Sheltering your kids, yay or nay?

Nay on sheltering, the best way to avoid problems is to recognize them. With that in mind, I intend on letting my children know the harsh realities of life sothey don't think life is easy.
Another thing I plan on doing is to limit their interaction with television.
I didn't read any of the replies, however, I have to go with NAY. Sheltering my kids is a
. Go watch the "Virgin Suicides".
Sheltering? no. I want my kids to be exposed to a number of things, butt that's not to say I want them to see people get shot or killed or sell drugs. Idon't consider preventing that "sheltering". That is protecting your child.

You can still teach your kids how others live without dropping them off in the middle of a drug infested neighborhood to see first hand.

Volunteer work is a good way to show your kids that others have different lives w/o putting them in danger.
Originally Posted by NINE to FIVE

Hell nah.

I dont see why all these parents are startin to send their kids to private schools....all that does is promote ignorance, cause these kids grow up out of touch with reality.

Yes sir.

But the way NT airs out females, I gotta do some minimal safeguarding
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Sheltering? no. I want my kids to be exposed to a number of things, butt that's not to say I want them to see people get shot or killed or sell drugs. I don't consider preventing that "sheltering". That is protecting your child.

You can still teach your kids how others live without dropping them off in the middle of a drug infested neighborhood to see first hand.

Volunteer work is a good way to show your kids that others have different lives w/o putting them in danger.

Nah, its wrong to say but i want my children to see the rough side of life.
I did and im doing pretty good. Dont do drugs,drink,get decent grades,stay out of trouble,and play a recreational sport....
I wouldnt want my kids to think life is just good and that everybodys life is like that....
I will be an overly protective father. My children will try to buck of course, but I'll just have to break their will and crush them into submission.They'll probably hate me, but it will be for their own good.
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