Serious girlfriend got attacked last night.

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Oh, my bad cause for a second I thought I was on Niketalk and wasn't writing a medical journal for SNEAKERHEADS.
I personally could care less what you believe with all that "if you were really" this NIKETALK bruh bruh....

So if OP was blind folded and walking toward a canyon cliff 1200 ft deep...what would you say?
"It's OK OP just walk slowly not everyone can afford a parachute, you have my prayers though fam"

The TRUTH is NEVER TOLD nicely cause it hurts...and most of us are from urban areas anyway, so why dudes are acting all brand new is mind boggling
I hate how some of you get all humanitarian depending on what thread you in, THEN next thread  it's "thank you based god rape my girl in the number 2"
or co-signing some insensitive barbaric jargon.

I think thus far I'm the only person that gave OP something he could actually use besides a "Stepford Wives" type condolence...he asked for advice not sympathy

preach that way 
The only thing I suggested was to not speak in a definitive manner.  If including words such as "possibly" into your responses is really what you believe segregates NT from the New England Journal of Medicine then you are doing it wrong. You may not care what I know to be true, but just in case anyone thinks your so-called advice is actually based on some sort of guaranteed fact, I hope to dissuade them because your "useful advice" that the OP can use could turn out to be garbage.

Your advice for that cliff scenario would undoubtedly be "It's all good OP, I'll help ya, sprint towards that cliff and end it all faster cuz it's an inevitability that you gonna die."  When in reality he may not be on a cliff in the first place.  My advice? Take off the damn blindfold, see where you're at and act accordingly.

The truth is never told nicely cuz it hurts.  The hell does that even mean or allude to? Even the most painful truths can be told in an empathetic manner.  Don't go around trying to coin that phrase.

Take your nonsense advice and dumb sayings that way
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

[h1][font=Arial, sans-serif]

OP without exposing MY LOVED ONES, I'm telling from EXPERIENCE that if you love this girl get ready for a load of problem that you might have to make
serious LIFE ADJUSTMENTS for if you care and really want to be there.

and to my new fan club, I wasn't reaching...I've dealt with suicide attempts, domestic violence, and everything else that comes along with supporting a rape victim.
It's messes them up mentally in ways most of you sheltered one-sided dudes can't comprehend...

Why couldn't you just say that the first time, though?  I'm not trying to start an E beef with you I just assumed you were trying to make jokes.
I'm a psych major as well so I took that the wrong way, yes you were correct but the delivery wasn't right in the least.
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

[h1][font=Arial, sans-serif]

OP without exposing MY LOVED ONES, I'm telling from EXPERIENCE that if you love this girl get ready for a load of problem that you might have to make
serious LIFE ADJUSTMENTS for if you care and really want to be there.

and to my new fan club, I wasn't reaching...I've dealt with suicide attempts, domestic violence, and everything else that comes along with supporting a rape victim.
It's messes them up mentally in ways most of you sheltered one-sided dudes can't comprehend...

Why couldn't you just say that the first time, though?  I'm not trying to start an E beef with you I just assumed you were trying to make jokes.
I'm a psych major as well so I took that the wrong way, yes you were correct but the delivery wasn't right in the least.
Stockholm Patriot wrote
[font=Arial, sans-serif][/font]

[sup][font=Arial, sans-serif]#sdfootnote5sym[/font][/sup]OP without exposing MY LOVED ONES, I'm telling from EXPERIENCE that if you love this girl get ready for a load of problem that you might have to make
serious LIFE ADJUSTMENTS for if you care and really want to be there.

and to my new fan club, I wasn't reaching...I've dealt with suicide attempts, domestic violence, and everything else that comes along with supporting a rape victim.
It's messes them up mentally in ways most of you sheltered one-sided dudes can't comprehend...

all you had to say was it was gonna be intense. Your doing too much right now. This isn't even about you.
Stockholm Patriot wrote
[font=Arial, sans-serif][/font]

[sup][font=Arial, sans-serif]#sdfootnote5sym[/font][/sup]OP without exposing MY LOVED ONES, I'm telling from EXPERIENCE that if you love this girl get ready for a load of problem that you might have to make
serious LIFE ADJUSTMENTS for if you care and really want to be there.

and to my new fan club, I wasn't reaching...I've dealt with suicide attempts, domestic violence, and everything else that comes along with supporting a rape victim.
It's messes them up mentally in ways most of you sheltered one-sided dudes can't comprehend...

all you had to say was it was gonna be intense. Your doing too much right now. This isn't even about you.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Damn bro...

