Skipping rent to buy kicks!!!! People actually do this.

Dec 19, 2008
So, I went to my local shoe spot to talk kicks. The conversation gets to a particular shoe and one of the workers says their rent will be late so they can cop.

What part of the game have I missed. Where you rather buy kicks than insure a roof is over your head.

If you are going to be late on something why not a cell bill or gym dues.

I have an uncle that will skip on rent to go out drinking.

My question is? Why are people doing this?
Priorities man, not everyone has the same ones. I think that who ever said that is an idiot but im sure a lot of people on Niketalk do the same..
Addiction maybe? People can be addicted to alcohol, drugs, memorabilia, shoes etc. That addiction drives them to believe their unwise spending habits are okay. 
Can't front, I've done this before, when I was a lot younger and had less priorities. When I was working as a bartender it was so easy to spend because I knew I could make it back the next day, probably even more. I was also working for Delta at the time, so I was bringing in a nice amount of money. I was young and spending money like crazy. Man I was buying so many kicks back then, I eventually start to look at it like an addiction but couldn't stop. I guess the comfort of making money everyday got to me. Once my daughter was born all that stupidity went out the window. If the funds weren't available the shoes wouldnt be purchased. I wouldn't dare put myself and my family at risk for some sneakers.
!!*%$!% don't care about rent pleighboi. I gotta stay fly. You ever notice how woman look at your feet then work they way up? Can't be out here wit no dirty kicks fam...
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I refuse to say the sneaker. I will say its a Jordan. I refuse to hype a shoe.

Never have and never will put off rent or other bills for sneakers....never had to, hopefully never WILL have to.
I dont mind, when they homeless or have no food they will try to sell the kicks for mad cheap
Dude was probably lying. You know, sort of when people say "I would kill to have _____".
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I refuse to say the sneaker. I will say its a Jordan. I refuse to hype a shoe.
Telling us a shoe is not hyping it, you just telling us the shoe yall spoke of. Damn son we not about to dip in our jets and buy it 
Wonder where he is going to store all his shoes?

Seems like adequate living space.  
Unless the person can resell the shoe and offset the rent and rent fee while making some profit, that is terrible.
I bet he one of the dudes who would miss a week of work to camp out for a pair of shoes. To each his own
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