles, smoking/vaping, and/or concentrates like hash, may give the best results. Also, I'm not too sure about the laws or guidelines in Washington state,but medical patients have the ability to grow a small garden legally under state law.
forreal... idk bout the smokin cigs and stuff... but u need to smoke some of his stuff... the medical marijuana is no joke... highest i've ever been
Whoever said medical marijuana is cheap doesn't know what he's talking about.

At least in CA, it's not. But it's so good you smoke less so it evens out.

Don't know what else to say, other than I'd recommend it for your dad, everyone who smokes to relieve pain seems to be happy they did.

I don't see how it would trigger smoking cigs again, especially if he uses a vaporizer.
Originally Posted by peezy921

if you watch "super high me" they goto a medical marijuana clinic and they sell different kinds of things that can deliver THC to your system. I recall seeing snack foods with THC in them as well as THC in pill form. So there are many ways in receiving THC to your system without having to smoke marijuana.

This man speaks the truth. They have soda, m&ms, chocolate bars, cookies all with thc in them. Their a bit pricey though. One of my homies that took it forhis back pain said the sodas were about $15 a pop,no pun intended, and about $8 for the chocolate bars
medical mj aint cheap i know this. been to amsterdam several times too and it aint cheap there either.

anyway the question was would it trigger cigarette habbits.
Originally Posted by Kun Aguero

hello. my dad has liver cancer. he will be starting chemo via tablet or injection directly into his liver in the coming weeks. medical mj is legal here in washington and was recommended to him. apparently would help with pain and nausea associated with the cancer/chemo. problem is he smoked cigs for 40 years..3 packs a day for 40 years. hes afraid smoking mj would trigger old habbits. i told him he could use my volcano but hes still hessatent. is there any merrit to his fears? anyone here on medical mj or have any info? mods close if you feel this is innapropriate.
They sell candy and treats (cookies, brownies, nutella type stuff) that are specifically sold for medical use only, it even has labels on itsaying so. They even have pills and i think some sort of spray also. My dad has liver cancer also due to smoking and was doing chemo through pills as well. Theeffects weren't really severe but on bad days i wish medical mj would be an option for him.
The oral fixation of having a joint in his mouth would definitely bring back memories of cigarettes. Try and convince him to use the vape or he could buy thebrownies/cookies they offer. Hope your father feels better.
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