SMH these BET pastor's are a Joke!

Feb 12, 2009
Oh so i just order a "red blooded Jesushandkerchief" and GADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! is gunna work a miracle just for me?

Its a damn shame that people are getting scammed by these "pastors". I'm not knockingreligion by any means but these dudes are just ridiculous
Not one to judge a man of God. But the timing of the show is just pathetic.
How you go from The Deal to a christian infomerical.
BET man I tell ya....
destroying our culture down to the faith...
Out of all the organized televised black pastors they could have choosed they choosed this guy.

God forgive me. But this guy reaks fraud.
You know whats funny. I have never think of a time where I have watched these on tv. I'll watch the public access channels because they show videos ofchurch services. But not these.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Not one to judge a man of God. But the timing of the show is just pathetic.
How you go from The Deal to a christian infomerical.


it used to go from bet uncut to these commercials
Originally Posted by wildout4

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Not one to judge a man of God. But the timing of the show is just pathetic.
How you go from The Deal to a christian infomerical.


it used to go from bet uncut to these commercials
Imaging seeing "what that thang smell like?" byBlack Jesus then comes a spiritual program. BETs timing is the worst
i don't trust those you gonna sell me that lil %+% bottle of water cuz you blessed it? %!!! i look like...thats a reg. bottle with your churchlogo...
Originally Posted by THE FAME

BET man I tell ya....
destroying our culture down to the faith...
Out of all the organized televised black pastors they could have choosed they choosed this guy.

God forgive me. But this guy reaks fraud.

yea I kno.
That cured AIDS vid I posted just had me like
. My friend interns forBET, I'll see if we can take it down from the inside
GrandPopPoplock wrote:
When Kerney turns into a Jet like Dr. Shine , I'll start listening to him . Until then...F him


I know this dude aint just turned into a jet?
Please somebody tell me this dude didnt just turn into a jet?
Like a jet? In front of people?

B.E.T in general is a joke...

Only good thing with B.E.T is Rap city....close to being a network for almost 30 years and they still don't have it right....
Originally Posted by THE FAME

GrandPopPoplock wrote:
When Kerney turns into a Jet like Dr. Shine , I'll start listening to him . Until then...F him


I know this dude aint just turned into a jet?
Please somebody tell me this dude didnt just turn into a jet?
Like a jet? In front of people?


I'm literally crying
Stop hatin' on his hustle, let me get his money from these idiot sheep. If you're dumb enough to believe him you should have your money jacked
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