Snapping Turtle Vs. Mice...*WARNED* GRAPHIC Vol. DAYUM!

Originally Posted by bigsupa

would love to see this fool try n play with one of those turtles...

He did not dare mess with that turtle, the only guy that opened that turtles mouth was Manny, he even got bit.
Snapping turtles are no joke!

I use to have one back when I was in 5th grade, I had to hold it by the tail whenever I had to remove him to clean his tank because its too risky holding him by the shell. These things will serious attack anything that comes close to it. Fed it live garter snakes, bullfrogs, crawfish, goldfish, and cuts of beef. Recently, I have been looking for a baby snapper just to have a childhood pet.

Everything was all good until I came home from school only to see his shell in the pot
Yall dudes are mentally off if anyone makes of gif of what has just been seen (which can not be unseen -___- )
Damn, snapping turtles ain't a joke.

Dude was ripping the mice apart with his claws like nothing.

 @ the musical selection for this video.

And why are y'all so shook up about this video?
The part, later in the video, where he ripped a mouse in half, and the top half was swimming to the top, then getting caught, was nuts

Music made it more brutal.
im sorry but im laughin my %$% off at how these little @!%#@$% are still movin after they've been ripped apart
You know, I'm a vegetarian but I still love animal vs. animal type videos but this %%*% was way too far, just *%+$@*% cruel
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