Share your stories working retail Vol. Yes I do work here

Originally Posted by reener

I worked at Abercrombie  & Fitch this one lady needed to use the bathroom real bad i guess and ending taking a crap on the floor
in front of everyone.

She then tried to leave her baggage, until one of my co-workers stopped her. ( i was headed to the back)
The guy that cleans incidents refused to clean that and the lady ended up cleaning it up

how would someone just poop like that and get up not cleaning themselves is beyond me.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by Alex23

Me: "Hi, how are you?"
Them: "Just looking thanks."

Me: "Do you have this in size 10?"
*goes and checks*
Me: "No, were sold out, last one is a 9."
Them: " dont have a 10?"
Me: " one is a size 9"
Them: "10.5?"

Them: "Do you have this in a size 10?"
Me: "No we dont."
Them: "Why not?"

"Come on i KNOW you can give me ___% off"
"I KNOW you have coupons"
"Come on cant you do buy one get one half off"

It goes on and on and on and on.........
I worked at Finishline. Heard all this.... No racist but when Mexicans that barely spoke english came in were the worst.

Them: Do you habe dis in size siss?
Me. This is the men's section. The smallest size we have in this shoe is a 9.
Them: Can i try?
Me: You just asked for a six... why would you want a 9
Them: Yes can i try?
*goes to get the 9*
*he tries it on*
Them: Yes iss fine. I take this.
... ok.*sells shoe strings and water proofer*

or how about this

"you have this in size 9:30?"

asians and hispanics were notorious for that

god im glad I dont work retail no more

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I used to work at Home Depot in TN when I was in college. Customers down there were on their racist $%*%. Customers coming in:

Me: how you doing today, what can I help you with?

Customer walks right on by me to another associate that's maybe 6ft behind me

Customer to other worker: yeah I don't want no Nigr helping me, can you help me design a playset

Associate: I don't know how to do that, but he does (points at me)

Me: Been walked away cause I already knew what was up.

This would happen at least once a day. Those people wouldn't want myhelp because I was black and on top of that they would call me a nigrto my friends at work thinking they would be cool wit it, and they'dget cussed out or told go tell him what you just told me and they'dwalk out the store. It was
at the same time because those people were so ignorant.

It would be times when a white dude would be wit his girl or wife andthey would not take my advice at all until the women got on them aboutit. Used to suck being a black guy working at that store
South FTL

even though I always hoped a white person would call me the n word to my face or behind my back so I could break their jaws
i dont work retail but i was in footlocker the other day and overheard an employee talking with a customer and found it hilarious
(customer is trying on oreo 6s)

employee: 'yo those are hot! you know how i know?'

customer: 'how?'

employee: 'cus id buy them 

customer: 'what you mean?'

employee: '
 .. EVERYTHING i buy is hot 

i just had to laugh at that guy. he was wearing freshwater griffeys but if he was wearing some fusions or something it wouldve been the icing on the cake lol.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by Alex23

Me: "Hi, how are you?"
Them: "Just looking thanks."

Me: "Do you have this in size 10?"
*goes and checks*
Me: "No, were sold out, last one is a 9."
Them: " dont have a 10?"
Me: " one is a size 9"
Them: "10.5?"

Them: "Do you have this in a size 10?"
Me: "No we dont."
Them: "Why not?"

"Come on i KNOW you can give me ___% off"
"I KNOW you have coupons"
"Come on cant you do buy one get one half off"

It goes on and on and on and on.........
I worked at Finishline. Heard all this.... No racist but when Mexicans that barely spoke english came in were the worst.

Them: Do you habe dis in size siss?
Me. This is the men's section. The smallest size we have in this shoe is a 9.
Them: Can i try?
Me: You just asked for a six... why would you want a 9
Them: Yes can i try?
*goes to get the 9*
*he tries it on*
Them: Yes iss fine. I take this.
... ok.*sells shoe strings and water proofer*

I work at foot locker and you hit the nail on the head with that one. 

The best one i had was couple weeks ago. This customer asked me if you had to know how to read to work there...
I used to be a waiter at a restaurant and there was a black dude that always came in with this Indian chick. (Native American) We all know that Indian women look like willy mammoths from Ice Age, but get paid from Uncle Sam. Well his chick had went to the bathroom and I saw his glass of beer was empty.

