Single Black Women Go On Russian TV Explaining How Hard It Is To Find A Good Black Man!

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Because of the athletics/entertaiment/media, black men have a certain appeal to women of other races. Black women don't have that same appeal. It is much harder for them to find a partner of another race then it is for a black man. You'll find a few in interracial relationships, but nowhere near as much as their male counterparts. To put it simply, they are not as desirable as black men. 
Oh yes they do. The difference is in the fact that whenever someone of another race dates a sister, more often than not, the sister knows that she'll never be taken home to meet the family, and they should not have to deal with that. To back up the sisters on this one, they are desired, if only for sexual purposes. The stereotype is that they are highly charged, dominant, then highly sexual beings, those that when they are in love, they will go to the end of the world for you. Some men of other races and ethnic backgrounds will claim a sister for a side piece, but she must know that she is lucky to have him
This is the self hate, the selling out that black people refer to when black people date outside of their race. It's not that you are dating someone different, it's how you push out your chest when you do it, suggesting that you are special because you can.

That part disgusts me, cause that attitude runs rampant on this board, and people with those mindsets definitely pound their chests making sure you know how they feel.
Doesn't take much thought to even point out which NTers have this exact view either, depending how long you may have been on NT.  
I joke about this a lot but I don't understand how dating outside your race or dating white women makes you special, people think black men only date white women when they get successful. I date white women and I aint sh
  I've been exposed to white women all my life and it comes natural to me, getting one is NOT an achievement
These are the same types of women who cry about not having a man treat her like a Queen and calls herself old fashioned, but the next minute cries about making a damn meal for him or cleaning his clothes saying shes independent and she don't need that *!@!.

Those types of women want it both ways and they will always be miserable.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

^the truth in your last statement about women NEVER being wrong just touched my heart so deeply. OH MY GOD ITS SO REAL! I used to tell my boys and cousins all the time how much it scares me how women can just flat out deny or ignore something that they are wrong about. They are such hypocrites at times its laughable.
The worst one had a masters' and major insecurity issues. MAJOR. Always eye hustling when I get a text, going through my phone when I'm out walking the dog. Never found anything but when I turn the tables and look at her phone and find 2-3 hr conversations with "friends" who are male and texts from dudes I dont know....It's always "but you got invited to a party from a girl I dont know" "You always texting while we in bed instead of cuddling".

You could tell this woman she was black and she would find a way for you to be wrong. "Well, I think my moms side had Native Americans so I'm not fully black"
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

These are the same types of women who cry about not having a man treat her like a Queen and calls herself old fashioned, but the next minute cries about making a damn meal for him or cleaning his clothes saying shes independent and she don't need that *!@!.

Those types of women want it both ways and they will always be miserable.

 . The same women who take advice from women who are fat, ugly, and lonely. And the times they take advice from the ones in relationships, their dudes are out screwing other women.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Now that is more of the insight I was looking for, cause the other one just seemed like a broad general statement. All of these are things I've witnessed myself throughout
high school and college.
Isn't it sad man? Those other guys up there are spot on. I've been called weird, and accused of being gay on the regular. Why? Because I'm not about that life? Because I worked decades to make something of my life, and I don't want to throw it away in an instant (YOLO)? Because I wanted to get to know you before I layed down with you? These women are trife, and they NEVER EVER take the blame for what's wrong in their lives, it's always someone else.

The strongest black women are out there trying to make a difference. They're helping to raise the youth, and they're working hard to make things better. The weak black women are on tv complaining that they can't get a man, while they claim that they are the "strong black women." It's a disgrace.

The strongest black women understand how to compromise, now that it takes work to make a relationship work, and know that after a long day at work that no one wants to come home to an argument. These weak black women don't get it. That's why they're single.

Very glad to see that bolded part right there. A lot of times in these types of threads, you never hear people uplifting the positive black women when talking about the criticisms of
the ones with the negative attitudes like the one in that original vid.


So...much...truth...above...and around...these posts...

My favorite argument: "You can't handle a strong black woman"....

Doesn't just pertain to Black women, ask an American woman what she wants in a man and I guarantee she can immediately start going down a lists of things she expects from a man. When she's done rambling on about all things she expects a man to be and do for her, ask her what she has to offer a man. I bet you she hesitates and has to give that some thought.

