Shortest Time at a Job? Vol. I should have given my 2 weeks notice before I applied..

Got hired at a job that was supposedly in logistics......turned out that they were in debt collection....I quit within a week and a half...
Worked at Target for like 3 weeks as a cart attendant, ****** was outta line tryna make me be a janitor too. It was at this gig that I found out just how disgusting females are, that women's bathroom used to be UNHOLY...One day somebody threw up in a sink and they expected me to clean it up...Walked my *** right out the front door.

-Did a half day as a temp doing some **** with car parts and packaging, I went on my lunch break and had a voicemail for a full time position that I had applied to and had been praying for...I called back to confirm the interview, took a min to thank the man, and pulled off the premises banging track 3 off Deeper than Rap [emoji]128526[/emoji].

-Worked at a Casino in Ohio for a week but quit because the commute was too long back and forth from Detroit. I had originally planned to move out there but I changed my mind once I seen what it was like...Lot of weird **** and ppl in that whole state.
3 days at some logistics company.
5 days at some run down automotive part selling "company"

One day at a restaurant :lol: :smh: After the day of training I went home and was like nah famb I ain't doing this and sent a text to the manager.
Three weeks at USPS. One afternoon, I had lost the key to the mail truck I was driving with, in the snow. The supervisor had to come down and have the other mail carriers take the rest of my mail in the truck. I was so embarrassed, I told them to that I won't be back. :lol:

Bruh u quit USPS
That's like a cake ***
Retire after 20-30 years
With paid pension and medical
Type of job :smh:

Have you ever delivered mail in a blizzard before?

Not a lot of cats can get a gig USPS. I even tried applying years back but failed the test. You're an idiot for quitting over snow :lol: :smh:
Man I probably would've stayed at USPS if they would've let me work at the location in my hometown..I could've just walked to work. But naw they stationed my *** at Fallout 3. :smh:
:lol: at Fallout 3.

Shortest was like a month at UPS, loading the trucks. Most miserable job I've ever had. Big *** packages speeding down a line and you gotta look at little *** code and make sure you grab the right one and load it onto the right place on one of your 2-3 trucks. Horrible. Another gig called, and I actually got called in to get fired on the day I was going to quit :lol: :lol: :lol: Santana strolled out of there with a big *** smile on my face.
these stories are funny but for the dude making 42.5k/year and thinking about quiting th ejob after less than a week...c'mon son
thats like the average american salary and people would kill to be in that position
stick it out, see if you like it after a while, even if you dont make some money that you can do something with
2 days literally Saturday and Sunday just one weekend (8/10 hour work days)

i just got this job at 17 working at Chickie & Petes here in Philly. It was the summer and i needed/wanted a job so i can have money for the weekends down the shore. 

Got my schedule and seen they assigned me to weekends only, i was like ok thats fine let me give it a try this first weekend and if it is decent then ill stick around and miss out on some beach days and try to go during weekdays. My first day comes and i go in man i swear this felt like the longest day ever. My shift got over and i go home, so Sunday comes and i go in work and just do what i am told to do realizing this **** ain't for me at all. i hate dealing with people especially at a restaurant. 

told ma dukes this food runner life ain't for me and that i wanted to quit. She understood and said atleast i tried it out. 

Im glad it didnt work out cause that summer was a blast even with the little bit of money i had on me. 

but ya 2 days was my shortest ever at a job. 
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