Me: "Sir, would you like a refill?"
Customer: "Yea, as a matter of fact bring me 2. You see what I have to sleep with tonight?"
Me: *Chuckled*
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

One thing that really irked me working at Footlocker and Finishline was people trying on the same shoe, same size, just a different colorway.
"Sir its the same shoe just a different color"

"I know but I want to see how this color looks on me"

Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

I used to be a waiter at a restaurant and there was a black dude that always came in with this Indian chick. (Native American) We all know that Indian women look like willy mammoths from Ice Age, but get paid from Uncle Sam. Well his chick had went to the bathroom and I saw his glass of beer was empty.

Me: "Sir, would you like a refill?"
Customer: "Yea, as a matter of fact bring me 2. You see what I have to sleep with tonight?"
Me: *Chuckled*
cold blooded 
I used to work at Chick-Fil-A...thought this was appropriate.

*Girl walks in and asks if I am working so I walk out and see who it is
*Couple minutes later i come back to the kitchen.

My 22 year old boss "Dude holy @@@* that girl was so hot who is that?"

Me: "That was my sister..."

Him: "Wow
You should hook me up with her!"

Me: "
Originally Posted by proper english

i used to work @ Toys R' Us' bike dept.. there was this HUGE teenage girl who wanted to try one of the bikes.. she sits down, quickly gets up and asks me if i can lower her seat.. i oblige (regretfully) 
  Jesus F$%^& Christ, the stench she left on the bike saddle was unholy.. i damn near threw up in my mouth (i had to pretend i had allergies, from all the gagging and coughing i was doing) 
 I remember when I worked the bike section...the worst part was customers who made you get on those giant ladders to get a bike down so their kid can ride in the store and then they just leave with no intent of buying it  

I also had a dude who yelled at me because our selection of GPS systems wasn't good enough for him...I was like you're at TOYS R US what do you expect  

Originally Posted by Mike Francesa

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by Alex23

Me: "Hi, how are you?"
Them: "Just looking thanks."

Me: "Do you have this in size 10?"
*goes and checks*
Me: "No, were sold out, last one is a 9."
Them: " dont have a 10?"
Me: " one is a size 9"
Them: "10.5?"

Them: "Do you have this in a size 10?"
Me: "No we dont."
Them: "Why not?"

"Come on i KNOW you can give me ___% off"
"I KNOW you have coupons"
"Come on cant you do buy one get one half off"

It goes on and on and on and on.........
I worked at Finishline. Heard all this.... No racist but when Mexicans that barely spoke english came in were the worst.

Them: Do you habe dis in size siss?
Me. This is the men's section. The smallest size we have in this shoe is a 9.
Them: Can i try?
Me: You just asked for a six... why would you want a 9
Them: Yes can i try?
*goes to get the 9*
*he tries it on*
Them: Yes iss fine. I take this.
... ok.*sells shoe strings and water proofer*

or how about this

"you have this in size 9:30?"

asians and hispanics were notorious for that

god im glad I dont work retail no more

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I used to work at Home Depot in TN when I was in college. Customers down there were on their racist $%*%. Customers coming in:

Me: how you doing today, what can I help you with?

Customer walks right on by me to another associate that's maybe 6ft behind me

Customer to other worker: yeah I don't want no Nigr helping me, can you help me design a playset

Associate: I don't know how to do that, but he does (points at me)

Me: Been walked away cause I already knew what was up.

This would happen at least once a day. Those people wouldn't want myhelp because I was black and on top of that they would call me a nigrto my friends at work thinking they would be cool wit it, and they'dget cussed out or told go tell him what you just told me and they'dwalk out the store. It was
at the same time because those people were so ignorant.

It would be times when a white dude would be wit his girl or wife andthey would not take my advice at all until the women got on them aboutit. Used to suck being a black guy working at that store
South FTL

even though I always hoped a white person would call me the n word to my face or behind my back so I could break their jaws
I used to work at blends and i would run into these scenarios all the time. The "Do you have this in a 10:30?" always cracked me up lol.

