*sniffle* *snort* *sniffle *snort* *snort* BLOW YOUR DAMN NOSE!!!

Dec 20, 2000
I'm sitting here at work and this dude is just sniffle snorting all over the damn place, it's soooooooo annoying I want to throw my laptop at hishead, and then stomp on his head until I can see the muscle, and white from his skull.

Jesus christ is it that hard to blow your nose?
I mean seriously, thecompany has free tissue, toilet paper, napkins, and paper towels. Oh and I'm not talking the cheap industrial stuff that hurts, this is the soft cha chachar charmain or however you spell this toilet paper is so soft it's seriously out of this world.

Man I'm so annoyed

i do that. allergy pills cant stop the mucus when it turns into that watery style...it just keeps pouring out... imagine full soaked towels and a cut up nose.
I don't know why, but whenever I take tests and it's really quiet, my nose always starts to drip
where you work at

the worst is when your sitting taking a test and theres a couple people around you sniffing and snorting
*and take that #%!% to the bathroom.

I hate when people do that in the same room as me.
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