Sleep paralysis is no joke.

Sounds really traumatic. Never happened to me though and if it did I don't remember. Apparently I've had full conversations with people while sleep and not remember so who knows.
Never had this before ever. I had to google it just now cuz I had no idea what the %!@@ you guys were talking about. Sounds pretty scary.
Originally Posted by quiickz

Stop sleeping on your back and get more sleep. Used to happen to me all the time over the summer now its gone.


Within the past month or so, its happened to me about 5-6 times. And theyve occurred when I take naps so, Im pretty sure its because of over exhaustion. What I do to break out of it is try and wiggle my toes and kick my feet. Usually that works. When Im around my girl and that happens, I wiggle my toes and shes see that and realizes whats going on and she tries to wake me up.
i coulda swore i saw a old woman in my last sleep paralysis, a few months ago. I was tripping when i first seen it cuz it was like shadows or a smoky white figure floating around my bed. didnt think nothing of it till this month when i hung out with some friends and dude was talking about seeing a old woman. i was like wtfff you saw that too??? he also went on to describe some ghostly experiences.

All this time i was thinking why do ppl see a old woman when they wake up like this...smh
I can stand sleep paralysis by it self but when you add this punk ##! ghost on your chest then things get super sketchy.
This has been happening to me more than normal lately.
Ill wake up and then ill hear a really distorted sound for a while, either i began to move or sometimes start dreaming.

 at the people saying they saw ghost, people who believe in ghost say sleep paralysis is someone taking over you're body.
This hasn't happened to me in a while but when it does.. smh %!%* is mad scary each time. Even though I know i'll eventually get out of it it still bugs me out. 
I had this happen to me a couple times. The first I was napping in my room when I felt someone hover above me and I wasn't able to scream, yell, move, or whatever scared the heck out of me. The second time on a bus heading back home. It felt as if someone was holding my arms down I had my eyes open, but couldn't move or talk. The last one however was by far the scariest of them all.

I was sleeping one night and I felt as if I had gotten up and started walking around my room. I was stumbling around and fell backwards towards my tv, but didnt knock it down. Next thing I know I walk to my bed and it looks as if I'm looking at myself sleep. My eyes are open, but i'm unable to move then all of a sudden I'm able to move my head, arms, legs, everything, but it took me awhile to go back to bed. I was indeed shook. #feelsbadman
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Sleep paralysis is connected lucid dreams. When you think you wake up but can't speak or anything, you're entering the lucid world. If you don't panic, accept it, and admit it's existence, you'll be fine and able to do some crazy stuff.
This... somewhat.
They're related to each other in a sense, and mastering sleep paralysis will help you to become more comfortable with lucid dreaming.  But while sleep paralysis is basically your mind thinking that you are asleep while your body is thinking that you are awake, lucid dreaming occurs when your body is asleep and your mind is able to "awaken" itself.

I used to get sleep paralysis on the regular.  While avoiding falling asleep on your back and getting more regular sleep will definitely help deter sleep paralysis, sleeping on your back is the best way that I've found to lucid dream.  

Try this.  Train yourself to recognize when you are awake and when you are asleep.  Ask yourself periodically throughout the day, and I am awake at this very moment?  Take a look around you, at your surroundings, at yourself.  Answer the question that you've asked.  Hopefully it will become a habit that you carry with your conscious when sleeping.  Then, the next time you enter sleep paralysis, calm down and accept the fact that your body is in a sleep-induced coma.

Acknowledge this and you'll be able to relax, and possibly even close your eyes and drift peacefully into lucidity.  I'm bad at explaining all of this I'm sure, but just try and learn how to be more in tune with your body and heighten your self-awareness.  It will pay off dividends when you finally learn how to lucid dream.  

NBA Finals, Game 7.  Game winning shot..

Flying like Superman from SF to NY..

