So GameStop pulled a fast move on me

Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

Originally Posted by superbness

So i went to Game stop today and explained what happen. At first I don't think they believed me. I showed them my receipt..

Check, dude checks the inventory,. It said 1 game in stock. So he looked puzzled. I said whats wrong? He said well its showing 1 game in stock and we have that game behind the counter. So I asked well checked the racks to see if the game case is on the racks because your inventory might be screwed up. He said your right. The box was not on the rack. So he still was puzzled. So I then said well cant you just check the camera. LOL He said your right again. he asked if I had some time to wait and I said plenty. So he goes into back office comes out 3 minutes later and says here you go , I trust you, u can just take it..LOL So I guess either he believed me or he checked the camera and saw i didnt get it. I dont think he really checked the camera because he came back out within 2 minutes.
time for me to bring in an empty COD4 case

and then people wonder why the hell gamestop/companies don't trust anybody.
Originally Posted by rocksfan25

Word, just got home from the bar and they tried to charge me $10.50 for a Jack and Coke and a beer. That *%%+ was on special, there's no way that came out to $10.50. People take advantage of anything they can t pull a fast one. Just got NBA 2k9 new for $15 by the way, they need to improve the game.

wow that's cheap. here it's usually 10.50 for the jack and coke alone and 6-7 for the beer.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Gamestop is bad business.
How am I going to buy garbage !$$ street fighter for $60 and you gonna turn it around and buy it back
for $25, but sell it for $55?

You really don't like Street Fighter 4
They should have it in their system how many they have.

Something like this happened to me before, but instead of no game it was the wrong game. Didn't notice till I got all the way home. And I just happened tobuy the game when I was completely on the other side of town. Had to go back and get the right game that night (it was for my kids, and they HAD to have itthat night). Now, whenever I go there I double check before I walk out of the store.
i have a hard time buying from gamestop, too many times have i taken home a game and it not work
Originally Posted by young718chris

So you telling me the NBA 2K9 case didn't feel slightly light to you?
and you're telling me you can tell the difference between a case with a disc and one without?
I bought a brand new sealed copy of gears of war from target and when I got home and opened it, no disc inside..I took it back to target the next day and theygave me another one no questions asked...
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--I used to work for them. Each used game should have a unique sku number. The 2K9 with your sku number is below the price on the box and should match up with the one still behind the counter.

the %#$! are you talkin about

all the 2k9s will have the same sku
happened to me once you'll be straight...i didn't have my receipt, but they had it in there computer so it was all good
Man u really might have to take the L if the gamestop dude from tonight aint there
im sure there are cameras there have em go over the tape and if your story is true there should be footage of the gamestop employee not putting a disc in thecase and boom you should be able to get your game with no problem
Originally Posted by seniosoul

you got played... game stop employees play 2k9 while you played killzone

i dont kno whats funnier ur avy or ur reply ......
Originally Posted by SKRIBZZRC

you cant prove anything lol..... if it works.... im gonna buy a game... try to say there was no disc inside.... and get a free copy. haha.
why would you want two copies of a game you already have?
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