Smashing close female friends.. yay or nay?

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

ThunderChunk69 wrote:
^ more proof that all male/female friendships are fake
i don't see how an immature response from a faceless NT preteen is proof that male and female relationships are fake. I have 2 guys who I'd never even think about messing with who have been my friends for several years.
they're either gay, cowards, or desperate to touch the hieny

I can have female coworkers no problem... friends are impossible, God gave me a libido for a reason, it's not to pretend I'm not trying to smash

so if/when you become're going to cut off all females from your life?
I don't think I am ever going to lose the feeling that I want to smash a attractive friends of mine (I don't think I ever want to losethat feeling). But the difference is, if you are married/in a committed relationship, acting upon those feelings. How can you be friends with a girlyou're attracted to and not want to smash even a little bit? It isn't like you would throw your whole life away just to do the dirty, word to Tiger,but as a warm-blooded male, I like chicks man.
Originally Posted by King Beef

^You really don't like females all that much. I don't mean that in a "you gay" way.
I don't keep friends that lie. it's acceptable for a female to lie so they don't see anything wrong with it.
Yay...from experience when you move on it gets a little awkward, but after a little bit everything goes back to normal
when you smash, do it real good so it'll be hard for her to get mad at you down the line because your pipe game was so good.
Did somebody say VIRGIN?

Post them pictures, if she's bad and you don't want her. I'm going smack at her early.

Where do y'all live at?

And yes I haz thirst
Personally if she's attractive and offering why not? But if you concerned about it developing into something more right now... i wouldn't
Originally Posted by Regal Black

when you smash, do it real good so it'll be hard for her to get mad at you down the line because your pipe game was so good.


im bout to cross that line soon
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you already know theres a 99% chance you guys won't continue to be friends if you hit and then start talking to other girls...

If she's that cool...I say to fight ya urges and keep it on some friend shhh...
ughh.. i'm so conflicted right now

i think i'll play it by ear for now. we'll keep hanging out and i won't try (that hard) to force theissue... but if she makes a move first i'm obviously not gonna stop her. i'll give her what she wants, thats for sure.
in my lifetime i have smashed bout 5 close female friends...its actually kinda cool, yall still go back to being friends, but sex is sex
go head and beat.

seriously bro, females and friends come and go. Most people dont even have the same friends from back in HS, so why sweat remaining friends with a female thataint been a life long friend.

Life is too short to be livin life questioning every lil decision you make.
Originally Posted by bluedeniro

i can tell some of you dudes underestimate the power of having a dime female friend,
when you single she can put you on grade A poon just by being next to you in the Vicinity
of other women
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

I have 2 guys who I'd never even think about messing with who have been my friends for several years.
They have thought about messing with you.
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