Jun 15, 2005
Hey have any n'ters on here taken BUS 190 with Oliver Yu??? I took his class this pass semester and fail. I was wondering if any n'ters still have hisHW because if I make up his HW I pass the class and GRADUATE!!! any help would be nice. any negative feedback please move along. thanks
Damn that sucks bro. That man can go to hell as far as I am concerned, I can't stand the guy.

Which section were you in? I was in his 9am section last fall.

edit - i'll look and see what homeworks i saved..
^^^ I had him for on MW at 1200. Im missing HW 5,6,9,10 and 12. Yea this teacher sucks.No curve or anything. Hardest business class at SJSU in my opinon.
is this business statistics? had him years ago, got an A. But forgot what class number it was
I had Anaya this past semester and would have failed but lucked my way into a late drop...

I'm taking the class again this semester with David Smith. Hopefully he's a a lot easier. And yes I agree this is one of, if not the hardest businessclass.
Originally Posted by boomtho

is this business statistics? had him years ago, got an A. But forgot what class number it was

this class is call QBA or bus 190. its a combination of statistics and finite math.
Originally Posted by srvballer

I had Anaya this past semester and would have failed but lucked my way into a late drop...

I'm taking the class again this semester with David Smith. Hopefully he's a a lot easier. And yes I agree this is one of, if not the hardest business class.
I took Anaya too. I hated this class, shoot I hate math in general. I think I passed with a C, hey its passing.
Its funny that no one has mentioned the wonderful Yudhi Ahuja, yet. Dude is a pathetic teacher, if you have any option, DO NOT TAKE HIM! I got a B, but had tobust my @*$ for it. In my opinion 190 is not that difficult, its almost the same material as 90, just a little more advanced...
aint nobody else have this class with this teacher? i seen a few cats with j's and sb's. maybe they aint nt?
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