Shannon Brown Vol. Greatest missed dunk of all time?

Apr 16, 2007
[h2]Shannon Brown with the greatest missed dunk of all time?[/h2]
By Trey Kerby

Midway through the fourth quarter of an otherwise anticlimactic Game 1 betwixt the Suns and Lakers, Shannon Brown(notes) realized he'd disappointed just about everybody in this year's dunk contest. Hoping to make up for it, Shannon tried to replicate Dwight Howard's(notes) famed Superman dunk from 2008.

During a game. In traffic.

Even though he missed, that totally gets a "wowee we wa" from this guy. The miss was so good that people immediately started calling it the best missed dunk of all-time.You be the judge. Either way, I'd offer up that this missed dunkprovided some of the most amazing pictures in the history of dunking.

For instance, this�Nils Wagner�screen cap, which somehow is not Photoshopped.


Onmy Compy386 I saved that file as "shannon flying" because there'sreally no better description than that. With the height and the legsflying out behind and the body lean, Shannon looks like he just tookoff. Not just for a dunk, mind you, but for the first human flight inworld history.

Ifeel like these two pictographs really let you know how high ShannonBrown was. They kind of make Marv Albert's "I actually thought he wasgoing over the backboard" seem logical.


Thisis really just an awesome picture. Yeah, you can kinda tell that he'smissing the dunk, but that doesn't even matter. The line from the ballto his foot is amazing. It's like the super-leaningest (totally a word)dunk attempt ever and it looks great. Plus, Kobe's face is hilarious.

Too bad Shannon Brown missed. If he hadn't, we'd be talking about one of the best dunks ever.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

oh my god leave it alone. He missed it.
thank you

enough with the hype of what couldve happened that led to 2 free throws

its same tools hyping up that westbrook couldve dunked on bynum

Vince owns the greatest dunk and greatest missed dunk. His miss off the backboard against duke.

This one always stuck out in my mind.. not the greatest but I remember vividly leaping out of my chair
My jaw dropped when I saw Shannon take off. If he made that, it would've instantly been one of the best dunks I've ever seen.
So this is what it's come down someone the crown for the greatest MISSED dunk of all-time.

Give me a break.
Of course it was the greatest missed dunk of all time. It was Shannon Brown! Hes so awesome!!
Vince Carter's dunk in the Olympics jumping over that 7 foot french guy is the greatest dunk in a game ever. Period.
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime
Shannon was way closer to completing his dunk though, plus he was higher and started from further.
And yet he still missed, Westbrook missed his dunk because of contact while Shannon missed point blank
Can someone please explain to me how that wasn't a charge? It seemed like Richardson was set way before the contact.
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