She broke up with me...

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

If you can't have her why should anyone else?

Was in the saw situation as you 5 months ago. Still a wreck today and won't get treated. My advice, get professional help before depression really startskicking in.
^ exactly thats why i posted what i would do. scare her to the point she thinks you are crazy and will go to far just to get even.
Originally Posted by fittednoob

Was in the saw situation as you 5 months ago. Still a wreck today and won't get treated. My advice, get professional help before depression really starts kicking in.
I will never understand this
Listen man, you got dealt with a bad hand on this one and probably no matter how much any of us gives you is going to really pick your self up to where youneed to be...

But honestly don't worry so much about what you lost but instead what she lost. I keep saying that what @#$%$ us guys up is that we undermine ourselves insome ways and then blame it on them for making us like this...nah it ain't that keep it positive and good things will come.

You really think that your gonna be like this for the rest of your life? If so thats sad but realistically take the time you need to get over it and do justthat, get over it. And don't worry about finding a girl with her characteristics that you liked in a future girl, cuz ultimately it didn't help youguys stay together in the first place, and it's highly possible that the next girl will be better than her, just don't shoot yourself in the footworrying about the 1st.
You want me to ....handle her? I still have my gloves dog. If she is creepinaround....shall I say ....."two birds with one stone" ?

-The Juice
youngwill500 wrote:

Is basically how im feeling right now, 7Months that feel like 7years, i loved her.. No. I still do.. I live in a state were i dont know anyone. all my friends are miles away. I dont drink, nor do i smoke.. I feel empty right now.. I did so much for this girl. and she leaves me because she thinks i dont trust her?
.. Even with accusations from someone i believed she didnt do it.. and she leaves me. Im in her room telling her how much i love her, and how i will always be there for her regardless.. and she is almost falling asleep on me..NT i loved her man..she broke my heart..she was heartles..goodnight. Thanks for letting me vent..


yo its all good 808 and Heartbreaks comes out tomorrow anyways...
Best advice to give you, take a minute to feel sorry and stuff, but do what you got to do to get it out. If you keep all that stuff bottled in, your gonna bebitter and hold your old chick to the next chick. Like dude said, move on. I know it's hard but, a chick ain't worth your sainity.
Yea if she doesn't care anymore all you can do is move on. We've all been hurt but don't let her have your pride.
Yo man, take it easy. First off, don't dwell upon it and feel sorry for your damn self. What good does that do you? You're just putting yourself down.Unless you like feeling this way, keep thinking about it. Also if she broke up with you, keep your composure.. sometimes the chick expects you to feel bad butonce she sees that you're not.. sometimes they start doubting what they did..."did i do the right thing by breaking up with him?"
real talk, ya was together for 7 months and you crying over the broad? you serious b? go rub one out, and hit the streets with your boys. hit up all the chicksthat wanted to be with you in the 7 months
you was with your ex and put in work. that was straight puppy love son. hell not even puppy love, damn puppywasnt even born yet.

too late to say not to go run to her, you already ran to her like a little %*#+@. dont hit her up for a while she will wonder what you doing. if she really"loved" you, she will come back. when she does, smash, and shoot one in her eye and leave her wanting you back.

this is a cake walk son, try breaking up after 4.5 YEARS, dude crying like a b after 7 months. it will be rough but you will get over her.

Let me get this straight:
1. She cheated on you.
2. You cried for HER back
3. She Yawned in your face
You left
4. Another dude came through, and smashed.
5. You then posted your L on NT?




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