Sex Drive Appreciation Post

Watched this movie countless times(cuz its downloaded to my phone) Love that song that plays when they first start driving on their sex trip
i saw this for the first time on sunday like at 3 am in the morning it was ok hangover was funnier imo i was dying when dude was pissing on the window and lance yelled "SMELLS LIKE HALLOWEEN" other than that it seemed like it was trying too hard to be one of those raunchy sex comedies with "hilarious" one-liners
Totally watched this out of sheer boredom one night since there was nothing else on TV. I ended up laughing my %%% off. Very underrated.
A very funny, underrated movie. The uncensored version is too much
I caught this on TV out of boredom, too. HIGHLY underrated.

I don't even remember this flick being in theaters.
Caught this channel surfing last month. movie took me by suprise...definitely happy I saw it. appreciated!!
Yeah Redbox'd this a while back. Def liked the 'regular' version a bit better. The uncensored version just added or replaced dialogue with some absurd lines. Little over the top. Although it had so many random naked girls running around. Amanda Crew is surpisingly super hot in this...
Funny parts

Rex getting mad and running up on the garage.
The two brothers that kept saying wassup
Lance and the hillbilly chick
When rex sees his car get hit
Seth Green being sarcastic
The Jail scene.......(I put up with alot in there.......I got raped....... naw im just f'in with you....but one guy did get raped tho) lol
saw two advanced screenings of this film! The 2nd time around, these senior citizens walked out of the film. I guess it wasn't their cup of tea! Definitely worth peeping and owning!!
You don't know my brother, okay? He's gonna !@#$ my @** with a roll of quarters!

What? He's gonna what? With what?

Oh, yeah! He's gonna go get off work early, and he's gonna walk into the bank, stand in line, change a 10, find my @**, and just... !@#$ it... with a roll of !@#$ing quarters.
Holy %** I thought I was the only one that loved this movie. Andy and Randy deserve they're own movie I swear!

Between Andy and Randy  and Seth Green's sarcasm , this movie was official. A must see if you haven't

That jail scene was ...........  lol
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