Shenmue Appreviation vol: "Im looking for sailors"

Mar 14, 2006
This game was piff when it dropped for Dreamcast. It changed the game on RPG's w/ all the interaction. I'm bout to cop Shenmue 2 for the Xbox and playit. Might even cop a Dreamcast just so I can play pt 1 first. We need a Shenmue 3



they put so much money into this game and then it just flopped sales wise. damn good game though.
Originally Posted by The Minister

they put so much money into this game and then it just flopped sales wise. damn good game though.
True. I was like the only dude in the hood w/ it. It was piff. I think a different platform would've sold it a lot better. Game is stillpiff.
didn't think another nt'er would make this thread. my favorite game ever. i have like 3 copies of this game, one sealed. i'm even a member onshenmue dojo.
Then need to redo the first two and drop it on PS3 and Xbox360. The type of following that game has they would still be best sellers.
yeah, i'd love it if it came out on ps3. i still have a dreamcast, but i can't play the 2nd anymore (no xbox).
Yea ppl slept on this game, it is appreciated in my book. I wish they would just drop em both on PS3 and 360 as a collectors pack or somethin, I'd def copit.
I copped this when it dropped on DC.... Never played part 2 tho... I was tight when oh boy dissappeared at the end.... Pissed me off

I never played part 2.

Man, this game was so outrageously deep.

It really changed gaming forever, and not many people acknowledge it.
One of the greatest games ever. I love this game, a 4 disc dreamcast game.

Seriously the dopest gaming experience ever.

Part I is classic. I've never played the others.

This was right at the height of the dreamcast fame too. Unfortunately, it would soon meet its demise.

The system is just as great.
I remember wen i got it i was in like 6th grade all of my boys had it i was like the only person who made it to disc 3 i was happy as hell

My brother got this game for us on dc.

I remember playing it specifically due to the fact that it was based where we were born.

Those QTE events were the predecessor to all that GOW stuff.

Yokosuka Terry ftw!

Julius F. Wrek
My friend had hooked me up with a bootleg part 2 from Japan, except it was playable on the dreamcast instead of the xbox. Only gave me one disk, it was a sickgame... let my friend borrow it and he broke it in his backpack
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