Shawty Lo and His 10 Baby Mamas.

but those who are not minorities like yourself will see this and cast judgement on you before you eem open your mouth...
the perpetual "n_____ got a bunch of kids and dont take care of them" stereotype will ring true in a lot of people's eyes that cant separate you from the next black man.

but i don't have bunch of kids.
i'm in college.
i've never been to jail.
i don't rob/kill/gang bang.
...i don't care.
We really actin like this is the straw that will break the camel's back? No.
Other blacks have done worse and gotten famous for it...still don't care.
They are not me. What is their ignorant stereotype doing to me?
You never see white people going "man white folks another school shooting? we GOT to do better."
i know our stereotypes go deeper than that, but fact still remains i don't care. *shrugs*
when i go to that job interview w/ my degree and long list of internships and that beautiful gpa of mine...i won't be caring about what that white man
across the table from me thinks as he shakes my hand and says "you've got the job"
when i walk out of there...i won't care what the white cop holding the door thinks...what the white lady he's holding the door for thinks...or what the ******
Pope thinks...i simply don't function like that. /end rant
but i don't have bunch of kids.
i'm in college.
i've never been to jail.
i don't rob/kill/gang bang.
...i don't care.
We really actin like this is the straw that will break the camel's back? No.
Other blacks have done worse and gotten famous for it...still don't care.
They are not me. What is their ignorant stereotype doing to me?
You never see white people going "man white folks another school shooting? we GOT to do better."
i know our stereotypes go deeper than that, but fact still remains i don't care. *shrugs*
when i go to that job interview w/ my degree and long list of internships and that beautiful gpa of mine...i won't be caring about what that white man
across the table from me thinks as he shakes my hand and says "you've got the job"
when i walk out of there...i won't care what the white cop holding the door thinks...what the white lady he's holding the door for thinks...or what the ******
Pope thinks...i simply don't function like that. /end rant
everything has ramifications.

I dont envy this man one bit.
:smh: at these women for worshiping him like he's some god. 99.99% of people never heard of Shawty Lo.
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That reality TV $$ must be lonnnng! Like some have already said though, at least he's taking care of his responsibilities...
I dont blame Antonio Cromartie for pulling the plug on the reality show, they wanted to do with him and his baby moms
but i don't have bunch of kids.
i'm in college.
i've never been to jail.
i don't rob/kill/gang bang.
...i don't care.
We really actin like this is the straw that will break the camel's back? No.
Other blacks have done worse and gotten famous for it...still don't care.
They are not me. What is their ignorant stereotype doing to me?
You never see white people going "man white folks another school shooting? we GOT to do better."
i know our stereotypes go deeper than that, but fact still remains i don't care. *shrugs*
when i go to that job interview w/ my degree and long list of internships and that beautiful gpa of mine...i won't be caring about what that white man
across the table from me thinks as he shakes my hand and says "you've got the job"
when i walk out of there...i won't care what the white cop holding the door thinks...what the white lady he's holding the door for thinks...or what the ******
Pope thinks...i simply don't function like that. /end rant
:smh: :smh:

you'll learn one day, young nique...

what if the interviewer sees this show? and never been around black people? he's going to think this is what most black people are like...

so when a white dude walks in right after you with that same list of internships, that same beautiful gpa, and that same degree, what do you think is going to tip the job into your favor?

i can tell you this... shawty lo and his baby mama's wont do you any help, brah...

also, white people are a MAJORITY... so in essence, its kind of hard to NOT come in contact with a white person... on the other hand, there are people that go their entire lives without actually talking with a black man on a personal level...

so when they see this, what other idea of black people would they have? 1st impressions is a muh fugga, famb... and you might not get to get one cuz dumb ******* like this would've beat you to the punch.
Ricky what nique is saying is that he can't worry about foolish black people or reality shows because its outta his control. Of course it sucks that we get portrayed that way but we can't keep saying "we gotta do better" especially when it pertains to those we don't know. We as blacks aren't one mind, one type, one situation. No race is. So we have unfair exceptations of our image. Do better yourself and teach those around you. That's all you can do.
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Why would Nique or anyone care for the opinion of a white person who derives their opinion of black people based on silly TV shows and worldstar videos?

Like why would I even try and explain or begin to hope to change the opinion of someone that stupid?

To not like these lame shows is one thing but to be embarrassed? Nah bro.
Ricky what nique is saying is that he can't worry about foolish black people or reality shows because its outta his control. Of course it sucks that we get portrayed that way but we can't keep saying "we gotta do better" especially when it pertains to those we don't know. We as blacks aren't one mind, one type, one situation. No race is. So we have unfair exceptations of our image. Do better yourself and teach those around you. That's all you can do.
totally get what he's saying...

i'm just saying be aware of it... and dont expect equal treatment b/c of it.
Why would Nique or anyone care for the opinion of a white person who derives their opinion of black people based on silly TV shows and worldstar videos?.
cuz it effects you, famb.. one way or another, it effects you.

i could see if we were in a world where color didnt matter... but we aint, famb...

cant be naive to what is real life...
Naive? It has nothing to do with naivete. :lol:

You sound scared. Very scared.

Lordy lord dey messin it up fuh us.
Naive? It has nothing to do with naivete. :lol:
You sound scared. Very scared.
Lordy lord dey messin it up fuh us.
mocking me brah? ok... smh...

i guess i'm scared if a recognize where people's stereotypes come from and know that it makes me work that much harder.

keep thinking its an even playing field and the chips arent stacked against you... keep thinking that shows like this dont do anything to the subconscious...

i know the game, and you gotta be everything the white counterpart is AND THEN some just to make it, yo...

unless you 're in something that they pigeon hold black people to, like enterntainment or athletics, you gotta be better than the next white guy.

but whatever man... if you think it doesnt matter, then i'm glad you have that mindset. hopefully you wont question things if they dont go your way even though you know they should
We all know it matters Ricky just no point getting mad at shows like this
i'm not mad at all... no sleep will be lost (loss?)

i'm just as calm as nique was initially. i just want to let him know that yeah, you might have all the goods and smarts to get a certain position...

but dont think shows like this could tip in the opposite direction if a white counterpart as the same credentials....

that's all i'm saying... cats coming in saying i'm scared b/c i acknowledge that its there and know i have to work harder?

totally get what he's saying...
i'm just saying be aware of it... and dont expect equal treatment b/c of it.cuz it effects you, famb.. one way or another, it effects you.
i could see if we were in a world where color didnt matter... but we aint, famb...
cant be naive to what is real life...

i get you.
i'm well aware.
i just can't concern myself with something that simply won't change.
It was like a train wreck; I couldn't pull my eyes away from it.

Left with the :smh:/:smokin feelin that I not only watched the entire thing, but enjoyed it. Like plotting in the back of my mind how I was going to make time to watch every episode, enjoyed it.
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We all know it matters Ricky just no point getting mad at shows like this
i'm not mad at all... no sleep will be lost (loss?)

i'm just as calm as nique was initially. i just want to let him know that yeah, you might have all the goods and smarts to get a certain position...

but dont think shows like this could tip in the opposite direction if a white counterpart as the same credentials....

that's all i'm saying... cats coming in saying i'm scared b/c i acknowledge that its there and know i have to work harder?

If that happens then what can he do about it? Nothing.. no point worrying about every hypothetical situation.

And that's not the type of person you'd wanna be working for anyways.
:wow: Did the editors just have give the world the first image of this man holding an open banana?

Big Love ATL is going to set us back some years.:smh:
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