Just be supportive. I wouldn't suggest anything (like therapy) just yet....give it some time. Be a good listener.

This pretty much sums up my feelings on this situation.

Sorry about what happened to your girl OP.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Damn bro...

Just be supportive. I wouldn't suggest anything (like therapy) just yet....give it some time. Be a good listener.

This pretty much sums up my feelings on this situation.

Sorry about what happened to your girl OP.
Damn man. I can't give you specific advice cause I never been and hopefully will never go through something like this but of course you have to be there for your girl both physically and mentally. This is a hard question to ask because this is so recent, but what are your long term goals with this girl? If you plan to be with her, educate yourself on the situation (aftermath of rape) because you know she won't be thinking straight so if she wants to do something irrational you gotta be there to stop her or whatnot. Even if you weren't planning to be with her for much longer, give it some serious time before breaking it off with her cause no one deserves to be devastated like that in such a short period of time. Thats just my advice but who knows how I would react, this *+!% ain't easy for nobody involved.

Good luck OP, I wish your girl and her friend recover from this.
Damn man. I can't give you specific advice cause I never been and hopefully will never go through something like this but of course you have to be there for your girl both physically and mentally. This is a hard question to ask because this is so recent, but what are your long term goals with this girl? If you plan to be with her, educate yourself on the situation (aftermath of rape) because you know she won't be thinking straight so if she wants to do something irrational you gotta be there to stop her or whatnot. Even if you weren't planning to be with her for much longer, give it some serious time before breaking it off with her cause no one deserves to be devastated like that in such a short period of time. Thats just my advice but who knows how I would react, this *+!% ain't easy for nobody involved.

Good luck OP, I wish your girl and her friend recover from this.
%%*% man... that's terrible. I remember my girl calling me when she was walking to her car from CVS just whispering "Baby, I don't know what to do, help me..." and then hanging up and turning her phone off. I was scared out of my mind, and when she finally called me back, it turned out that a group of Mexican dudes approached her and stood around her at her car blocking the door just trying to talk to her. She eventually got away safely, but the feeling of not knowing was so painful.

Dude, the only thing you can do is talk to her and be there for her ALL THE TIME. Now is the kind of time to show that you're THAT MAN in her life. Support, man. My prayers go out to you guys.
%%*% man... that's terrible. I remember my girl calling me when she was walking to her car from CVS just whispering "Baby, I don't know what to do, help me..." and then hanging up and turning her phone off. I was scared out of my mind, and when she finally called me back, it turned out that a group of Mexican dudes approached her and stood around her at her car blocking the door just trying to talk to her. She eventually got away safely, but the feeling of not knowing was so painful.

Dude, the only thing you can do is talk to her and be there for her ALL THE TIME. Now is the kind of time to show that you're THAT MAN in her life. Support, man. My prayers go out to you guys.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Stockholm Patriot wrote
[font=Arial, sans-serif][/font]

[sup][font=Arial, sans-serif]#sdfootnote5sym[/font][/sup]OP without exposing MY LOVED ONES, I'm telling from EXPERIENCE that if you love this girl get ready for a load of problem that you might have to make
serious LIFE ADJUSTMENTS for if you care and really want to be there.

and to my new fan club, I wasn't reaching...I've dealt with suicide attempts, domestic violence, and everything else that comes along with supporting a rape victim.
It's messes them up mentally in ways most of you sheltered one-sided dudes can't comprehend...
all you had to say was it was gonna be intense. Your doing too much right now. This isn't even about you.


 Stockholm... fall back son, even if u did/do have some sort of point somewhere in ur incohererent rambling aint nobody tryna hear that fam

like have you no empathy ?and if not y post? thx for sharing tho... 
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Stockholm Patriot wrote
[font=Arial, sans-serif][/font]

[sup][font=Arial, sans-serif]#sdfootnote5sym[/font][/sup]OP without exposing MY LOVED ONES, I'm telling from EXPERIENCE that if you love this girl get ready for a load of problem that you might have to make
serious LIFE ADJUSTMENTS for if you care and really want to be there.

and to my new fan club, I wasn't reaching...I've dealt with suicide attempts, domestic violence, and everything else that comes along with supporting a rape victim.
It's messes them up mentally in ways most of you sheltered one-sided dudes can't comprehend...
all you had to say was it was gonna be intense. Your doing too much right now. This isn't even about you.


