Nice concept, but seems a little too sweet for me. Plus, I don't really like skittles at all. BUT... I'm still trying it. Why not?
Posting for use later.

I have a question:

Does it alter the taste or just the color? It looks like only the color-coating of the candy is infused, not the candy on the inside.
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Posting for use later.

I have a question:

Does it alter the taste or just the color? It looks like only the color-coating of the candy is infused, not the candy on the inside.
It tastes like skittles
I definitely gotta try this sometime. Off main topic, I was laughin so hard at the Diabeetus guy pic. I remember when I was stayin in my college apt and wouldwatch Price is Right between classes sometimes, my roomate and I always cracked up when seein this commercial.
I did this in high school, bout 10
years ago, wit skittles & runts. Didnt
come out lookin like that tho
i tried it and a) it was a sticky pain in the %+! to make b) it wasn't really all that good
I said I was going to do this when this thread first popped up.

I'll gonna go buy the stuff one of these days.
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