Shower.. Morning or Night?

how can you fall asleep dirty?
I'll never understand showering at night for the next day. If I'm dirty, I will most definitely shower at night. But if it has been a regular day withno running/sweating, a shower the next morning will suffice.

I guess I can't see rolling out of bed with that sleep smell on me and not showering. I wouldn't feel fresh for the day.
^^Ironically your SN is suberbly TRIFE. But on the real, you're out all day, a lot of bacteria and stuff gets on your skin throughout the entire day, lotsof smells, and you wouldn't want your bed to smell like that.....I sure as hell wouldn't.
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

whenever i have time and feel like it... lol
<~~ I really made that face.
hahaha no i shower daily but sometimes i wake up early and dont have time so i shower the night before... and sometimes i wake up later and liketo shower to wake me up and start my day

and sometimes its way too cold to shower in the morning =[ especially with my hair if i wash it in the morning and it doesnt fully dry it freezes outside

sometimes i shower twice a day. like today. before and after work.
every morning no matter what......I dont feel awake or clean without doing it.....if I need one during the day (after balling, working out or crushing) I willtake one when needed...
i shower in the night all the time since i have to wake up like at 5:30 to go to school but sometimes i shower in the morning to get myself fresh

when i wake up before work. and before i go to bed. i don't want to bed feeling all dirty and stuff. especially after a work out.
somtimes morning, sometimes night, sometimes both. it doesn't really matter.
I do it in the morning because my hair gets messed up when I fall asleep. I take another one at the end of the day if necessary (sweating, etc.)
Lazy days - shower before I go out
Normal day - shower in the morning, if I go to the gym, shower at night too
Usually at night though.. I ain't tryna take a shower when it's all cold in the morning..
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