 Stockholm... fall back son, even if u did/do have some sort of point somewhere in ur incohererent rambling aint nobody tryna hear that fam

like have you no empathy ?and if not y post? thx for sharing tho... 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Stockholm Patriot wrote:

long distant relationships < anything

there's nothing you can do, she's damaged good now...know to many females that have been assaulted  and can't bounce back.
she's probably be lesbian or extremely promiscuous, i know you don't want to hear it but the odds arent good in your favor.'re her protector and you failed, so you'll be replaced soon if you're still 3 hours away, outta sight outta mind.

son shut up

this is wrong on so many levels
who says +@$! like this? i swear the internet is a haven for anonymous bytch@ssness, this dude would never say that +@$! to OP's face
a dude comes on NT to vent cuz his love got beaten and raped and the only thing you can say to him instead of idk hang in there is "you failed as a boyfriend, your girl is damaged goods now"

something wrong with u stockholm, seriously, off yourself.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Stockholm Patriot wrote:

long distant relationships < anything

there's nothing you can do, she's damaged good now...know to many females that have been assaulted  and can't bounce back.
she's probably be lesbian or extremely promiscuous, i know you don't want to hear it but the odds arent good in your favor.'re her protector and you failed, so you'll be replaced soon if you're still 3 hours away, outta sight outta mind.

son shut up

this is wrong on so many levels
who says +@$! like this? i swear the internet is a haven for anonymous bytch@ssness, this dude would never say that +@$! to OP's face
a dude comes on NT to vent cuz his love got beaten and raped and the only thing you can say to him instead of idk hang in there is "you failed as a boyfriend, your girl is damaged goods now"

something wrong with u stockholm, seriously, off yourself.
Sorry to hear that. Has to be the most helpless feeling in the world. When you love someone like that youd wish it happened to you instead.
Sorry to hear that. Has to be the most helpless feeling in the world. When you love someone like that youd wish it happened to you instead.
Goodluck with this situation, just be there for her. You gotta show her that things can be okay and that you are still that good man in her life. File with the police, have faith and pray. This can be brought back into the light...but it's definitely gonna be dark for a while.

Best of luck to you and her
Goodluck with this situation, just be there for her. You gotta show her that things can be okay and that you are still that good man in her life. File with the police, have faith and pray. This can be brought back into the light...but it's definitely gonna be dark for a while.

Best of luck to you and her
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Stockholm Patriot wrote
[font=Arial, sans-serif][/font]

[sup][font=Arial, sans-serif]#sdfootnote5sym[/font][/sup]OP without exposing MY LOVED ONES, I'm telling from EXPERIENCE that if you love this girl get ready for a load of problem that you might have to make
serious LIFE ADJUSTMENTS for if you care and really want to be there.

and to my new fan club, I wasn't reaching...I've dealt with suicide attempts, domestic violence, and everything else that comes along with supporting a rape victim.
It's messes them up mentally in ways most of you sheltered one-sided dudes can't comprehend...
all you had to say was it was gonna be intense. Your doing too much right now. This isn't even about you.

 Stockholm... fall back son, even if u did/do have some sort of point somewhere in ur incohererent rambling aint nobody tryna hear that fam

like have you no empathy ?and if not y post? thx for sharing tho... 

incoherent > incohererent ...the irony

secondly, i said my piece 1st's not about me, it's about OP ASKING FOR ADVICE from someone who've experienced the ills of rape.
the NTe'rs with inferiority complexes that sweat your movements bombarded 4 pages with "preach" pics and "stockholm if you really were"...

I've only responded for the last two pages, only to say what people were doing was gonna hurt OP instead of helping...

...the problem is half these dudes don't READ, they glance at the last post and decide who's d they riding for lol's or some sort of merit.
so do me a favor DON'T RESPOND or SPEAK ABOUT ME INDIRECTLY, or CRYPTIC and I wont return to this thread

OP, have a serious look at them links, PM and I'll give you my number or something dawg...while these dudes bake you cookies and knit e-blankets for you
and pretend to care.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Stockholm Patriot wrote
[font=Arial, sans-serif][/font]

[sup][font=Arial, sans-serif]#sdfootnote5sym[/font][/sup]OP without exposing MY LOVED ONES, I'm telling from EXPERIENCE that if you love this girl get ready for a load of problem that you might have to make
serious LIFE ADJUSTMENTS for if you care and really want to be there.

and to my new fan club, I wasn't reaching...I've dealt with suicide attempts, domestic violence, and everything else that comes along with supporting a rape victim.
It's messes them up mentally in ways most of you sheltered one-sided dudes can't comprehend...
all you had to say was it was gonna be intense. Your doing too much right now. This isn't even about you.

