Sex Information That NT and Their Partners Should Know About

Jan 22, 2006
[h3]Penis size and female genital response[/h3]
According to some sex researchers and therapists, several misconceptions have developed surroundingpenile-vaginal intercourse.[sup][35][/sup] Many men exaggerate the importance of deepvaginal penetration in stimulating a woman to orgasm.

The most sensitive area of the female genitals includes the vulva, clitoris, and the section of vagina closest to theoutside of a woman's body, which is roughly 10 centimeters (4 in) in length. Research has found that portions of the clitoris extend into the vulva andvagina [sup][36][/sup]. Given that the median penis size is above this length, the majority of penises are ofsufficient length to satisfy their partners.

While many women find penile stimulation of the cervix to be uncomfortable or painful, others report itto be the key to orgasm.[sup][37][/sup] The cervix may be confused with the anterior orposterior fornix, the deepest point of the vagina, above and below the cervix, respectively.[sup][38][/sup] The cervix and fornix are within close proximityof each other, making it possible for there to be indirect and/or simultaneous stimulation between them[sup][39][/sup].

The fornix is said to be another possible orgasm trigger area.[sup][40][/sup] Tests have shown that pressure on this areacauses the vagina to lubricate very quickly.[sup][41][/sup] The area of sexual response in the anteriorfornix has also been called the epicentre, T-Spot, AFE-Zone, AFE or A-Spot; while in the posterior fornix it has been called epicenter (as well) or cul-de-sac (since the cul-de-sac, also known as the rectouterine pouch, may be indirectly stimulated by pressure on the posterior fornix [sup][39][/sup]).

During arousal, the vagina lengthens rapidly to an average of about 4 in.(8.5 cm), but can continue tolengthen in response to pressure.[sup][42][/sup] As the woman becomes fully aroused, the vaginatents (last ²
The Kinsey reports also found that homosexual men reported larger penises than heterosexual men, which underscores the questionability of these studies and self-reported survey methods.
That blue font is messin' my eyes up...

But it me or is there a LOT of threads about sex, wang, and/or bagina?
Originally Posted by JFKTV

That blue font is messin' my eyes up...

But it me or is there a LOT of threads about sex, wang, and/or bagina?

Na it aint just you.Its getting hot and people start getting busy.
^ basically it says there isn't a correlation between race & penis size...

Also that a woman is normally only 4 inches deep, 8.5 is the maximum when a typical woman is aroused. So a woman can accommodate basically any sized penis.Also that the width of the penis matters in giving a girl an orgasm, not length.

Anggeon why are you blushing?
Here's some real info:
Max said:
Did you guys know, that the average penis size is 6.4 inches? And that the average vaginal canal is 7.9 inches.Therefore, in this country alone, there's over 17,000 miles of unused, virgin *$!%% out there.
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