Sex & the City fan sleeps with 1,000 men because of the show

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by CWrite78

a baby could probably talk out of vagina on it's own.

but there will be an idiot that will wife her up.

Originally Posted by Corcio713

At least she's good looking. Kim Cattrall looks like a foot.

Sarah Jessica Parker is the one that looks like a foot.

this is true 
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by CWrite78

a baby could probably talk out of vagina on it's own.

but there will be an idiot that will wife her up.

Originally Posted by Corcio713

At least she's good looking. Kim Cattrall looks like a foot.

Sarah Jessica Parker is the one that looks like a foot.

this is true 
not sure how i feel about this...

i'm all for doing you and getting yours but to do it cuz of a character on a tv show and 15 men in a week?

i hope she's on BC doing this...

i'm sure she'll find someone
not sure how i feel about this...

i'm all for doing you and getting yours but to do it cuz of a character on a tv show and 15 men in a week?

i hope she's on BC doing this...

i'm sure she'll find someone
Originally Posted by AntTezzyLaflare



JUST like the characters in her favourite TV show, posh Christina Saunders knows good sex. And so she should, after seducing 1,000 MEN.

The university-educated brunette longed to be as confident in bed as Sex And The City maneater Samantha.

So she set herself a 10-year challenge - to get a thousand notches on her bedpost.

She said: "Sam went from one man to the next and was proud of it. I wanted to be confident like her. I got hooked on the buzz of one-night-stands."

She slept with at least one stranger a week, travelled the world hunting for men to bed, and took part in threesomes.

But now Christina, 30, admits: "All I want is a man to love me - not one who just wants me for sex."

Attractive Christina grew up in a five-bedroom house in Hertfordshire where she enjoyed riding her pony and visiting Ascot races and Henley regatta every year. Her parents, who she describes as "very middle class", had no idea of her secret life. She sighed: "They would be devastated if they knew what I was up to."

Christina decided to copy Sam, played by Kim Cattrall, 53, during a bout of flu at university in Bristol.

Until then she hadn't been that interested in men, saying her first sexual encounter - with a friend while she was at secondary school - was "a disaster".

But when she fell ill in 2000, aged 20, a pal gave her the first series of Sex And The City to watch. Christina said: "The thought of four women gloating about sleeping their way around New York hadn't appealed to me but I had nothing better to do so I watched it.

"Samantha was sexy, confident and proud. She had a male attitude of sleeping around and it fascinated me."

Soon Christina was on the prowl in Sam-style slinky dresses. Her first conquest was in the Students' Union. She said: "I targeted a lad called Mike because he was a charmer. We had a drink and then I said I was tired and going to bed - and asked if he wanted to join me. I was terrified but he took control and it was brilliant. I was hooked."

By the time she left uni with a 2:2 degree in English and sociology in 2003 she'd slept with nearly 300 men. "I didn't feel dirty, just empowered," said Christina. "I was addicted." A year later she moved to Clapham, South-West London, and started working for a PR firm. She'd pick up men in bars and go on 18-30 holidays to up her tally - once sleeping with 15 men in a week in Ibiza.

--------------- more in actual article

Now the challenge is over Christina does have regrets. "Good friends stuck by me but others accused me of being a *%#*. I took things too far. Now all I want to do is settle down. I just hope I haven't put men off.


Originally Posted by AntTezzyLaflare



JUST like the characters in her favourite TV show, posh Christina Saunders knows good sex. And so she should, after seducing 1,000 MEN.

The university-educated brunette longed to be as confident in bed as Sex And The City maneater Samantha.

So she set herself a 10-year challenge - to get a thousand notches on her bedpost.

She said: "Sam went from one man to the next and was proud of it. I wanted to be confident like her. I got hooked on the buzz of one-night-stands."

She slept with at least one stranger a week, travelled the world hunting for men to bed, and took part in threesomes.

But now Christina, 30, admits: "All I want is a man to love me - not one who just wants me for sex."

Attractive Christina grew up in a five-bedroom house in Hertfordshire where she enjoyed riding her pony and visiting Ascot races and Henley regatta every year. Her parents, who she describes as "very middle class", had no idea of her secret life. She sighed: "They would be devastated if they knew what I was up to."

Christina decided to copy Sam, played by Kim Cattrall, 53, during a bout of flu at university in Bristol.

Until then she hadn't been that interested in men, saying her first sexual encounter - with a friend while she was at secondary school - was "a disaster".

But when she fell ill in 2000, aged 20, a pal gave her the first series of Sex And The City to watch. Christina said: "The thought of four women gloating about sleeping their way around New York hadn't appealed to me but I had nothing better to do so I watched it.

"Samantha was sexy, confident and proud. She had a male attitude of sleeping around and it fascinated me."

Soon Christina was on the prowl in Sam-style slinky dresses. Her first conquest was in the Students' Union. She said: "I targeted a lad called Mike because he was a charmer. We had a drink and then I said I was tired and going to bed - and asked if he wanted to join me. I was terrified but he took control and it was brilliant. I was hooked."

By the time she left uni with a 2:2 degree in English and sociology in 2003 she'd slept with nearly 300 men. "I didn't feel dirty, just empowered," said Christina. "I was addicted." A year later she moved to Clapham, South-West London, and started working for a PR firm. She'd pick up men in bars and go on 18-30 holidays to up her tally - once sleeping with 15 men in a week in Ibiza.

--------------- more in actual article

Now the challenge is over Christina does have regrets. "Good friends stuck by me but others accused me of being a *%#*. I took things too far. Now all I want to do is settle down. I just hope I haven't put men off.


The girl is a %*%+# and now she blames it on a tv show. Damn 21 and you say a show influences. Naw you just like !%@$.
The girl is a %*%+# and now she blames it on a tv show. Damn 21 and you say a show influences. Naw you just like !%@$.
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