Single Black Women Go On Russian TV Explaining How Hard It Is To Find A Good Black Man!

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by SShanique

What do you mean by this?

Like in college you see a lot of subpar chicks getting with good looking dudes, or average girls getting with elite guys. But that's only because a lot of guys are just looking for an easy lay. But when it comes time to settle down, those girls still think they can get with those caliber of guys. But they fail to realize that was a phase and when guys are looking for a wife, they are going to be a lot pickier.

Basically, I slept with a lot of girls in my youth, that I wouldn't even consider wifing today. So if any those girls are looking for someone my level or higher when it comes to a husband, they're going to have difficulty finding that guy. My female friends in college were grounded enough to know that the football and basketball players they were messing with were just flings, and when it came to a potential life partner they would probably have to settle for the average Joe. What I was saying is that maybe some of the grown chicks complaining about how hard it is to find a man, didn't get the memo about having to lower your expectations.
What do you consider subpar or average?

^ Probably you, but that's another topic for another discussion.

I'm speaking in terms of looks mostly, with a minor emphasis on personality and intelligence.
Originally Posted by 21shots

Whenever one of these videos comes up, the common denominator in the women is; they're on that beyonce steez, the whole im a single strong black woman. Yes these women are educated, wealthy, own homes... but they are also but UGLY. To me, as a man, I would take a good looking female(being that her IQ is not equal to that of a potato or that this female has a 'past') over some college educated unattractive female.

There are some good points in here and some of ya'll get the picture. But when it comes down to black women, its their standards that keep them from finding a good dude. A dude can be qualified yet still don't meet their standards, they can blame themselves for that because they are getting in their on ways. Therefore, I don't feel sorry for them at all. On the other hand, there's more for dudes like me to choose from.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

^ Probably you, but that's another topic for another discussion.

I'm speaking in terms of looks mostly, with a minor emphasis on personality and intelligence.

Not me playa.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by SShanique

What do you mean by this?

Like in college you see a lot of subpar chicks getting with good looking dudes, or average girls getting with elite guys. But that's only because a lot of guys are just looking for an easy lay. But when it comes time to settle down, those girls still think they can get with those caliber of guys. But they fail to realize that was a phase and when guys are looking for a wife, they are going to be a lot pickier.

Basically, I slept with a lot of girls in my youth, that I wouldn't even consider wifing today. So if any those girls are looking for someone my level or higher when it comes to a husband, they're going to have difficulty finding that guy. My female friends in college were grounded enough to know that the football and basketball players they were messing with were just flings, and when it came to a potential life partner they would probably have to settle for the average Joe. What I was saying is that maybe some of the grown chicks complaining about how hard it is to find a man, didn't get the memo about having to lower your expectations.
where's that Rock clapping gif
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Shanique I say don't go. If you're not attracted to him what's the point?

Yeah, I don't know how old he is, but he looks really old.  But white people age differently, so...  I have no idea. 
Those women seem like they will end up lonely if they don't lose their materialistic views.  i also think they are way too caught up in skin color and what their family thinks.  it appears that they also lack "experience" when it comes to dating/relationships.  i actually feel bad for them.
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

nope, not on a saturday afternoon..

*exits thread*

Don't know you decided to dig this up, but your post just killed me
Originally Posted by supreme math

I believe it's harder for African American women to find a man because,
they are searching for a "life-mate" rather than being open to a fun "fling".
PROFESSIONAL White and Hispanic women who date interracial are just
looking to have "fun". Lower-class people (black or white) usually are not open to interracial
dating because of their environment usually rejects it. Statistically their are more
wealthy non-blacks...So black women usually need a man for survival, oppose
to non-blacks that are just looking to "have fun" and it sometimes leads to more.

you cant be serious, there are more black women college grads than black men, and there are more black women with careers paying 60000/year than black men, if anything they need a man because they are women, unless they are lesbians then they need women
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by SShanique

What do you mean by this?

Like in college you see a lot of subpar chicks getting with good looking dudes, or average girls getting with elite guys. But that's only because a lot of guys are just looking for an easy lay. But when it comes time to settle down, those girls still think they can get with those caliber of guys. But they fail to realize that was a phase and when guys are looking for a wife, they are going to be a lot pickier.