Mothers no longer teach their daughters valuable skills that will help make them better wives... they only tell their daughters to look for a man that can provide and do things for them (auction themselves off to the highest bidder). Girls now think that sex is all that is required of them, yet they somehow claim they're more empowered.
Yo, scarey correlation to this thread in real life. It literally compounded almost everything in this thread. I was talking to a 26

year old chick that just got into nursing school last night about this subject. The level of hypocrisy was so thick and prevalent

it boggled my mind. Yea, some of these chicks are going to be single for the forseeable future. She wants a man who has this

that and the third and she is stressing "responsibility" yet her phone was off because she couldn't pay the bill for a week

over the holidays......... :/ I asked her if she would be willing to date a guy that works at staples but has

ambition and is working towards it and and she said no. Meanwhile she is in school not working and WORKING TOWARDS

something herself and her job prior to getting into nursing school (which took 4 years mind you) only paid her a dollar or

two more than a staples employee would make............ she is 26 and she thinks she is old and a dude should be knee deep in

his career yet she isn't................:/ let's be honest how many people in their 20's period do you know in this climate that are

caking heavily? I know people that went to IVY league schools and are 30 that are unemployed. Fellas, like I said if you don't

have it NOW she isn't messing with you. Now being a young black man that actually has something going for himself I just

refuse to participate with these types of chicks period because I'm right brain dominate and creative and me and left brain

girls don't mesh. Artsy girls are amazing, broke, and tend to follow their feelings more wrecklessly. Only issue is their either

really crazy or genius and the genius ones are never into relationships, like me
. Goodluck guys its tuff out here and finding

something real is going to be tuff. I'll do my part to publicly dismantle these women at every chance I get.
ok I think something needs to be clarified here. Black women are all not African American women.

I have a girl from Trinidad now and I have dated black women from foreign countries and they are completely different from black women in the states.

I have come to the conclusion that black women from other countries are willing to let a relationship grow from nothing(at least in my experience). My girl and I got together when I was flat out broke. I had nothing to my name except the clothes and shoes I had on. A !+$%! was eating peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You dig what a man say? but she held me down when I had nothing and I did the same for her. We have been together for almost 4 years.

again, BLACK WOMEN ARE ALL NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN. We shouldn't put all black women under one umbrella.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

ok I think something needs to be clarified here. Black women are all not African American women.

I have a girl from Trinidad now and I have dated black women from foreign countries and they are completely different from black women in the states.

I have come to the conclusion that black women from other countries are willing to let a relationship grow from nothing(at least in my experience). My girl and I got together when I was flat out broke. I had nothing to my name except the clothes and shoes I had on. A !+$%! was eating peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You dig what a man say? but she held me down when I had nothing and I did the same for her. We have been together for almost 4 years.

again, BLACK WOMEN ARE ALL NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN. We shouldn't put all black women under one umbrella.

The girls i've talked to that are first generation americans or born in the Caribbean or africa are VERY different...

This is completely consistent with my experiences. 
I agree because Belizean women cook and clean. They're crazy but at least they bring something to the table.

I rather have a regular chick with a good head than a CEO who brings nothing but a chip on her shoulder.
Women born and raised in the Caribbean are a COMPLETELY different breed than those born and raised on the States. Those island women know how to treat a man, and they have a very high level of self respect. These girls raised in the states are the ones who are born with decent guy repellent. That's who this thread is for.
I brought up the issue of black women with my girl, and how I used to date them ect.... My girl is white, and we hasn't talked about the issue prior, she told me how every time we are in public she feels penetrating stares from black women, I said, you really feel that too? She said yeah. I am like, that is the exact reason why you my baby. See all these black women are too busy talking about black and white to realize that $%#+ doesn't matter anymore. 
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

ok I think something needs to be clarified here. Black women are all not African American women.

I have a girl from Trinidad now and I have dated black women from foreign countries and they are completely different from black women in the states.

I have come to the conclusion that black women from other countries are willing to let a relationship grow from nothing(at least in my experience). My girl and I got together when I was flat out broke. I had nothing to my name except the clothes and shoes I had on. A !+$%! was eating peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You dig what a man say? but she held me down when I had nothing and I did the same for her. We have been together for almost 4 years.

again, BLACK WOMEN ARE ALL NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN. We shouldn't put all black women under one umbrella.