 Stockholm... fall back son, even if u did/do have some sort of point somewhere in ur incohererent rambling aint nobody tryna hear that fam

like have you no empathy ?and if not y post? thx for sharing tho... 

incoherent > incohererent ...the irony

secondly, i said my piece 1st's not about me, it's about OP ASKING FOR ADVICE from someone who've experienced the ills of rape.
the NTe'rs with inferiority complexes that sweat your movements bombarded 4 pages with "preach" pics and "stockholm if you really were"...

I've only responded for the last two pages, only to say what people were doing was gonna hurt OP instead of helping...

...the problem is half these dudes don't READ, they glance at the last post and decide who's d they riding for lol's or some sort of merit.
so do me a favor DON'T RESPOND or SPEAK ABOUT ME INDIRECTLY, or CRYPTIC and I wont return to this thread

OP, have a serious look at them links, PM and I'll give you my number or something dawg...while these dudes bake you cookies and knit e-blankets for you
and pretend to care.
OP here, thanks for some of the replies guys, sorta helping clear my head with all this stuff.
To answer some questions I actually don't live in Houston, I'm from St Catharines, Ontario, Canada too and came here on vacation for a couple days to 

watch the games. I'll be home with her shortly to figure out this mess out. There is no long distance relationship.

Nothing would please me more to find these guys and beat the $#!& out of them, and I have no doubt that I could from how she's described them.

But I know not to make any irrational decisions that could put me behind bars, because then I wouldn't be able to be there for her at all in that case.

And trust me, I'm not a small guy either along with my buddies were pretty much all huge rugby players who love a good fight. Which is why im worried

to say anything to them about this cause I know they'll all be out for blood. This girl is loved by everyone and no one would have a problem to stomping them out.

To answer another question, the reason why I came on here to ask for advice is because it's nice to have some anonymity when it comes to personal matters like this.

The fact that I and my girlfriend don't know any of you personally means I have no problem talking about stuff because I'm not worried others will judge me or her, and treat

her differently. The last thing she wants is for people to treat her like a victim. So its nice to come on here, read some other peoples thoughts about the situation.

To break up with her because she's damaged goods, or that she technically cheated on me tells me that some of you guys have never been in love before, or your just too

young to understand what it is. I'd follow this girl to the end of the world to help her feel better and would no way abandon her during a time like this. I don't know how 

some of your parents raised you guys but mine taught me to man up during times like this.  I am fully aware its an uphill battle from here on out, and from now on everything

is gonna be different but that wont stop me from trying. 

To stockholm, despite what people are saying, I respect what you have to say. Personally knowing women who have been in the same situation and seeing what has resulted

helps give me an idea what to look for and how to avoid it. Along with knowing that I may not be able to be intimate, or get shot down. Its going to help me approach things 

from a different angle.

Also to the guy from St. Catharines. I will be coming into contact with you shortly.
OP here, thanks for some of the replies guys, sorta helping clear my head with all this stuff.
To answer some questions I actually don't live in Houston, I'm from St Catharines, Ontario, Canada too and came here on vacation for a couple days to 

watch the games. I'll be home with her shortly to figure out this mess out. There is no long distance relationship.

Nothing would please me more to find these guys and beat the $#!& out of them, and I have no doubt that I could from how she's described them.

But I know not to make any irrational decisions that could put me behind bars, because then I wouldn't be able to be there for her at all in that case.

And trust me, I'm not a small guy either along with my buddies were pretty much all huge rugby players who love a good fight. Which is why im worried

to say anything to them about this cause I know they'll all be out for blood. This girl is loved by everyone and no one would have a problem to stomping them out.

To answer another question, the reason why I came on here to ask for advice is because it's nice to have some anonymity when it comes to personal matters like this.

The fact that I and my girlfriend don't know any of you personally means I have no problem talking about stuff because I'm not worried others will judge me or her, and treat

her differently. The last thing she wants is for people to treat her like a victim. So its nice to come on here, read some other peoples thoughts about the situation.

To break up with her because she's damaged goods, or that she technically cheated on me tells me that some of you guys have never been in love before, or your just too

young to understand what it is. I'd follow this girl to the end of the world to help her feel better and would no way abandon her during a time like this. I don't know how 

some of your parents raised you guys but mine taught me to man up during times like this.  I am fully aware its an uphill battle from here on out, and from now on everything

is gonna be different but that wont stop me from trying. 

To stockholm, despite what people are saying, I respect what you have to say. Personally knowing women who have been in the same situation and seeing what has resulted

helps give me an idea what to look for and how to avoid it. Along with knowing that I may not be able to be intimate, or get shot down. Its going to help me approach things 

from a different angle.

Also to the guy from St. Catharines. I will be coming into contact with you shortly.
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