Any night I want.  Say swear.  That life 
Only happens when I fall asleep on my back.
Sometimes I just lay there and play it out to see where my dream goes.
Happen to me a few weeks ago, but this was the 1st time I've experienced it with someone talking to me. Lately I've been playing the lotto to find a relief to help clear my debt quick. When I had sleep paralysis I saw a black shadow in the shape of a man tell me "you won't win the lotto unless you give me your soul". After that the shadow walked away and walked right through my door. I was paralyzed for a about 5 mins with my eyes open scared as $%+! but I couldn't move. Finally I was able move my foot and fight through it, needless to say I was scared and it was real! I sat on the side of my bed for a while tryin to process what happened.
there are posts about this all the time... but i think this is the first time i've seen others talk about how they have visions during it. glad to know im not alone
Why is it though that almost evrybody that has these its always like a nightmare with some sort of ghost/demon or something though? Ive only had it happen to me once taking a nap after school on my couch in the basement with the tv on. What happened was i woke up in the dream evrything was normal in my room except i couldnt move or talk so then i hear footsteps coming down the stairs slow as hell. Im staring at the bottom waiting and a person comes down covered in a blanket from my house head to toe and im thinking its my dad messing with me but i couldnt move or talk so i was bugged out. Then it just walked towards me really slow and when it got to me it reached out to grab me and i woke up. I also had a dream once where a girl i was really good friends with in hs was in it that i didnt talk to anymore and only see a few times a year and in the dream she was like my girlfriend. Next day i seen her at her work randomly and she told me she had a dream about me the same night. It was also the only dream ive ever had about her. After that ive decided that dreams are something more then we think and science cant explain it.
Made this post a couple days ago and I've been doing some of these methods and they have actually helped me.
Originally Posted by wheaties

Why is it though that almost evrybody that has these its always like a nightmare with some sort of ghost/demon or something though? Ive only had it happen to me once taking a nap after school on my couch in the basement with the tv on. What happened was i woke up in the dream evrything was normal in my room except i couldnt move or talk so then i hear footsteps coming down the stairs slow as hell. Im staring at the bottom waiting and a person comes down covered in a blanket from my house head to toe and im thinking its my dad messing with me but i couldnt move or talk so i was bugged out. Then it just walked towards me really slow and when it got to me it reached out to grab me and i woke up. I also had a dream once where a girl i was really good friends with in hs was in it that i didnt talk to anymore and only see a few times a year and in the dream she was like my girlfriend. Next day i seen her at her work randomly and she told me she had a dream about me the same night. It was also the only dream ive ever had about her. After that ive decided that dreams are something more then we think and science cant explain it.
u should look into the work of carl jung. 
I stopped getting sleep paralysis as I got older. Whenever it does happen I do the "move your pinky toe" technique. Snaps me out of it quick.
Originally Posted by wheaties

Why is it though that almost evrybody that has these its always like a nightmare with some sort of ghost/demon or something though? Ive only had it happen to me once taking a nap after school on my couch in the basement with the tv on. What happened was i woke up in the dream evrything was normal in my room except i couldnt move or talk so then i hear footsteps coming down the stairs slow as hell. Im staring at the bottom waiting and a person comes down covered in a blanket from my house head to toe and im thinking its my dad messing with me but i couldnt move or talk so i was bugged out. Then it just walked towards me really slow and when it got to me it reached out to grab me and i woke up. I also had a dream once where a girl i was really good friends with in hs was in it that i didnt talk to anymore and only see a few times a year and in the dream she was like my girlfriend. Next day i seen her at her work randomly and she told me she had a dream about me the same night. It was also the only dream ive ever had about her. After that ive decided that dreams are something more then we think and science cant explain it.
Dam thats crazy. 
Ive had it without deamons and %!*# as well. One time my mom walked down the stairs walked up to me and shook my leg. She said come upstairs. Im sitting there trying to talk and yell but she doesnt even notice and walks away. Im laying there like what the F. As soon as I woke up I walked upstairs and my mom is sittin at the table. I asked her did you just come down and shake my leg? She laughed and said no. It was so real though that I honestly went and asked her.
I haven't experienced this in years, probably since high school. It's a horrible feeling. I was always told the devil was riding back. Now that I think about.........this stopped happening when I start smoking Mary.
Originally Posted by ideezy1023

In mine there is always some type of crime happening lol

mine are like crazy action movies. 
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