Shooting reported at Umpqua Community College in Oregon.....Another one :{

It's always a mystery to me how people think that criminals, who are already breaking the law by shooting/killing people, are going to change their ways and start following the law if stricter gun legislation is passed...? :smh:  

inner city violence isn't even the cause for this's the mass murders the Christians are doing in this country that's being used to push the agenda 

most of these school shooters come from middle to upper class families 

School shootings are much rarer than inner city violence. You are right that these extremely rare shootings are being used to push an agenda though.
Because the deaths of inner city poor people (minorities especially) doesn't make waves in the voting pool.

When middle/upper class white students are killed, it invoked a stronger reaction in the voter pool....

plus it attracts attention so news shows use the incidents for ratings....

politicians use the incident for political purposes...

It's the same reason republicans spend so much time focusing on planned parenthood...

it's an emotionally charged topic that can be used to push an agenda...

nobody wants to point out the the vast majority (per capita) of all crime is committed by christians

christian on christian violence is responsible for almost all violence in the nation
just wondering, going by this claim you're making

is it because there are simply more christians in the US than anyone else

or is it a lot more likely for someone to commit a crime if they are a christian? 

stats on this would be interesting 

This. Dudes around here have a hardon for Christians. Strange that they don't have that much disdain for Muslims, even though both religions are equally oppressive. Take any of these dudes and place 'em in a Muslim dominated country for a year with no protection and they would change their tunes real quick.

This is more ignorance on your part.

When's the last time you been in a religious thread when we all go in on Islam?

If there's one thing I've learned Muslim NTers when it comes to the same grilling the Christian NTers get is they try to argue with a more circular logic claiming everything they believe in is backed up with outside evidence that is conveniently only verified by other Muslims. That dance has been done a few times already with them. If anything though they seem to be a smarter by not engaging in any logic or science based discussions or if they do they don't lead with their religion first.

Thing is we don't go about it the way you would from a political agenda blindly attacking Islam trying to vilify every Muslim for being Muslim.
It's always a mystery to me how people think that criminals, who are already breaking the law by shooting/killing people, are going to change their ways and start following the law if stricter gun legislation is passed...?

inner city violence isn't even the cause for this's the mass murders the Christians are doing in this country that's being used to push the agenda 

most of these school shooters come from middle to upper class families 

School shootings are much rarer than inner city violence. You are right that these extremely rare shootings are being used to push an agenda though.
Because the deaths of inner city poor people (minorities especially) doesn't make waves in the voting pool.

When middle/upper class white students are killed, it invoked a stronger reaction in the voter pool....

plus it attracts attention so news shows use the incidents for ratings....

politicians use the incident for political purposes...

It's the same reason republicans spend so much time focusing on planned parenthood...

it's an emotionally charged topic that can be used to push an agenda...

nobody wants to point out the the vast majority (per capita) of all crime is committed by christians

christian on christian violence is responsible for almost all violence in the nation
just wondering, going by this claim you're making

is it because there are simply more christians in the US than anyone else

or is it a lot more likely for someone to commit a crime if they are a christian? 

stats on this would be interesting 

This. Dudes around here have a hardon for Christians. Strange that they don't have that much disdain for Muslims, even though both religions are equally oppressive. Take any of these dudes and place 'em in a Muslim dominated country for a year with no protection and they would change their tunes real quick.
1. I already posted the stats on how Athiests are UNDERREPRESENTED in crime... ie. crime per capita. 10% of population only commits .07% percent of crime... You are safer around an Athiest than you are around a Christian.

2. If you get sent to a christian country like nicaragua, argentina, or el salvador... we'll see how well you do with no protection.

3. What do muslims have to do with a topic about christians and athiests?

4. why are people surprised we are talking about christians when we live in a christian dominated society? It's worth noting that a christian dominated society has the largest prison population, one of the greatest wealth disparities, and the largest military in the world... what does that tell you about christian values?
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Just imagine, on the middle east NT there's an Iranian jchambers asking why we always talking about Islam and never mention the bad things about Christianity.
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So now that race baiting failed, I see we're resorting to the "war on Christianity" religion baiting? Trolls are losing their edge these days.
Just imagine, on the middle east NT there's a Iranian jchambers asking why we always talking about Islam and never mention the bad things about Christianity.
for no reason at all turning the sup my turban is too big thread into a race thread 
I'm pretty sure anybody who advocates for the complete banning of all firearms... would love for the police to lose their weapons too

i'm not really sure who that post is addressing
So now that race baiting failed, I see we're resorting to the "war on Christianity" religion baiting? Trolls are losing their edge these days.
war on christianity or the Christians inflicting war on innocent people?
I love how gun control = everyone hands over all their weapons, no weapons sales and police are the only ones allowed to have them.

This guy would fit in well here...#NTextremes.

Gun control is clearly much more than just making weapons illegal for citizens.
Exactly. People acting like a portal hole is going to open up and suck all the guns into another universe.
Why are the oh so free gun owners allowing the government to have nukes then? Why is that the reliable, honest, moral and virtuous government is allowed to have nukes and private citizens aren't? Why is centralizing nuke ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions being tolerated?
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I think the "hardon" for Christians stem from this being
1. A Christian dominated society
2. Religion in general
3. Hypocrisy in religion
4. Aggressiveness of Christians/church folk and how they are quick to condemn, but then again, reference #3.
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