Shortest job/employment you've had - you weren't the person they should have hired.

2 weeks @ Elizabeth Arden. Was spending the summer with my cousin in VA and landed the same job as him. The week after I got hired I got a call from my momsaying i had to come home and go to summer school

My second season at Kings Dominion: Two days

They messed up my information so bad and I don't even know how since I was a returning employee.

The first day I was to go through training again and then get a free pass in the park for the day. When the bus dropped us off nearly everyone else got in thepark except me. They had me redo the app, then said OK come back next week
. No pass no nothing and the bus wasn't coming back until 9pm
. When I didn't get in one of my friends came back to check and I told her what happened, she went inside and got me a pass
. So I had something to do until the bus came. I e-mailed HR that night andexplained what happened and he responded with all types of apologies and said I should be good that next week. Wrong. They didnt have me assigned to asupervisor, I couldn't go to their bank in the back and get the change needed to work the games section, nothing. I was
. The next weekend I called out because I knew they still wouldn't haveanything right.....then eventually just didnt go back
Originally Posted by solesavage

Hired at Office Max, Showed up at 5:30 AM, Nobody was helping me or instructing me what to do until 9am. Some dude tells me to stock a crate filled with different pens. I left for lunch at 11 am, never went back LOL


i got hired at target, whent through hell just trying to pass a urine test ( i used my friends clean urine, and heated it up in a plastic container with thevents in my car, right b4 i went in
) passed it and quit without noticea week later
Got a job at a local drug company and had a start date of 2 weeks later. In the meantime, I was offered another job more in my field. Totally didn't callor show up on the scheduled start date of the drug company.

Looking back, I'm not sure why I didn't call. Had them folks blazing up my phone for a
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by eight2one

3 weeks at google.....

my work suffered due to me not being able to stay awake between 10-11am

I was 17 at the time *shrugs*


You could be CAKING right now if u stood with that

not really, it was just some slave job flipping a page and clicking a pedal for their books to get online.....

$10/hour at 17 was nice tho........that place was like High School 2.0 with all the drama!
Lol Too many to name lets see:

I worked at aunty anns pretzels for 3 days..And I made the homeade lemonade too sour and people were coming back asking for refunds, so instead i gave themfree pretzels and a new Lemonade. Then one of the girls was hot so i asked if we could get it in in the storage yea i got fired for that

I worked at a telemarketer for a couple of days and one time the phone rang and the answering machine picked up, so me being the guy i am Im going through thewhole thing

Me: Hi this is _____ from so and so would you like to buy our product
Then i would nod my head and smile
Me: So your saying we can put you down for 3 of em?
I would nod my head and smile some more
Me: Thats awesome thank you so much
Then i felt a tap on my shoulder, they took me in the backroom and played the conversation. all you heard was
"Hi im not home right now leave me a message" and then me playing around.I told them i was practicing, they didnt buy it and told me to go home

I also worked as a on foot messenger, I worked 2 days my feet was so damn sore I didnt even bother calling out of work.I quit but i got my check
I got hired at macys as on call

they gave me 1 full time shift and never called me back,

then got a call back 3 months later, and i just wanted to quit, hate that place
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by eight2one

3 weeks at google.....

my work suffered due to me not being able to stay awake between 10-11am

I was 17 at the time *shrugs*


You could be CAKING right now if u stood with that

not really, it was just some slave job flipping a page and clicking a pedal for their books to get online.....

$10/hour at 17 was nice tho........that place was like High School 2.0 with all the drama!
one word my dude

3 months working at a movie theater. called it quits once they had me working the opening of king kong.

didnt get out of that place till 4 in the morning on a wends night. i took sooo much candy and movie posters from that place it was crazy
UPS 2 hours

Story- when I was 15, couple hours before work me and my bro get into it over some family business. Show up to work but my nose is all jacked and my eye wasstarting to swell from being punched. Manager sat me down asked if everything was ok and I was like yeah it's cool can I just get myself cleaned up in thebathroom. At this point my eye just swelled shut, blood starting gushing from my nose. Took me about 1 1/2 just clean myself up and the bathroom. Came outmanager asked me to leave, not for the fact that I was all beat up, but for the fact that he thought I was yakked out on the yaddameans cause of the bloodynose....FML
Originally Posted by solesavage

Hired at Office Max, Showed up at 5:30 AM, Nobody was helping me or instructing me what to do until 9am. Some dude tells me to stock a crate filled with different pens. I left for lunch at 11 am, never went back LOL
wow at leaving at lunch, not even noon, and never going back.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by eight2one

3 weeks at google.....

my work suffered due to me not being able to stay awake between 10-11am

I was 17 at the time *shrugs*


You could be CAKING right now if u stood with that

not really, it was just some slave job flipping a page and clicking a pedal for their books to get online.....