Customer: Do you have this in a size 12?
Me: Sorry, that's our last (I'm very emphatic when I say last) pair. It's a size 9.5.
Customer: So you don't have an 11.5?
Me: No, the 9.5 is our last pair.
Customer: You know what, let me try the shoe anyway to see if it fits

-customer tries shoe on and completely wrinkles and mangles the shoe trying to get it on. after failing to even get their foot in-
Customer:Yeah, they don't fit
Me: Yeah, coulda told you that.

those were the most annoying people ever.
this thread made me so happy... but i have my own. Banking FTL

me: How would you like your cash?

customer: "yes."


sorry, the language barrier kills me... if you have money, you HAVE to know what to say at a bank

me: how can I help you today?

*customer slaps check down*: Change.


Customer calls, I answer

Customer: Hi, are you guys open today?

 no, I'm just sitting here in the dark all day waiting for people to call. sorry

Customer: How much money do you guys have here? I want to withdraw $100,000.

Me: Sorry, sir, this isn't like the movies. 

Customer: You're a BANK and I can't have MY OWN MONEY?!?!


Apparently, bums know me in the streets. So a bum comes in & asks "Where's the black guy?"


I swear people are idiots when it comes to money... 
Not retail but I worked for Quest Diagnostics drawing blood and specimens and one day I had to work front desk.
Customer-I need my blood results
Me-Im sorry its against our policy and we have it posted we dont give out results you will have to talk with your doctor
Customer-Can you do it this once for me
Me-Im sorry but no
Customer-Im not going to ask you nicely again for my results
Customer-if I dont recieve them now Im not leaving the front of the line
Me- thank you stay right there I need a break
Seen some wild stuff at Walgreens...

One time these three dudes tried to rip out the WHOLE giant display case of Prevacid(sp) and casually walk away with it, even though I SAW them stealing it, clear as day.
Safe to say they didn't get very far.

I can't stand when a customer will try to return a gift card even though in front of the gift card section it says in BIG BOLD print that we don't do refunds on gift cards, and they give you !%$* about it anyway.

Customer: *walks in* I want to return this gift card

Me: No refunds for gift cards, sorry.

Customer: Why????

Me: ....because that's store policy.

Then you should have that up there.

Sir...we have a sign that says so in big bold print that's been up there for years.

Customer: Get me the manager!

No. I'm not gonna have the manager waste his time re-iterating the same I just told you. Use common sense.

Customer: I don't care get me the manager.

Me: No. It's not Walgreens' fault that you can't use your head.

*storms out*

Me: Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Seen some wild stuff at Walgreens...

One time these three dudes tried to rip out the WHOLE giant display case of Prevacid(sp) and casually walk away with it, even though I SAW them stealing it, clear as day.
Safe to say they didn't get very far.

I can't stand when a customer will try to return a gift card even though in front of the gift card section it says in BIG BOLD print that we don't do refunds on gift cards, and they give you !%$* about it anyway.

Customer: *walks in* I want to return this gift card

Me: No refunds for gift cards, sorry.

Customer: Why????

Me: ....because that's store policy.

Then you should have that up there.

Sir...we have a sign that says so in big bold print that's been up there for years.

Customer: Get me the manager!

No. I'm not gonna have the manager waste his time re-iterating the same I just told you. Use common sense.

Customer: I don't care get me the manager.

Me: No. It's not Walgreens' fault that you can't use your head.

*storms out*

Me: Have a nice day.
This thread made my day.
I make money on the profit of the store so I have to be nice to everybody because I can turn them into a customer if they are already not one. 
I run a Verizon Store and have at least 4 people a day walk through that door and ask if we sell Metro PCS or Boost.  We have nothing but Verizon on all the signs.

Some of you guys have the dumbest customers, props for keeping cool. I would rather be homeless than deal with Wal-mart customers tho
the day of the boner incident I remember I sold some BVLGARI glasses for $600something, and Raybans to the girl that noticed the boner.
I also told the girl that I saw her at 24 hr. fitness a couple hours beforehand.
Custo: Do u have this in a size 10?
Me: *goes and checks* no size 9 is all we have
Custo: can you double check?
Me: Suuuuuure *goes back and chills for 5 minutes*

Worst is when the yask you for something, you doint have it, and then they go ask someone else for it


when they ask you for something, then they ask another person for either the same thing or something else
Originally Posted by isitsafe

the day of the boner incident I remember I sold some BVLGARI glasses for $600something, and Raybans to the girl that noticed the boner.
I also told the girl that I saw her at 24 hr. fitness a couple hours beforehand.
my God this plus the boner...I feel sorry for your mother
Originally Posted by isitsafe

I used to work at sunglass hut, and used to get wood on the regular.

