So are F's D's C's really bad in college?

I think F and D's are pretty bad. One C maybe forgivable... well at least for what I'm trying to do and that's make it to med school.
Originally Posted by Dat Exclusive Cat

if you get an f, your gpa will be crap no matter what you get in your other classes. there are gpa calculators online and you can do it yourself and see.
yea, plus if you get an's an F dude, you don't get credit for the class, so you'd have to take it over anyway, which is why youmight as well drop the class if you are about to get an F. D's will mess with your GPA as well. I've gotten some C's in my now 3rd year. MostlyB's.
Most schools have grade forgiveness so you can retake it and either get the better grade, or the avg of the two grades.

But yeah, for later reference, at the withdraw period if you're not gonna get at least a C, go ahead and withdraw. The W is better than a F all day.

I didn't know to do that so now my GPA will pretty much be crap forever. Oh well, when I graduate, resume will strictly have the major GPA on it
I'm not sure GPA matters, unless you're going to grad school. Most of my friends in the business world said it was irrelevant, that they were onlyasked which school they went to.
Even if your GPA doesn't matter, a F or a D is pretty damn bad, especially since most classes are curved, and class average is around a B-....
I've never done this before, but...

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

I mean are they like really bad.(?) Like if you cop and F just forget about it? (WHAT?)

I know it's wasted money but things happen

Well can't you make it up or something? Or it's (is it, not it is) engraved in stone?

Yes a D (F) is eminent
that wasn't all either >.<
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

I got more D's than Rich Boy first single. Some of you guys are trying to hard in life.
H Town's Interview...

Employer: So I see you're GPA was 1.00
H Town: Word, I was just tryin to be like my idol Rich Boy, throwin D's all over that page.
Employer: How did you get past security, you're wearing a tall tee...
Originally Posted by silentxnight

I've never done this before, but...

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

I mean are they like really bad.(?) Like if you cop and F just forget about it? (WHAT?)

I know it's wasted money but things happen

Well can't you make it up or something? Or it's (is it, not it is) engraved in stone?

Yes a D (F) is eminent
that wasn't all either >.<
Go ahead fix everything....... everything
Depends. Yes, if you're trying to go on any sort of grad program/law/med school. Remember, for a lot of schools a B is only a 3.0. Thanks not evencompetitive if you're trying to go on to further education. Throw Cs, Ds, and Fs, in the mix you'll need ALOT of A's to come back up.

Example: If you get 2 A's (4.0), 2 B's (3.0), and 1 D (1.0) that averages out to a 3 gpa. I would say two A's and two B's by themselves arepretty good, 3.5. But that D drags you down so much, all the wayto a 3
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Have you seen the job market lately? Unless you have a lot of internships or you know people in the company you're applying better notw have any D's on your transcript.

A few Cs are acceptable, depending on your major and school ranking, but Ds and Fs.....hell no.

Hell, at a lot of schools Ds and sometimes Cs = no credit earned in major related classes.
not necessarily true. some companies don't really be all up in your transcripts like that. some of em only ask for it to make sure you evengraduated. some wont even heckle you if you forget it or somethin. I knew an engineer that worked with a big engineering company and he lied about his GPAand they asked for his transcript, but he just said "ok, ill bring it next time, my bad" (i wouldnt advise this tho. ha) but yea most copmanies justcare bout the overall GPA. and there is always a way to work the system, you just need to learn EARLY. There are definitely GPA padding classes you cantake...5hour spanish FTW. Might have to come out a bit more money (sometimes not even considering grants/schollys are FTFMW) but its worth it in the long run. regardless what anybody tells you, your GPA MATTERS. there are some odd cases, but F all that...when it comes to big companies you dont even have to say aword and your GPA will determine your future. You can be in a position where you don't even have to sell yourself based on having a good GPA and on theflip side, you can talk a very good game and sell yourself and all of it will sound like "blah blah blah blah" based on having a bad GPA. ishh isall a game, and you have to play the game

now if we are talking about graduate school on the other hand, they do the all out background check, so you better either not have any or be able to give athorough explanation that can be cross referenced to make them believe you
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

When were F's and D's good ANYWHERE?!
Never said "good"

Said "REALLY BAD" Like irreversible type stuff that haunts you until you die a slow death while being burned alive bad
If you're going to school to get D's and F's then what is the point of going to school?

You're paying for it and some classes you might have to retake.
Depends, if you are trying to get into professional school, ie medical, law or a Bachelors program. Yes. But if you are already in one you just have to stayabove the water.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

I got more D's than Rich Boy first single. Some of you guys are trying to hard in life.
H Town's Interview...

Employer: So I see you're GPA was 1.00
H Town: Word, I was just tryin to be like my idol Rich Boy, throwin D's all over that page.
Employer: How did you get past security, you're wearing a tall tee...

I just spit on my computer screen
You wouldn't know it from this thread since most NTer's are Rhodes Scholars
but on average the average college sutdent graduates with a C average. Ofcourse most should achieve for a B or A but having a C average isn'tthe most detrimental thing in college.

Getting F's & D's is utterly moronic especially if your paying through school using student loans, your basically wasting your money. I got 1 F inmy college years and that F's[no pun intended] your GPA up for a good semester.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by notoriusWES

Not if you're learning.
Missed the joke
It's just sarcasm. There is another thread about some guy who was mad cause a girl said she only cared about her grades and not learning.
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