Sleep paralysis, i think

Aug 26, 2008
Im trying to get some sleep when all of a sudden im paralzed, i cant move and i hear weird noises and i dont dare open my eyes, it had been months since i lastgot it but i fear they are back, just recently i was trying to sleep and it hit me, what was a little different was i could very clearly, as if it was right inmy face hear "Grrrr... Grrrrrr" as if it were an old lady, i freaked out and i tried to ignore it until i woke up and turned on all the lights, itreally freaked me out, i was just wondering if anybody here has it, as i would like to hear others experiences, also does anyone know how to get rid of it orat least help prevent it
It might have been a dream if you were hearing old ladies growling.

But for real, it seems like every ninja on NT gets this.
Happened once.felt like someone was sitting on my chest and holding me down.eyes were open but couldn't move.I think I was half asleep and half awake..onlyhappened once though
At least you didn't have a pillow on your face when it happened. I thought I was going to die. But yea I think you were dreaming or just leaving a dream ifyou heard an old woman growling.
Originally Posted by j671

Happened once.felt like someone was sitting on my chest and holding me down.eyes were open but couldn't move.I think I was half asleep and half awake..only happened once though

that's sleep paralysis.. When your mind wakes up but you are still technically sleeping.

My father gets it often, I get it from time to time.. Normally lasts a couple minutes.. Can't move my body and try to scream at the top of my lungs and nosound comes out.

OP if you do have it don't really worry about it. It sucks having it and is a big nuisance, but it is not life threatening. If you have had seizures beforeyou may want to go to a doctor just to make sure everything is ok....
Always get it from time to time...ha...When I get them, i usually have this feeling like something bad is about to happen so i try my best to open my eyes andi eventually just wake up....but the last few i've had, i havnt tried to wake up...because i wanted to see what was so bad about this dream orwhatever....but nothing happens...Just a bunch of wierd feelings and tension going on....heka trippy...
Used to happen to me all the time
to the point where i would just
try my hardest to move just to see
how far i could get with it.
And some times i would try my hardest
to move that i could feel myself elevating.
Trippy but nothing to be scared of.
Trippy's happened to me more than a couple times. I thought I was dreaming, until I read similar posts on NT
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

At least you didn't have a pillow on your face when it happened. I thought I was going to die.
Idk why but this had me

i know

@@+$ happened to me once, i was shook
maybe you were going into astral projection mode. did you feel your inner being leaving your body? could you then, see your body lying on the bed?
OP it was probably sleep paralysis. Happened to me and I researched it and it happens when your body wakes up before your brain. So you can hallucinate BAD.

When it happened to me, I couldn't move or breathe and I saw white orbs all over my girlfriends room. Then shadows moving around in her bathroom. I was SOshook
I swear I $#$$+%% love NT.
This happened to me several times and nobody could understand what I was saying or where I was coming from.

Lo and behold I come on NT and I learn that Im not the only person this has happened to.

Horrible feeling of helplessness when this happens.
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