Be careful there, because there are plenty of West Indian gold diggers in Brooklyn my man. As soon as they get hip to the divide in Black American culture, they will hone in on a brother from the states, giving him what he thinks that he needs, then milk his +** dry.
I am from Brooklyn, I have seen it first hand, fully knowing how lethal that Caribbean coochie can be, and how they try and wrap a fella around their fingers.

However, I had too much game, as I saw it coming....
 However +2, I know quite a few who didn't fare too well!
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I brought up the issue of black women with my girl, and how I used to date them ect.... My girl is white, and we hasn't talked about the issue prior, she told me how every time we are in public she feels penetrating stares from black women, I said, you really feel that too? She said yeah. I am like, that is the exact reason why you my baby. See all these black women are too busy talking about black and white to realize that $%#+ doesn't matter anymore. 

that feel when you're walking down thh street with your black gf and you feel the penetrating looks of black men...
Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I brought up the issue of black women with my girl, and how I used to date them ect.... My girl is white, and we hasn't talked about the issue prior, she told me how every time we are in public she feels penetrating stares from black women, I said, you really feel that too? She said yeah. I am like, that is the exact reason why you my baby. See all these black women are too busy talking about black and white to realize that $%#+ doesn't matter anymore. 

that feel when you're walking down thh street with your black gf and you feel the penetrating looks of black men...

hold up... is this black man w/ black woman...
or white man w/ black woman?

i'll elaborate on either when i know what you talking about, fambs.

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

ok I think something needs to be clarified here. Black women are all not African American women.

I have a girl from Trinidad now and I have dated black women from foreign countries and they are completely different from black women in the states.

I have come to the conclusion that black women from other countries are willing to let a relationship grow from nothing(at least in my experience). My girl and I got together when I was flat out broke. I had nothing to my name except the clothes and shoes I had on. A !+$%! was eating peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You dig what a man say? but she held me down when I had nothing and I did the same for her. We have been together for almost 4 years.

again, BLACK WOMEN ARE ALL NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN. We shouldn't put all black women under one umbrella.

Be careful there, because there are plenty of West Indian gold diggers in Brooklyn my man. As soon as they get hip to the divide in Black American culture, they will hone in on a brother from the states, giving him what he thinks that he needs, then milk his +** dry.
I am from Brooklyn, I have seen it first hand, fully knowing how lethal that Caribbean coochie can be, and how they try and wrap a fella around their fingers.

However, I had too much game, as I saw it coming....
 However +2, I know quite a few who didn't fare too well!

I mean, yea once they are corrupted they are gone forever. There is no changing back. I snatched my girl coming off the boat.
But this goes back to not putting everyone under one umbrella. I'm just saying, there are black women around the world that don't think like the harlots in those videos. There are black women who will take care of their man and hold the fort down when he can't. They will still respect you as the man of the relationship even if you are not bringing in Jay-z money. I was just speaking on my experience. It might be rare, but you can also find some African American women who will hold you down but this goes with any race tho. During my college years at HU, I met some well rounded AA women but plenty with some twisted view on not just relationships but on life in general.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

ok I think something needs to be clarified here. Black women are all not African American women.

I have a girl from Trinidad now and I have dated black women from foreign countries and they are completely different from black women in the states.

I have come to the conclusion that black women from other countries are willing to let a relationship grow from nothing(at least in my experience). My girl and I got together when I was flat out broke. I had nothing to my name except the clothes and shoes I had on. A !+$%! was eating peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You dig what a man say? but she held me down when I had nothing and I did the same for her. We have been together for almost 4 years.

again, BLACK WOMEN ARE ALL NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN. We shouldn't put all black women under one umbrella.

Be careful there, because there are plenty of West Indian gold diggers in Brooklyn my man. As soon as they get hip to the divide in Black American culture, they will hone in on a brother from the states, giving him what he thinks that he needs, then milk his +** dry.
I am from Brooklyn, I have seen it first hand, fully knowing how lethal that Caribbean coochie can be, and how they try and wrap a fella around their fingers.

However, I had too much game, as I saw it coming....
 However +2, I know quite a few who didn't fare too well!

