Should I leave my landlord/roommate hanging?

Dec 19, 2001
Aight I'm in a dilemma if I should pay these certain bills or not. On the 11th of mar im moving to fl. Ive known through slight here say(literallyoverhearing fron the other room) that my landlord/roommate pretty much let the water x energy x cable get to like 800 bucks each(he has a history of lettingthose types of bills build up and us ending up have to pay and of amount at one time.)Now after me talking to the other roommate(his best friend sincechildhood) he finally says something to me since ive heard about these since dec. he wants me to give him 800 bucks before i leave within the next 2weeks.Thats the main part that irks me about the situation is the lack of communication and his "relaxed" method toward paying bills which turns to"we're behind on this...". Plus truth be told a) I don't got 800 bucks lying around to give him and b) I really don't like him. Always myname is on none of the bills. Should I just skate on him? Will he take me to judge judy?
if you never signed a lease, go head and leave him hangin. just dont forget about karma when it come knocking on your door. ive left a landlord hanging beforeand just vacated, but it was different terms. he never fixed anything in the house we were in and every so many months our utilities would get shut off becausehe didn't pay them on time.
My lease was up October, I've been month to month since. He can keep my deposit if thats any consolation
Remeber.....karma is always around the corner
black clouds been following me for the last couple of years without me doing grimey moves, dont see how this prompt something to happen that wouldnt happenalready.
As someone people have already mentioned, watch out for the Karma. I used to never take it seriously until recently. Pay the final bills, and go your own way.
if you don't like him, then bail out and let him deal with it.

if you ever need a favor in the future though, theres one person you already know now not to ask.
Okay check it out, you used the utilities and you helped run those bills up so you technically owe that cash. But his irresponsibility doesn'tmake that an emergency for you. You have an out so this is what i'd do.

I'd give him a good faith deposit. 200-400 bucks or whatever I could come up with. Then I'd hit him with a couple hundred when I got it. Then i'dprobably not pay like 200 for the trouble.
i say give him SOME money so he doesn't suspect you not paying and just bail because it was his irresponsibility for not collecting
Originally Posted by eckels

i say give him SOME money so he doesn't suspect you not paying and just bail because it was his irresponsibility for not collecting

best response. really just give him some and peace out. You should always pay bills on time and not let them pile up. Tell the dude your name aint on anybills, pay a little, and skate
Do not give them a cent more than what you owe for rent plus your share of the bills. Youre getting bad advice from some people who have never lived beyondtheir parents... obviously, you pay rent every month and you guys split the bills.. so youve already paid the previous months utilities and cable.. why paythem twice for your roommates/landlord stupidity. That means someone was pocketing money...
if ur name is on the utilities, ur gonna get a collection notice n screw up ur credit.

plus, what happened to the money u SHOULD HAVE been putting away each billing period for that added up to this amount of 800 bucks. thats wat u should be usingto pay for it. u should be glad homie was lenient in the first place.

dont be shady. pay ur share.
pay what you owe.
nothing more... nothing less.

are your ethics and morals worth 800 bucks?....if you skimp out on the bills(which you acknowledge you owe)...then that's what you're saying
I think the best advice in here is to just pay what you owe. If yall had an agreement from the beginning on how the bills were to be split/paid and youknowingly weren't holding up your side of the bargain then I would say you're responsible for paying half of the utilities/late fees yall have. If yourpart of the utilities was being paid during those months yet your roommate was just holding it and not giving their half to put up in order to pay the bills infull then you have nothing to worry about.
I wanna leave him hanging just off gp. Literally our energy got turned off twice in the summer because exactly that, him not notifying of any due bills untilway after the fact.(they would turn it off now but wisconsin law turns all electricity on during the winter)I think it kinda has something to do with ournonexistent, almost dislike of each other, relationship. The fact that I heard that he was selling the house when he was on the phone and then telling me amonth later=smh. Normally I don't have a problem paying my bills but since he let it get that big to like 2500 hundred worth of bills(which he and my otherroommate are still working towards) hoq does he expect me to reach into a magical hat and take this out. I kept telling myself if he me tells about the billsanytime before febuary, then I'd pay it because I'd actually have enough time to pay it, but the only way i could physically pay dude is if i give himnearly all my available income for the next 3 weeks, when im moving out of here next week. i may seem mad or already decided on, but if yall knew just thegeneral disrespect of dude towards me.....smh
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