Simultaneous terrorist attacks around Paris...Vol. Here we go again.Update 07/14/16 p42: Nice terror

I've said this at every mass killing:

All these dudes need are some yambs in their lives, and I'm dead *** serious.

I feel like women can often times be a ray into light into a man's mind.

Dudes are so wired to succeed, conquer, provide, be aggressive, fulfill certain ideologies, and can be some of the most concentrated, focused beings on the planet....

And women have the ability to calm all that down and redirect the energy

Imagine running this by your girl.

"Ay babe... I'm gonna run over a bunch of people in a delivery truck"

"Boy if you don't come here and watch Netflix"

I may be wrong, but from what I've seen, most of these mass killers don't have chicks.
Le Pen is going to win and everyone will talk about bigots and racists and yata yata. If you don't want right wing governments to gain control globally, than these attacks need to be stopped somehow.

Accusations of xenophobia and bigotry are not going to carry any weight if this becomes more and more common.

You vastly overestimate the popularity and support of the National Front over there...

They're still no more than a fringe party around most the country,Sarkozy has a better chance of getting reelected. Right now the apparent favorite for Hollande's successor seems to be another Republican like Sarko named Alain Juppé
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I've said this at every mass killing:

All these dudes need are some yambs in their lives, and I'm dead *** serious.

I may be wrong, but from what I've seen, most of these mass killers don't have chicks.
Orlando douche had an ex-wife. They were married 4 months and he would beat her. Probably had no clue what he was supposed to do in bed. The California duo, were they together? But I can't imagine they did much either.

Anyway I agree. Whether they were married or not they weren't getting and/or enjoying it.

As much as I think our culture takes sex too far, the opposite is far worse and leads to some dangerous frustration and inability to cope with stress and keep things in perspective.

I don't think it's all about sex but it is at the very least symbolic of everything else that is wrong.
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Bruh my power been out all day and I just heard of this 

I can't believe it man... I saw some video and it's unnerving. You don't even see anyone get hit but you just know what happens... Didn't even bother looking at the graphic stuff in the thread I don't need that kind of stuff in my life 

I pray for the day we all get some peace... too much violence in this damn world.
I'm in the UK and been up all night watching the news.

Sorry but I'm absolutely delighted we're leaving the EU and in future younger people will thank me for voting out. this is going to get worse before it gets better. These people are out for the fall of Europe, and Angela Merkel has just let millions more in.
care to expound on why you think it's best to leave the EU?
The Tour de France is going on right now, that is a huge target, and I hope nothing else happens to France

Security is soooooooo lax at cycling events
Based mod pretty much hits it on the head .. Many of these disenfranchised populations come from outside suburbs .. The result of an institutionalized decision look up les banlieues..
Curious as to how France tries to deal with this, heard children are among the deceased
I'm disgusted


Same as Brussels and Molenbeek.

The scariest thing about this attack is that even without getting out of the truck and shooting at people, the perpetrator would've still had a high body count.

That's like a cheat code in any crowded area.

It's too easy.

So they're saying it's a 31 year old guy who is known by the police.

Sounds like another previously petty criminal violent youth who was guided towards "the right path" by some radicalized imam so that he could use his experience with violence to kill random innocent people. 
 Or maybe he was even guided into doing this via the Internet.
:smh: more senseless violence.

RIP to those who lost their lives last night.

Reminds me how precious life is. Last night I was celebrating a business move and how great life was then I went to sleep, while some people were celebrating Bastille Day and lost their lives :smh:
So they're saying it's a 31 year old guy who is known by the police.

Sounds like another previously petty criminal violent youth who was guided towards "the right path" by some radicalized imam so that he could use his experience with violence to kill random innocent people. :smh:  Or maybe he was even guided into doing this via the Internet.

BREAKING: Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel identified as suspect in #NiceAttack
So they're saying it's a 31 year old guy who is known by the police.

Sounds like another previously petty criminal violent youth who was guided towards "the right path" by some radicalized imam so that he could use his experience with violence to kill random innocent people. 
 Or maybe he was even guided into doing this via the Internet.
The perpetrator has had some run ins with the police regarding assault and weapon possession. He was completely off any terrorism radar according to French and Belgian intelligence.

Our Belgian national holiday is coming up soon, I wonder if they'll try something here as well
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So they're saying it's a 31 year old guy who is known by the police.

Sounds like another previously petty criminal violent youth who was guided towards "the right path" by some radicalized imam so that he could use his experience with violence to kill random innocent people. :smh:  Or maybe he was even guided into doing this via the Internet.
The perpetrator has had some run ins with the police regarding assault and weapon possession. He was completely off any terrorism radar according to French and Belgian intelligence.
Our Belgian national holiday is coming up soon, I wonder if they'll try something here as well

I saw Belgium officials already saying they were going to beef up security even further.
"increasing security" and "terror alert levels" are such a farce :smh:

interesting that this happened the day France's marshal law was supposed to end. Now it's extended for 3 more months. :nerd:
"increasing security" and "terror alert levels" are such a farce :smh:

interesting that this happened the day France's marshal law was supposed to end. Now it's extended for 3 more months. :nerd:

A comment I heard that resonated with me is this, sure we can upgrade security etc but exactly how can you stop stuff like this happening? Technically anyone in any city in the world can get into a truck and go and cause havoc on a highway or in traffic or a sporting event.

I'm fully for increasing security, but unfortunately there's always going to be loopholes or avenues to exploit... :frown:
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"increasing security" and "terror alert levels" are such a farce :smh:

interesting that this happened the day France's marshal law was supposed to end. Now it's extended for 3 more months. :nerd:
martial law? i thought it was a renewal of state of emergency. correct me if I'm wrong but i don't think it is as drastic as martial law.
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than these attacks need to be stopped somehow.



This..... Anyone with a car could technically do this as well

its called you attack & discredit da ideology.

That is supposed to stop these attacks from happening, really?

yes, its a fairly easy concept. you have to ruin da da reputation and curb da appeal of da people who idolize this idea that if you create havoc in da name of allah, paradise is gonna happen.

think about it in sneaker terms, if you wanted to destroy da legacy and appeal of Jordans, you attack da gead of da snake..

imagine if MJ was a convicted of pedophilia, or lets say Jay-Z/Nas was exposed of never writing a single would have a huge impact on their lasting appeal.

religion is no different. you gotta kill & discredit da radicalized aspect of that religion.
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Some interesting tidbits....

According to Tunisian security sources, Lahouaiej Bouhlel hailed from the Tunisian town of Msaken, which is close to the seaside city of Sousse, where 38 people, including 30 Britons, were gunned down by terrorists in June 2015.

French television station BFM TV reported that he was a divorced father of three who had become depressed following the breakdown of his marriage.

Neighbours told the channel he was not particularly interested in religion, adding that he preferred girls and salsa.

They said that he had been unhappy since he divorce, and that he suffered from financial problems.

Police are searching for any accomplices to the attack, which appears to have been premeditated. They found a pistol, a larger gun, and a number of fake weapons and grenades in his vehicle after the attack.


Just from what I gather, it doesn't look like this is tied into any specific terror cell or ISIS....just a mentally unstable guy.
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