So a huge weiner comes on campus... [PICS]

That's the most pleasant looking weiner I've ever seen and its on wheels
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

you guys are posting pics of some very tiny wieners compared to the OP. I wanna see more big ones.

funny, on their official site they say they're in wisconsin. could there be... *gasp* 2 weinermobiles?!
That's what she said..

That's what she said..

That's what she said..

That's what she said..

That's what she said..

That's what she said..

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

you guys are posting pics of some very tiny wieners compared to the OP. I wanna see more big ones.

funny, on their official site they say they're in wisconsin. could there be... *gasp* 2 weinermobiles?!
Hope they don't collide.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

wow that wiener is bigger than mine
Ive seen plenty of wieners, but that is definately the biggest one ever.

please...a Viena sausage is prolly bigger than yours..haha
True story when I was a kid I use to dream about finding the Oscar Meyer wiener whistle
and whistling it and that drove up and passed out free food for everybody!
Reminds me of that one Dumb and Dumber movie where dude was on the shopping cart and they were eating hotdogs off of one of these things. lulz.
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