Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by SFC415

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

whats up with this girl??
I'd smang em all


Alicia Sacramone

Finished up college a couple years back but has still been competing.

She dropped this regular dude football cat from Brown she was messing with though and started dating Brady Quinn.

I don't know why but this made me laugh and feel bad for homie at same time lol. Brady Quinn gonna drop her soon anyway
I woulda smashed back in 2008 and still would in 2012. Come at me Chris Hansen
lame yahoo stories..

also, nastia liukin was my favorite. but now the best oens are still the UKRAINE/RUSSIAN ones. lol

its disgusting that they do so much kissing w/ the male coaches.

also, shawn johnson is a female TROLL.

dominuqe moceanue

alicia sacremento lost it for USA. she's EPIC FAIL.
Sure, she looks a little fat. Regardless of what you think she looks like, body fat % is the real factor, and she looks like she has a little layer.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I went out with a near-Olympic level gymnast for a bit. They are short because their growth is stunted due to years of training from an early age, and when they stop for good, their bodies have to redistribute the muscle, and it turns into fat. That's why they often come away looking so bloated later on. They look good in the moment, but later on, not so much.

Do you think that's because that training makes their bodies focus on building muscle instead of growing?

like dmb said, its because of all the impact on their knees n legs. also their spinal cords. its rare (although i know some) to see a gymnast over 5'4"-5'5"

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Those girls can shred off fat easily.

not s easily as you think
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I went out with a near-Olympic level gymnast for a bit. They are short because their growth is stunted due to years of training from an early age, and when they stop for good, their bodies have to redistribute the muscle, and it turns into fat. That's why they often come away looking so bloated later on. They look good in the moment, but later on, not so much.

I don't care if Alicia Sacramone looks like Rosie O'Donnell
in 10 years, she can meet me at the altar in a white dress.
probably can do tricks in bed with all that flexibility and bounce
switch positions with ease
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