Basically, I slept with a lot of girls in my youth, that I wouldn't even consider wifing today. So if any those girls are looking for someone my level or higher when it comes to a husband, they're going to have difficulty finding that guy. My female friends in college were grounded enough to know that the football and basketball players they were messing with were just flings, and when it came to a potential life partner they would probably have to settle for the average Joe. What I was saying is that maybe some of the grown chicks complaining about how hard it is to find a man, didn't get the memo about having to lower your expectations.
huh, this guy is out of control, you must be a calvin klein underwear model/rocket scientist or somethin because youre using elite and subpar to describe human beings, like really tho, whose on a higher level? anyone is capable of financial success, so why are you trying to talk down on someone, its crazy that youre serious too, like you havent been rejected or somethin, idk mane i hope it doesnt happen to you but i wouldnt be surprised if you came home and found your wife in bed with another guy gettin piped down, or even worse, you dont find out shes cheating and she swallows some guys load and kisses you
let them have "high expectations" if a find a guy they want, great, if they dont, their fault, they shouldnt be trying to measure the worth of someone based on superficial characteristics 
What they fail to realize is that their "ideal" brothers are dating women of other races who are about being in a relationship and not a checklist of what you bring to one.

Looks fade, and in my experience it's usually the very pretty women who are single. When you get around understand why. I stick to personality and as long as I find you attractive, and you have a good head on your shoulders, if it should get to that level, here's your ring. Simple.
God I wish men were as picky as women were when it comes to "success"! Could you imagine what the game would be like!? What most people fail to realize is that we are talking

about people that are looking at marriage as a application process wherein the only suitors that are qualified have to be "successful" by worldly standards. hahahahaha It's no

wonder the divorce rates are so high and people are genuinely not happy no matter how "rich" they are. If Oprah tried to marry me I wouldn't do it but at the same time if the

equivalent male counterpart approached most western women, they would jump all over it even if they found him completely butt ugly and uninteresting. This issue is much bigger

than a black issue. It's easy to highlight the black part of this social paradigm because black people are not on equal footing in most western(white) controlled countries therefore as

consequence this scenario plays out.(They also so eloquently never mention that there are far more black women then men in these pieces.) Furthermore it doesn't help that in our

hyper materialistic modern society where most of the celebrated black celebrities and stars are filthy rich or pretend to be through every facet of the entertainment medium it builds a

false reality wherein black women believe the creme de le creme of their male counterparts is the pro athlete, musician, actor. If that is not accessible the next best thing is the drug

dealer, thug, hustler. The regular 9 to 5 Fed ex dude or ambitious but works a part time gig dudes are mostly undesirable and not wanted. Chicks don't like to build anymore, people

aren't into the beauty of struggling, growing and making something together anymore. It's either you have it or you don't. This is why most black men that are "successful" from a

monetary standpoint have resentment for black women as they get older. It becomes, " %#@@ you +#+%% you didn't and wouldn't look my way when I was the cable guy!" Not to

mention men have their own illusions and hangups about what a "successful" black man should have holding his arm. In a nutshell we are ****## and most people don't have a clue

what "love" is anyway so discussions like this are pointless......... carry on.
Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

1.when has a certain group of people not being able to find a spouse been newsworthy?
2. These females do know they are doing harm to the image of black men.
Sisters feel the most butt hurt than any other race. How many times have you heard a spanish, white or asian women get pissed about there men dating outside there race?
Originally Posted by rafsjays

Concerning the two women in the video, they strike me as the type of women whos standards are just ridiculous.
They seem to be well educated and fairly well off, and they have let it get to their heads.

"not on my level."
"For the first time I was open to dating someone who made less money than me."

Seriously? How about just going out and meeting people regardless of income, race, or "levelness"

They are having a hard time finding someone because as soon as they open their mouths and spew this ridiculousness the guys run for the hills.
Amen! They seem like they're cutting their noses off to spite their faces.

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

That lady said she was embarrassed to not have a black man. Why?

I don't think I'll ever understand this. Is it ingrained in them as children that they must marry someone of their race? That's just sad.

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

how bout they just find a nice guy who likes whatever they like and doesnt piss them off and pays bills on time?
Isn't this what everyone wants in the end? For women and men. People get so uppity about their potential partners meeting a set of unrealistic requirements... Chill the !%$! out. It doesn't work like that. *cue a butthurt man or woman that's old and all alone*
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

1.when has a certain group of people not being able to find a spouse been newsworthy?
2. These females do know they are doing harm to the image of black men.
Sisters feel the most butt hurt than any other race. How many times have you heard a spanish, white or asian women get pissed about there men dating outside there race?

they mad.

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