Most of the time I used to try and stay behind the counter when it happened, but one day I thought I tucked it into the top part of my pants where my belt is,
but it slipped out I guess, and some girl in the shop was all like "What are you thinking about?????!!!"

So I just went in the back and fixed my self.


The thing is I get wood when I'm extremely tired too, so this happens at work a lot in the office too. So I just sit there and concentrate, then bam, A hot coworker will walk by.
Are you 13 son
I work at zara as a stock associate

customers are always asking if we have a bathroom in the store and as a loss prevention issue we cant tell them yes, but one day this lady got tight when we told her we didn't have a bathroom so she acted as if she was going to try on something and went into the fitting room peed on the item and walked out as if nothing happen.

the store has three floors with a glass elevator so you can see the roof and the ground at the top and bottom of the elevator shaft, but for some reason customers insist on ask if the elevator is going down on the top floor or going up on the bottom floor.

another thing that grinds my gears is the fact that i would have my hands full of clothes or be carry a heavy box and a customer will come up to me and say "oh can you find the in a small for me" or "can you put this in a fitting room for me while i continue shopping"

but i swear that's not even the worst part of my job. i must work with some of the dumbest idiotic imbeciles in the world. i swear some of these people don't know left from right.
working at starbucks.

Customer: Hi, do you guys serve drip coffee? you know, like where i can put milk in.
Me: Yes, this is starbucks COFFEE
Customer: oh ok so like what flavor do you have?
Me: we have pikes place which is a mild, and our bold pick of the day
Customer: Ok, can i have a grande extra caramel frap.
Originally Posted by famenycity1

Originally Posted by AMafia

Originally Posted by famenycity1

Originally Posted by AMafia

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

Originally Posted by famenycity1

i work in a cell phone store.

Chick comes in and has tmobile flex pay $60 plan, we proceed to talk and she explains that she doesnt have the money to pay for it. So she says she will give me domes if i pay for her, i agree, it was a great day at work...., and i never put the money on her account.

My partner was working one day and a guy comes in asks us to put him on credit for a blackberry for his daughter, saying he will bring in the money tomorrow...he offers to leave his watch for insurance. A $3750 chanel watch, said he will be back tomorow to pay for the phone... comes back 4 days later to get the watch, we do the good old "What are you talking about? What watch?" He was bugging for a week came with friends making threats but never did anything, Sick watch!

Worked Valet on the side for a little, guy came on a yellow lambo gave me $100 told em to take care of it, so i took it on a spin on the highway for 30 miles, parked it and noticed this guy had a knot, and i mean a knot of hundreds in a bag in the passenger side. I took $700, in total the italian on the lambo gave me a $800 payday =], I slept so good that night.
QFT. This guy is a forreal jerk.

And i am a jerk why...??

You stole a $3,750 watch $700 out of a dude car, got a girl to dome you up and not give her her sied of the deal AND you slept good about those things.

My boy stole the watch.... and technically it wasnt stealing he said he would be back in one day and came back in 4....although when he sold the watch i got my cut for backing him up... all the other stuff was messed up I wont disagree. my philosophy is, i have never had anything stolen from me, and if you are dumb enough to have things laying out for people to steal or put yourself to low standards like that chick... then you deserve it. Thats why i sleep good... plus more cash in my pocket.
What a sad individual you are. Stop trying to justify your actions; you're just an utter lowlife thief. 'Technically it wasn't stealing'. Get the !#*! out of here with that.

And your philosophy? That people deserve it if they leave it out?! The way you appear to act you probably go through womens handbags and steal their purses, with some stupid justification of 'Well if they're stupid enough not to padlock their handbag they deserve it'.

Your sort of actions are exactly why people lose their faith in humanity.

You are a selfish, disgusting human being. I HATE people like you.
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