SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

"I'm ******* proud of you"


She told Leon straight up that she didn’t like his method of turning things around, but she also recognized someone who had more of a future than her own son, who she tried to save, in her own way. He ultimately didn’t want to save himself. Franklin would’ve destroyed anybody who stuck around on that sinking ship
Just rewatched and… yeah. That’s a horrible way to go.

My father’s father died like that. Just became a homeless guy on the street and drank himself to death. I used to see him in the same spot every time I was walking to the corner store. I’d always wonder who was buying him all those beers and bottles of alcohol. Dude didn’t have a job :lol:

Wild part is he’d been like that since before I was born, and he passed when I was about 11. The thought of just withering away in grief and a life not truly lived… it’s like damn… yeah just put a bullet in me. :lol:
I'm glad they kept this realistic. I wasn't in the mood to see Franklin come up and rebuild his empire :lol: My only issue is I was hoping Franklin's biggest moment of defeat would not just be him broke and alone, but that he'd reflect on what his selfishness and ambition cost him, his family, friends, and his community. I was hoping the realization of the destruction he caused would make him see none of it was worth it. Dude is too far gone to even think that way.

I thought the DEA agent was killed by the KGB dude. I was shocked when he turned up looking for Louie

Rueben killed the female DEA agent, the rest of them were knocked out in the car from the crash.

Do y’all think his girl was foul and plotting from the start or left because he was spiraling too crazy and saw where he was going ?

Me and my boys been arguing all morning lol

I think she genuinely loved Franklin, but she also had a plan for her life. A woman like that wasn't going to link with a dude who's just getting by in life. She saw Franklin's desire and ambition to turn legit and she was all for that, especially since he was such a successful drug dealer. That only meant he had the means to be an equally successful business man. She hated it whenever he had to dip back into that world, but if meant it will benefit their overall plan she accepted it. She came around after he robbed Rome and Louie. She was by his side when he slaughtered Teddy's father, and she gave him the idea for the hot oil. All so their plans wouldn't be derailed. It wasn't until Franklin turned his anger on her that she knew it was a dub and there was nothing left. That's when she said, "I'm out and taking what we have left".

I not say they would but if he really this hustler go get it back. Kid over here telling anyone that will listen he built the **** brick by brick.At some point you gotta tighten, boy been crying for like a month. At point you have to charge it to the game. The fact he at any point thought he was going to walk away with that type of money was naive.

Veronique took that 800k and did what he should’ve did to begin with instead of chasing some Ms that weren’t coming back.

I don't know how realistic it would be for him to start over like that, especially knowing what comes with it. He has no crew, no family, no soldiers, nada. The game is too deadly for him to get back into it starting at the bottom. He really needed to let go of that real estate like V was trying to do and at least be able to live a comfortable life, and rebuild from that. He could've had his girl and his child :smh:
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Damson went full Denzel in the finale :lol:

Great, great show. Everything about those prison visits with Cissy were shot so well. The contrast in the reflections of Leon and Franklin when overlaid with Cissy, the dialogue.

A little surprising he didn’t have one secret duffle bag buried somewhere with enough to at least live humbly? Or maybe he blew it all trying to get everything back. He grew to be extremely arrogant after all.
Just rewatched and… yeah. That’s a horrible way to go.

My father’s father died like that. Just became a homeless guy on the street and drank himself to death. I used to see him in the same spot every time I was walking to the corner store. I’d always wonder who was buying him all those beers and bottles of alcohol. Dude didn’t have a job :lol:

Wild part is he’d been like that since before I was born, and he passed when I was about 11. The thought of just withering away in grief and a life not truly lived… it’s like damn… yeah just put a bullet in me. :lol:
Yeah it's wild how many don't recover. Then how many do recover and still stay away from family because they were so embarassed. Had a homegirl with double abandonment issues, first from when her pops let the drugs and streets take him, then when he recovered and came back around, he would never say a word to her. Just no communication and **** at family parties.
Damson went full Denzel in the finale :lol:

Great, great show. Everything about those prison visits with Cissy were shot so well. The contrast in the reflections of Leon and Franklin when overlaid with Cissy, the dialogue.

A little surprising he didn’t have one secret duffle bag buried somewhere with enough to at least live humbly? Or maybe he blew it all trying to get everything back. He grew to be extremely arrogant after all.
He ain’t catch all those bodies and risk his life a million times to live humbly :lol: He had all sorts of grandiose plans with that 70. That’s an insane L to take. There’s definitely some ego/pride in there too, pushed him over the edge.
It’s just crazy to see the reaction to this conclusion from various walks of life. Some people can only view it from a 2020’s lense. In real time, none of these characters realized how small time they really were in the big picture until it all came crashing down on them. They had no frame of reference to show them how the game ultimately ends for a lot of people in their environment. They were the first ones, the lab rats. No guidance. You’re so invested in Frank’s world through his POV since he was a bright young boy, that’s it’s jarring to finally see who he really was all along, at his absolute worst. People really thought they could just walk away with millions, and not be held accountable for what they did to get it.
Yea after Teddy took the bread Franklin completely lost it…He was insane moving like a maniac, yo wasn’t having anything normal or rational :lol: :smh:

And like yall said his Moms helped push him offer the edge at every step after that too, woulda been better if she just wasn’t around at all if she wasn’t gon help
Teddy should've killed Cissy back in Cuba. Cuz that's pretty much the one thing Franklin wouldn't have done if he was pushed.

I would like to think I would bounce back and get on my grind if I was in Franklin's shoes but I see how the multiple betrayals and bad breaks ended up breaking him.
His mom helped him see firsthand how his choices poisoned any and everything around him, and it wasn’t just a bad LSD trip. He had no kind of remorse, and just gave up on life altogether.
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