Should I Open The Car Door For This Woman On The First Date?

May 3, 2009
Serious question. I'm 19, I knock ho's... I haven't been on a lot of actual dates. This girl is 25 and I'm not trying to get caught slippindue to a lack of experience. I'd consider myself a pretty chivalrous (?) guy but opening the car door when I get to her place just seems kinda simpish. What do you guys think?
That's a little too far.. Opening doors to buildings etc would be appreciated but opening her car door... Straight weird.
its not simping...
go ahead and do it
what you do on the date and how you present yourself matter so much more
being a gentlemen just seals the deal...
Wow cmon now opening the door for a chick is simpish now? Lets separate a gentleman from a simp right now NT

Pics my man and an update of your win or failure

Yes you should open the car door for her. Just don't look corny or awkward doing it.
Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

its not simping...
go ahead and do it
what you do on the date and how you present yourself matter so much more
being a gentlemen just seals the deal...
I'm definitely about opening doors to buildings and stuff. Getting out, walking around the whip, and opening and closing the door to a carjust seems like a bit much.

And Zik, I'll provide an update.
i open car doors on dates and for the gfs. but as of late i havent been able to since my alarm doesnt work so i got to open the doors from the drivers side,and i aint trying to walk ALL the way around the car to open it.

ill tell the chick to back up, as i swing the passenger side door open from the inside
dude shes probably one of those cougar types who preys on young dudes
more than likely shell let u hit no matter what..
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

its not simping...
go ahead and do it
what you do on the date and how you present yourself matter so much more
being a gentlemen just seals the deal...
I'm definitely about opening doors to buildings and stuff. Getting out, walking around the whip, and opening and closing the door to a car just seems like a bit much.

And Zik, I'll provide an update.
Wait a minute fam. I thought you meant opening the car door for her to get in.

She can get out herself.

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