should I ask again or give up?

i would just test the waters and ask again. if she says no, she says no. you already did a lot by actually askin a 2nd time. if no, F!!! it, she just dont want to. no sweat.
Similar situation happened to me before. Girl was really feeling me in class so I decided to ask her out. she hit me with she was busy. Asked again a few weeks later and got shut down again. Stopped talking to her and get a text a week later saying why we haven't we hung out yet.
So I would try it once more and if she says no just don't pay attention to her in class as much
why arent you facebook friends?...might as well add her and talk to the her on facebook. If you get denied dont sit next her.

IMO if she denied you shes a !+!%, disregard females acquire currency.
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by StonedFace

I'm not in any position to be giving advice


Do you have any tests/midterms in french coming up?  Ask her to study with you, if so.  Figure out what you can say to get her number.  Actually, you should walk out of class and act like you didn't understand something and ask her if she did, then ask her if she has any time to go over whatever you don't understand.  Get her number, tell her to meetup with you around campus or something, then go eat lunch/dinner after...
Shoulda pulled this moved yesterday... We have a midterm tomorrow but still have a final coming up. If I pull the trigger again I think my best option is to go for this method. I haven't given her too much attention since then. I came off real conversational and friendly before I asked her out, and now I don't give her side conversation unless she speaks up which she started. She'll say stuff like "+#*$ these pronouns" when going over it in class. How well does the "ignore" feature work if I want to ask again? I guess that's up to me to find out. 

Real *%!! though, I only have like two weeks in the quarter so it really is an attempt for a "furious fourth quarter" comeback. I'm gonna ask her to study with me a few days before the final and if I fail then, whatever, it is the end of the class.
A lot of dudes mistake kindness for genuine feelings. It sounds like you were a partner that she was good with, doesn't mean her laughing means another more then that. At least she didn't give you the "yes" and hit with with the "no" five minutes later( Happened to a kid I know, He thought she felt him because of the same thing your talking about, laughing, talking about classes).
I think your problem OP was that the whole asking someone to coffee is suppose to be a sort of non committal, casual situation, since you know what college student would turn down a free cup of jo. You put too much emphasis on it, personally I think you should move on ....... because since you put such seriousness into first asking her out to a place that's not suppose to be a serious date situation ..... You see the point of going out to coffee is that it's an easy in, a simple way to get some alone one on one time, where from there according to how things go you ask her on an actual date, but you messed up the order of events. On top of that, the cold shoulder added even more emphasis and made the whole situation even more awkward.

Your best bet is to have a group study session, spend your time at that session flirting with another girl, get said girls number, hook up for casual non committal sexy time ... Then if "French" girl starts acting all jealous ..... you can come back here for more advice
Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

A lot of dudes mistake kindness for genuine feelings. It sounds like you were a partner that she was good with, doesn't mean her laughing means another more then that. At least she didn't give you the "yes" and hit with with the "no" five minutes later( Happened to a kid I know, He thought she felt him because of the same thing your talking about, laughing, talking about classes).

I put that blame more on women than men. Most girls dont realize that alot of guys arent looking to be their friends. So when you start conversation and kid around like you would with another girl, we dont see it that way.
I'd say do the study thing if you're that cool with her, but don't ask her out again. If possible, move on to other partners and leave her out to dry. You'll see her come back to the kid, and if she doesn't keep it moving player.
but onto the Op. I dont know, pretty much is a nice way of saying no. Ive had this happen to me a couple of times. Unless you have some way to razzle dazzle her and change her mind, the answer will probably stay the same. Or you could keep bugging her and she go out on a pity date with you, and she may end up liking you, may not
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Dragon

don't  stop until she threaten to call the cops


you missed your opportunity to convince her the first time so just move on or you will probably freak her out. you should of hit her off like the begining of that one tupac song "Get Away" lol

but like dude said give her the cold shoulder. if she really is into you she would come around after that.
I'm kinda in the same situation as you

but i didn't ask her out, yet?! we exchanged a few words last class and idk if she was laughing at me or happy.. i have class with her today tho.

IMO, i think you took it too fast OP.. baby steps mang, get that number first. she was probably nervous as hell when you asked her. like other people said, your best bet is to act like youre talking to another girl.

if she doesn't give in, last her one last time after the last class..
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Maybe she doesn't like coffee..
I feel like you could've easily bagged if you made a joke after her saying IDK to coffee
Oh well, live and you learn 

If she rejects u again just tell her u were kidding and that shes ugly
play it cool.

this is a marathon and not a sprint

don't ever come off too thirsty. Let these *%++ come to you

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

i couldn't, if shes not into me immediately.. i move on to another.

.. I can't sit around nd waste time, she either wants it or not. lol
Word. I'm not about that convincing a girl to like me life. I'd keep the friendship on a strictly platonic level, jokingly ask if she has any hot friends, etc. If she really likes you she'll start making more pronounced moves toward you, if not then you got a pretty girl as a wingman. Win-win.
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

i couldn't, if shes not into me immediately.. i move on to another.

.. I can't sit around nd waste time, she either wants it or not. lol

You basically put the ball in her court.  I say you be the same guy you've always been, sit next to her in class if she's still interesting to talk to and keep it going like how you did before you asked her.  BUT now you can make room for getting to know other girls if this thing really comes down to her just really not digging you. 

Personal advice...guys tend to get misconceptions of signals girls are throwing out mostly because their irrational creatures.  You put the ball in her court, you did your job, she should know that she kinda played you when you put in the effort...if she thinks your worth it now she's gonna have to chase you.
Keep it moving op, move on to another chick in class, the other chick laughing and smiling in class, then the old chick will wonder why you don't talk to her anymore, then you'll start getting those "you're acting funny " or hey stranger text, then you make her work to be with you she'll be asking YOU to go out for coffee, after that still play it cool, buss them guts open and never talk to her %%* again
Don't give her that much attention for a while, if she's completely cool with that then it's on to the next one.
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