Show us your favorite college/professional sports team ID or a shoe that's similar to your team's co

Feb 9, 2013
It's the best time of the year... FOOTBALL and BASKETBALL season is upon us. That said, I really don't care what sport it's for or whether it's professional or college -- post your best IDs you've either made, seen, or an existing NIKE that are is in support of your team's colors. Additionally, they don't have to be any recent shoe (unless that's a forum foul since there's a retro forum? If so, disregard my last statement). 

Bonus if you're a Florida State, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, or Orlando Magic fan.

For my own selfish reasons, I want to see the aforementioned teams to give myself ideas. Regardless, I can appreciate great color blocking and an innovative idea in general. I did a quick search and didn't see anything like this. Apologies in advance if this has already been done.  Mods please lock if there's an existing thread similar to this. 

Sorry my IDs suck, but just trying to get the thread started off. So I figured I'd post something.
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