Snapping Turtle Vs. Mice...*WARNED* GRAPHIC Vol. DAYUM!

Originally Posted by jlab0ch0

Here's a nicer turtle...
the nosie LMFAO!
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

That was so damn cool man.

Didn't know we had so many pansies on NT. Dudes talking about they were sick to their stomachs. Sound like a bunch of old ladies man.

That was so damn cool forreal man.

LOL @ Someone saying, "Call the amberlamce"

@ the pokemon fighting.
Originally Posted by soggymayo

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

That was so damn cool man.

Didn't know we had so many pansies on NT. Dudes talking about they were sick to their stomachs. Sound like a bunch of old ladies man.

That was so damn cool forreal man.

LOL @ Someone saying, "Call the amberlamce"

@ the pokemon fighting.

He needs a thesaurus. Ol repetitive %++
Originally Posted by jeyel

anyone seen the movie man behind the sun? theres a scene where a cat is thrown in to a room of frenzied rats and they just tear it apart. 10x worse than these vids..

and the filmmakers really did it .. no special effects

The skin of the dead boy
Tokka just put a massacre on Splinter and his family.

Amazing how that white mouse was able to swim with literally half a body.
It'd be cool if one day a rat like goes into the water and somehow attacks the turtle's eyes and blinding it, or doing something that kills the turtle... That mouse would be a hero.. An avenger
Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

It'd be cool if one day a rat like goes into the water and somehow attacks the turtle's eyes and blinding it, or doing something that kills the turtle... That mouse would be a hero.. An avenger

some ole david vs. goliath type steez

but the one that got to me was the one with half a body left still trying to get away
Originally Posted by throwback1718

Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

It'd be cool if one day a rat like goes into the water and somehow attacks the turtle's eyes and blinding it, or doing something that kills the turtle... That mouse would be a hero.. An avenger

some ole david vs. goliath type steez

but the one that got to me was the one with half a body left still trying to get away
haha yeah... man that rat had the will to live... Lil dude never gave up until the end
this video just basically had me sayin "YOOOOOOOO

same basic nature $%+% in my opinion. did the dude who posted it need to edit it and make it look crazy epic? prolly not but it was def worth the watch

to you OP
Snapping turtles are no joke man. I didn't read every page, but has anybody linked the Turtle Man bids yet? If not that needs to happen.
Wolf.. Snapping turtle! Incredible! Yes, come forward, attack me if you will... when it is over, you will call me... Master!

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