Shoe City - NEW WEBSITE - Have You Seen It Yet?


Me instigate? I'm insulted
...I'll never forget the monents ofjoy hummin' them cheesy Shoe City Songs...Word to Paula Cambell

Your city..My city...Our city..Is Shoe city...Shoe Ciiiitttyyyy
I can't believe they didn't keep the download links for the commercials...they were a good laugh.
Whooa! Ok...fill me in. Are EOH and SneakerPimp Shoe City and DTLR insiders/owners/shareholders/contractors or just loyal customers. It sounded like that weregetting ready to go to virtual blows.

If it were on the street I would have started tightening up my shoe laces in preparation for the 50 yard dash once some pulled a pistol.
It was getting heated!
My only complaint is to pull cards on facts, lol.

It's Uptown D.C. here. Come at my neck sideways for no reason, and I'm Philadelphia Freewayin' ya.

People expose their true self..............................................................................................

i know we are folks...but can we please let this flow out?


i know we are folks...but can we please let this flow out?

yes yall BOTH been going back and forth...but to do this in this environment is wack.

then again, yall allowing each other to throw blows left and right while we watch, so maybe yall love that.

but this thread is about the Shoe City website...

any other issues or concerns should flow into a spin off and THERE yall can hash out whatever differences yall may have...
Believe me I stated all facts. I have the knowledge and info to state facts. Unlike you. All you do is tryto amuse you own personal peanut gallery and try to make yourself seem like you are some big time business shoe hustler with all the connects. You are full ofs**t all the time. I am the just one with the balls to say it. Talk about people exposing their true self. I have never lied about anything. If I say I amgoing to do something I do it or it gets done. I dont talk a big game like you I just do it. I don't come on this board and change the person Iam. And the people who know me know that. See the thing is Kevin I know aboutyou. I know what you do. People in this industry talk to other people in thebusiness to find out facts. That's it I got real work to do.

In respect to you, agreed.

"Sneakerpimp" this is all just comedy. For someone so busy, you sure press that "add reply" button fast.


I repeat, exposed. Who and what I am here I am 24/7 b. So again, I poke fun at site, YOU take it personal. So who's the "professional?"

Keep "talking" about me. lol. I have ties with no one in the "business" you hold so dear. You made a career in it. I make it a side hustle,and have a career in the higher ed field with degrees. No beef either way. Thus, I can do what I do and not have a mussel on.

You having the "balls" to say something about me... When did I become important?

"It was ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL good just a week ago.........................."

Only good thing out of all this -- I know how you REALLY feel about me.
Of course I had to go back to the first page to see what went down. My only comment is that Lavan fellow [Goodfellas- Ray Liota] "Is a funny guy!"[Goodfellas- Ray Liota]
Well, Kev you made me read this mess.

My take:
Some of y'all was agreeing before the "beef" started. Then N's started flipping "this is going to far, stop the madness, aaahh!!!".And rightfully so. But I'm not taking sides here. Kev ASKED me to read this to see if he took it too far. My answer: No. If Greg and them hired theex-designers of DTLR's site, then they did. It does resemble the old one. And Shoe City got great results from it w/ their updated site. Looks clean. So,why get mad about it? I would'nt even responded to it since Kev "put it out there". If it's true, our dumbazzes would've never known.

This thread has gone from who did the site to store appearences to merchandising. Well, let's go for it. I like Shoe City for the simple fact they'requick to drop a shoe price. Hell, I've stopped buying 1st week MONTHS ago for the reality that SC would drop that price in 3-4 weeks. DTLR usually takeslonger. And I hate the way they (DTLR employees) bumrush me as soon as I walk in the store on some " Can I help you?". No N' I just walked in,let me browse 1st. Just greet me then step off until you see me pick up a shoe or something. Employee's in Iverson usually let you do that(shouts to my ManTito for being a great mgr over there). Both stores leave alot to be desired when it comes to store design. Both are usually cluttered and I reallywouldn't buy clothes from either (w/ the exception of them 501 STF stiff denim I picked earlier this year from DTLR
). And DTLR has that great Urban energy/indie account w/ some of he hottest releases in theirstores. But I'm generally not either store's target demographic. I only go fo the shoes.

Each store serves a purpose. Sometimes, they serve a different customer in different brackets.

I don't really care to rant on too much about this, but I hope both sides can see the error of this post. Greg, I know you're passionate about yourbusiness, but don't let passion turn into a situation where you're defending something that doesn't need defending. If you used them dudes, Soeffin' what? The end result was a nice, clean looking site. Goal achieved. I'd sat back and just measured the feedback of the site and not the sidebaraction, which was all you needed in the 1st place, right?
sup DC Shoe Don!

Kev ASKED me to read this to see if he took it too far.

i just think the two had different viewpoints on the "facts" from the start. thats all...
^Thing is, It's a damn website. If they used the same cats, so what? It was pointed out, in a very matter-of-fact-ly way. I nor you should care less. Thesite looks good. End of story.

The gotdamned facts on whether or not they used the same people were never even discussed, so what "facts" are YOU referring to? I didn't seethat post. I saw someone in their feelings about something that doesn't concern the board. He could've ignored it and it would've just beensomething Kev just said. No more, no less.

However, the damn peanut gallery hopped on as soon as he said it. Greg could've really ignored and let everyone get back to complementing the new look.Then we wouldn't have had to endure 2 pages of nonsense.
i had "facts" in quotation cause both parties kept saying facts lol..

i have none. no one does. lol..

i know one thing...i cant get a damn cash refund @ dtlr!!!

^Well, that's true. They barely do store credit. But, that just means stop buying#@+# you don't want, my man.
ShoeDon...has it been said that "The same guys" did the SC site? Or is that an assumption someone made? Honestly, yes, it does resemble the previousDTLR site...BUT, I can sit at my computer and "mock" any site addition to that, there are design companies that sale site templates,and that site template is not "yours" unless you pay extra money to own the knows!
Oh man...I never buy ANYTHING from DTLR unless I know I'm going home to iron it and put it on...that "no refund" policy needs to's aight for a lil' Mom and Pop store in the hood. But DTLR is in a chain store. THey used to be in "ghetto-malls" but they haveelevated from that point.

DTLR Employee: Hi Sir, can I help you find anything?

Me: Yeah I have an item I want to return for refund.

DTLR Employee: Sorry, we only do exchange or store credit.

Me: Is this DTLR or Gussini?
ShoeDon... I have to enter in a " Scrabble Challenge" for the phrase "matter-of-fact-ly". Lol. Now the rules say you can take it back andattempt again but if you object to the challenge then you lose a turn.
Originally Posted by eddiebauer757

ShoeDon... I have to enter in a " Scrabble Challenge" for the phrase "matter-of-fact-ly". Lol. Now the rules say you can take it back and attempt again but if you object to the challenge then you lose a turn.
. I take your challenge, sir. Lavan, people missed that i said IF A big%!@+ IF . I don't know ifit's true or not, nor does it matter. Nice damn site.
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