Shelly Sterling just set the Side Piece Community back 30 years


Jul 20, 2009
So apparently after getting 2 billion for the Clipper Shelly Sterling was satisfied, and decided to give the most famous bed wench in America dat work in a court of law

Ole girl took V. Stiviano for nearly everything Don gave her, more than 2.6 million in gifts. Even funnier, Shelly Sterling says she gonna donate everything got in the ruling to charity :smh: :rofl:

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A lawyer for former Clippers owner Donald Sterling says his wife's lawsuit against a woman he showered with gifts was a waste of time and money.

Attorney Bobby Samini said Wednesday that the lawsuit had merely extended V. Stiviano's time in the public spotlight.

Shelly Sterling won a $2.6 million judgment Tuesday against Stiviano because gifts to the younger woman came from the couple's community property.

Stiviano gained notoriety a year ago when a recording she made of Donald Sterling making racially offensive remarks cost him ownership of the Clippers.

Samini represents Donald Sterling in his lawsuit against the NBA for forcing the sale of the team. He's suing his wife for selling the team after doctors found he was incompetent to handle his business affairs.

A list of the item Stiviano gotta give back:

•$1.8 million — Spanish-style duplex :x

•$1.2 million — cash (total) :wow: :x

•$400,000 — cars (Ferrari, two Bentleys and Range Rover)

•$391 — Easter bunny costume :lol:

•$12 — lace thong :rofl: :rofl:

•$1 — donation to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital as part of a purchase at a CVS store. :smh: :lol:
Kinda weird. Sterling gave it to V.   Wouldn't the wife have to sue him to get the money? And even if he sued her, they were for a fact gifts.

this will never hold up

hold up in court?

she already won.
Shelly Sterling won a $2.6 million judgment Tuesday against Stiviano because gifts to the younger woman came from the couple's community property.

the law in California is pretty cut and dry. when youre married its BOTH of your money, pretty much become one person after that.
so when she sued the sidepiece its like suing because half of all the gifts were hers, and she didn't give permission. on the flipside though, if a husband spends all of the money from a joint account on himself, the wife cant do anything.
hold up in court?

she already won.
the law in California is pretty cut and dry. when youre married its BOTH of your money, pretty much become one person after that.
so when she sued the sidepiece its like suing because half of all the gifts were hers, and she didn't give permission. on the flipside though, if a husband spends all of the money from a joint account on himself, the wife cant do anything.

and once it's appealed it will get reversed then a settlement will be reached
How is that even possible?

It is really confusing to me too, but from what I read it seems like:

Apparently this judgment kinda is a fine against Donald Sterling actually because of community property. It becomes even weirder because Shelly controls Dons money too.

So basically Don gave these things has gifts without Shelly's knowledge, which he can't because of community property. So Don has to take back all the gifts.

Stiviano's own recording have her saying that Don and her conspired to keep Shelly in the dark about the gifts.

-Sidenote: we already knew Shelly was a racist, but even more evidence came out at trial about her calling Latinos filthy, and referring to one of her tenants as a black ************.
More items that have to be returned/paid for :lol:

$925 — dry cleaning

$843 — skin treatment

$695 — Chanel thong sandals

$354 — birthday cake

$299 — two-speed blender

$140 — Kobe 8 System Nike basketball shoes
More items that have to be returned/paid for

$925 — dry cleaning

$843 — skin treatment

$695 — Chanel thong sandals

$354 — birthday cake

$299 — two-speed blender

$140 — Kobe 8 System Nike basketball shoes
lmao she taking Stiviano for everything.  Gonna make her a broke boy before the year is through
This is an older woman's mentality towards the other woman who is younger and prettier.

She and her husband are both racists and both got exposed. I guess this is what money and privilege can buy. No way this would have worked for the average person.
She's Black and Mexican. So she's making racist comments about her own race.
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