$10/hour at 17 was nice tho........that place was like High School 2.0 with all the drama!
one word my dude

Working at Google is VERY overrated. You're on the chopping block as soon as you get hired. The perks are cool but that's about it.

My shortest employment period:
1 day at a publishing company. It was temp work for a few weeks anyway so I wasn't too mad. I thought I would be hired to do word processing and otherduties that I was qualified for. Turns out they gave me a phone, a script and a list of their clients. I had to call over 600 people (various optometrists andlens' distributors) and ask them if they would be renewing the magazine (optical magazine). I was glad to get out of there at the end of the day. Myrecruiter told me that I was not welcome back there because of improper phone etiquette. Didn't care anyway.
3 weeks at mcdonalds. I was working the night shifts and the manager was always a !!$%*. On my last night working there she put me on the register.
She tried to explain how every button is for a certain order and then you press another button for a combo. I pressed the wrong button the first time.
She flips out like I'm supposed to know everything already and blah blah. 5 minutes later while I was preparing a cup of coffee for a customer she bumpsinto me and the coffee spills all over my right hand. Do any of you have any idea how HOT that coffee is?? I turned to her and politely said, "*#%+you" and walked out.

She's lucky I didn't flip and lock her in the freezer.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

I think two months at a Gamestop.

Awful, awful place.

I hear a lot of people say this about Gamestop. Whats so bad about it?
I worked at Mickey D's two days, they tired putting my at register right away...
Second day I went in worked and the manager said, "Hey you're only suppose to work fours per day while still under training, So you can go homeAMIGO!!!"

She called me amigo, I was like " @$#+! I speak fluent english" never went back
Originally Posted by djaward

Applied at Olive Garden for Waiter or Bus Boy. Got a call to go in for an interview. We interviewed and I got the job
. A week later I started my first shift. THey told me to be there at 6:30 am
.. I was like WHAT THE HELL.. So I went.. Thought it was a training session. Turns out I got hired to do clean up
.. As soon as I got there the manager ( a white lady) was trying to talk to me in Spanish. I gave her the
and told her I SPEAK PERFECTLY GOOD ENGLISH. She handed me a broom and a backpack.. THE BACKPACK WAS A VACCUM.. I dropped everything on the floor and walked out. They sent me a W2. I had 57.00 that wasnt claimed..

messed up
2 days. worked at training camp(sneaker store) as a cashier, i accidentally pressed cash back on someone credit purchase. my manager called like 2 other storswto ask what to do. you give them the cash back from the register doofus. i told him to chill out , you just give him the cash. he yelled at me in front on thecustomer and i lost it. called him every name in the book. granted i made a mistake but it was fixable and he yelled at me in front of a customer. you dont dothat. shorted the register $50 bucks, kicked over a stack of shoes, and hit up a happy hour.
I got hired at The Limited (-_-) and not only was the pay horrible (7.80) but they didnt have solid're "on call" 5 days aweek...and you have to call 1 hour before your hypothetical shift to see if they need you or not. Soooo you have to basically clear your schedule IN CASE theyneed you....which they usually need you once out of the week. Yup after 2 weeks of that crap I stopped showing up.
Stockroom worker at Paragon sportwear for like 3 weeks.

Cats used to stash Jordans at different places all over the store. Ceilings, boilers, in the walls...I hid about half a dozen pair of Concords and Cool Greysand bought them with a 70% discount on my last day.

We found the manager that had been working there for 25+ years stash. OG Jordan 1s, 3s, Cement 4s, 6s, was a free for all. After we flipped the for acouple hundred each, everybody quit.

Most fun job I ever had.
costco1 day - the tried to make me a box boy so I just took off

toys r us - they called me 3 times for an interview.. never replied.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

I got hired at The Limited (-_-) and not only was the pay horrible (7.80) but they didnt have solid're "on call" 5 days a week...and you have to call 1 hour before your hypothetical shift to see if they need you or not. Soooo you have to basically clear your schedule IN CASE they need you....which they usually need you once out of the week. Yup after 2 weeks of that crap I stopped showing up.
Unfortunately that's how Forever 21 does it too -__- it's terrible but I'm still there.

My shortest job was at Target for only a month around this time. Worst experience ever especially throughout the month of December.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Stockroom worker at Paragon sportwear for like 3 weeks.

Cats used to stash Jordans at different places all over the store. Ceilings, boilers, in the walls...I hid about half a dozen pair of Concords and Cool Greys and bought them with a 70% discount on my last day.

We found the manager that had been working there for 25+ years stash. OG Jordan 1s, 3s, Cement 4s, 6s, was a free for all. After we flipped the for a couple hundred each, everybody quit.

Most fun job I ever had.
You still got a sz. 12 stashed somewhere?
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