Shocking video of gay couples in Texas.

NY legalized gay marriage, while gay marriage is still illegal in texas.

LOL I really came in here like are these people really tryna claim Texas is more liberal/progressive than NY? :lol:
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As long as it's not 2 guys, im good. 

No discrimination. But Me being a straight guy, I don't want my son seeing 2 guys smooching.

How is that not discrimination? I don't wanna see a black man and a white woman kissing, no discrimination. People can't kiss because you don't wanna talk to your kid for 2 seconds?
Do y'all have any idea how big Texas' gay community is?

At this point, you just look stupid being upset by gay couples.

Besides, they have black people to worry about.
NYC is full of people who don't do anything. In long island that ish wouldn't fly. People would have the gay couples back in a haertbeat.
As long as it's not 2 guys, im good. 

No discrimination. But Me being a straight guy, I don't want my son seeing 2 guys smooching.
How is that any different from your son seeing two girls kissing each other?

When I have a kid and he asks me why those two guys are holding hands and kissing, I'll tell him because they love each other just like mommy and daddy love each other. It's simple, no need to complicate things. 
How is that any different from your son seeing two girls kissing each other?

When I have a kid and he asks me why those two guys are holding hands and kissing, I'll tell him because they love each other just like mommy and daddy love each other. It's simple, no need to complicate things. 

He's projecting his own feelings about 2 men kissing unto his son. People aren't born with these ideas in their head, prejudice and racism is taught to children by people like him.
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The interacial couple vid was interesting as well. Both were good. Not sure what I would do in either until I was put in that situation and my overall mood at that time.
He's projecting his own feelings about 2 men kissing unto his son. People aren't born with these ideas in their head, prejudice and racism is taught to children by people like him.

Whats worse is dude probably picks and chooses the discrimination he deems worthy of being shunned.
Awesome video if the "bystanders" werent actors too. If I was in that situation I would hope Id do something too. And its not fair to compare NYC to Texas. Besides the fact we mind our own business up here, the setting in Texas was more intimate while the setting in NYC was larger so people would be less prone to speak up amongst a **** load of people.
Awesome video if the "bystanders" werent actors too. If I was in that situation I would hope Id do something too. And its not fair to compare NYC to Texas. Besides the fact we mind our own business up here, the setting in Texas was more intimate while the setting in NYC was larger so people would be less prone to speak up amongst a **** load of people.

Besides, if you spoke to everyone who tried to talk to you in NYC you'd just end up spending all day talking to a lot of clinically insane people on the 1 train. NYCers mind their own business for a reason.
Proud of Texas right now.  Would have never thought it possible down there.
NYC, c'mon family.  To be fair, the mindset is different.  NYC isn't known for being a place where people act on their political views.
Texas is by far a larger hot bed of political activity.

Props to Texas.
I salute you.
View media item 286484

You couldnt post some better looking womenz to rep your state? Lol

Edit: not your state but still doing texas a disservice posting these 6 1/2s
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People saying that people don't stand up in new york because they are in a rush are wrong. NYC and the east coast in general is a very much mind your own business mentality. You never know how someone will react with you poking your nose into their business. Some people will snap and do some wild **** and you don't want to be on the other end of it. Plus the more people there are, the less likely someone is to step up and take charge to help, it's called the bystandard effect.

On another note, that note did make me tear up

Pretty much. I mind my own business for the most part.

Not trying to get thrown in front of a train over an argument.

Remember the video of that nosey *** woman who got punched for complaining about another woman eating food om the subway? She deserved it.

I also remember a story of a guy sticking up for a woman a few months ago at a diner at like 4 am and he got killed for it.
That letter was so nice, what a nice person he was.
I wish there were more people like him around.
should show a Mexican couple getting harassed.
The mob would have came out to support the harassment.
Farmer's Branch is extremely closed minded and their police are racist slum, this is surprising but I don't believe those numbers.
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I remember this show did the samething but with a interracial couple.

I wish they would have done it in a different town. Only .05 percent of the population is black there.
I would have liked to get a black perspective on it as well.
Props to the people who stood up, but both those 2 old broads can die.
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