I mean, yea once they are corrupted they are gone forever. There is no changing back. I snatched my girl coming off the boat.
But this goes back to not putting everyone under one umbrella. I'm just saying, there are black women around the world that don't think like the harlots in those videos. There are black women who will take care of their man and hold the fort down when he can't. They will still respect you as the man of the relationship even if you are not bringing in Jay-z money. I was just speaking on my experience. It might be rare, but you can also find some African American women who will hold you down but this goes with any race tho. During my college years at HU, I met some well rounded AA women but plenty with some twisted view on not just relationships but on life in general.
I think that you'd be shocked at the influence that Hip Hop has had, leading western culture into the rest of the world in this regard. They may take care of their men, but why? 
Most cats with a pseudo macho mindset, not saying you, but dudes who'll marginalize women, keeping them in their place, are being manipulated as well. This is how men marginalize themselves. Egomaniacs being stroked and soothed, then played. Also, there are some dudes that have a big problem with the woman in their lives making more money than themselves, then having more power as well. Their egos are attached as to how they are viewed in this sort of relationship. In this I understand how some Black women feel. Here they are educated, opportunities abound, and they may have to worry about how their significant others may feel about them being successful!

There is an incredible amount of dysfunction within black on black relationships all throughout the black diaspora, then actually, in all races and cultures of people. 

Ours is simply magnified as it's simply good press. It makes other feel better about their own drama, IKE TURNER!

Anyway, there are some sisters in other cultures cater to their men out of fear, and I know that I damned sure would not want no parts of that. 

I want to sleep with both eyes closed, then all important body parts, remaining attached ! 
black people are in the state they are because everything we do in America is an after product of CAPITAL-SLAVERY...we have no family structure...we have no ability to build relationships (the next would be communities) with each other because our sexual energy was abused strictly to REPRODUCE in order to produce and replinish the slave population.

its not talk..its literal. we can't act on our own because we've been bred to behave a certain way, and think a certain way, thus we are a certain way.
"These girls raised in the states are the ones who are born with decent guy repellent."
*takes a mental note of this to use at a later date*
I made a thread ages ago about foreign women> American women and I got lambasted. Only someone that hasn't traveled would argue this. The fact of the matter is American

women(not just black) are a completely different breed to women from other parts of the world. I personally don't believe nor want all that subservient b.s. some dudes cry about but

can a man just meet a fine, intelligent, chill, light up the night sky with her smile and laughter type of chick? A girl that's genuinely fun? I just wanna chase a babe through the jungle

or some %%++! My issue with women is they are boring as hell. Go to the movies, eat, sex, get drunk, party then what? What's it really about at the end of the day if you aren't building

and contributing to each other evolution at the end of the day? So what if we can pay bills together and or buy a house. I can do all that alone and here's the catch!!!! It won't cost

me near as much annnnddd I still can smash whomever I wanna smash and be whereever I wanna be. Give me something real or just give me sloppy toppy and get lost like old

episodes of "Hard Copy."
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Now that is more of the insight I was looking for, cause the other one just seemed like a broad general statement. All of these are things I've witnessed myself throughout
high school and college.
Isn't it sad man? Those other guys up there are spot on. I've been called weird, and accused of being gay on the regular. Why? Because I'm not about that life? Because I worked decades to make something of my life, and I don't want to throw it away in an instant (YOLO)? Because I wanted to get to know you before I layed down with you? These women are trife, and they NEVER EVER take the blame for what's wrong in their lives, it's always someone else.

The strongest black women are out there trying to make a difference. They're helping to raise the youth, and they're working hard to make things better. The weak black women are on tv complaining that they can't get a man, while they claim that they are the "strong black women." It's a disgrace.

The strongest black women understand how to compromise, now that it takes work to make a relationship work, and know that after a long day at work that no one wants to come home to an argument. These weak black women don't get it. That's why they're single.

Very glad to see that bolded part right there. A lot of times in these types of threads, you never hear people uplifting the positive black women when talking about the criticisms of
the ones with the negative attitudes like the one in that original vid.
Peepgame if you want to see that honestly goto a mainly woman's site.  Men going to focus more on women and vice versa.  I think it's just human nature.  I don't know why cats don't see this trying to be captain save em smh.
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